District III Council Conference Call
January 7, 2005, 9:00 am
Members Present: Kent Atkins, Katie Walsh, Sue Raedeke, Leah Washington-Lofgren, Charlie Rozanski, Tim Laurent, Thad Moore, Mark White, Rod Walters
Charlie Rozanski provided a summary of BOD Meeting in December:
- May 12, 2005“Storm the Hill Day” in Washington, DC held in conjunction with the BOD meeting.
- May 13-14 BOD Meeting in Washington DC…exact location TBA
- Government PAC established earlier by the BOD is working well, individual contributions only are accepted. Contributions by State and District organizations are not allowed. President Kimmel was the first individual to contribute. Additional individual contributions are encouraged.
- The BOD is recommending a $15 increase for certified members of the NATA; this proposal will be voted on by the membership at district meeting in Virginia Beach. Current dues are $135 this would increase the annual dues for certified members to $150. Discounts for registering on-line are available. No increase for students is proposed at this time.
- District III received 33,600 in money from NATA second highest district distribution. District III is fourth in membership.
- Mission Statement was approved by board to read:The mission of the NATA is to enhance the quality of health care provided by certified athletic trainers and to advance the profession of athletic training. This proposal requires approval of the membership at the district meeting.
- Logo issue was discussed by board. Three separate logos for use in the public domain were established.
- NATA has established a national legal council. This group will be used to provide legal assistanceto enhance the profession of athletic training.
- Posture of NATA in legal environment is changing to be more aggressive to preserve and enhance our ability to practice in the health care arena.
- A proposal to provide registration and one night at the district meeting for those individuals who represent the district on NATA committees was put forth by the district director. Funding for this initiative will come from income generated by distributions from the NATA career center. Discussion followed. A concern about the number of committees and the potential financial outlays was brought up. The motion was tabled pending information on numbers and finances.
- Charlie recognized Sue Raedeke for her efforts in providing the NATA news with items of interest regarding district III. There has been more information about the district presented in the “News”.
Katie Walsh JRC-AT Report
- Degree in athletic training issue was discussed with feedback from membership. Katie indicated that the number of comments from the membership was very good. A degree in athletic training is a likely outcome from an education perspective
- District meeting…calls for proposals for presentations at the district meeting will be placed on the web site.
Martin Baker
- Asked state presidents to review district web site for content and accuracy.
- Maryland and Virginia have outdated newsletters
- Asked state presidents to submit content for MAATA Spring newsletter by Feb 1
Dates of MAATA District Meeting were reviewed. The meeting will be Held on May 20-22, 2005. District Council meeting will be held at 2:00 pm on Saturday. Location TBA. Katie Walsh will set aside a room for this meeting.
The next Conference Call will be Friday March 4 at 9:00 am
Dates of MAATA District Meeting were reviewed. The meeting will be Held on May 20-22, 2005 in Virginia Beach. District Council meeting will be held at 2:00 pm on Saturday. Katie Walsh will set aside a room for this meeting.
Call ended at 9:40 am