Minutes for

Patient Participation Group Meeting Tuesday 11th March

Attending: Donna Aydon (Practice Manager), Angela MacKenzie (Medical Secretary), Nicola Patterson (Practice Nurse Manager), Sarah Richardson (Trainee Receptionist), Karen Parkinson (GP), Alison Richardson (GP), HS (Patient), VK (Patient), WL (Patient), EM (Patient), MT (Patient), GS (Patient)
Previous Minutes
Please see updated action plan
1. / Questionnaire Results – Results of recent patient survey were discussed. All very happy with the outcome and are reassured by mix of male/female patients and the willingness of all to see any GP. Patients who are part of the PPG group were very happy with this and the teamwork and closeness of all was mentioned and praised. Future patientsquestionnaires may be taken over by a token system to prevent further form filling by patients in the future.
2. / Half Day Closing – Following a recent complaint about closures for training it was explained the reason behind this and why the need for the whole team to attend training. DA presented a list of training which has been covered over the last 12 months. Child protection, Safeguarding and Critical Incident Reviews are just a few of the topics covered. All closures are well advertised and will continue to be.
3. / IGT Audit – This was linked in to our ‘Year of Care’ which the nurses have worked very hard on this initiative. Nicola Patterson explained how we have picked up 150 new patients with IGT (a reversible condition with diet and exercise if caught on time) which can lead to diabetes. The traffic light system was explained and discussed.
DA informed the meeting that the practice had been chosen to be interviewed regarding our “year of Care” which we use for all our diabetic patients.Our Nurse Manager and a patient were interviewed for the article, which is being published on the 2 April 2014 in the Nursing Standard.
4. / Action Plan–2013/14 plan discussed, meeting given an update by DA. Discussed and agreed on new action plan 2014/15 (see separate sheet).
5. / Future of the Group - It has been a very hard process trying to recruit patients to our patient participation group over the years. Requesting feedback has not been successful. DA therefore contacted all the patients on the Group requesting confirmation that they still wanted to be involved. 7 patients no longer wished to be part of the group. It was agreed by the members in attendance therefore that as long as there are 5 or more members willing to attend, future meetings will go ahead. Correspondence will continue via emails/letters and members present agreed to provide feedback.
AOB / Opt in/out – A new government initiative to access patient records and forward certain information to other bodies was discussed. The surgery provides opt out forms to all patients who do not want to be a part of it. (Currently the initiative has been put on hold until September).
New Building – Members present during meeting were very happy with new premises and had a guided tour.