Name: Ethan Linkous / Subject: Civics / Grade: 8th / Date: 1/26/15
Virginia SOL: CE.3a, CE.3b, CE.3c, CE.3d and CE.3e / Start time: 10:00am / Stop time: 11:30am
Lesson Title: Citizenship: Rights, Responsibilities, and Duties
Objectives (What do you want students to know, do, or feel as a result of your instruction?)
1. / TSW will cooperate with other students to express and understanding of citizen’s rights.
2. / TSW will cooperate with other students to express and understanding of citizen’s responsibilities.
3. / TSW will cooperate with other students to express and understanding of citizen’s duties.
Critical vocabulary: / Rights / Naturalization / Civics / Rule of Law
Republic / Consent of the Governed / Democracy / Migration
Materials/resources: / PowerPoint, Study Guide,Whiteboards and Markers
Pre-assessment: (How will you know if your students already know what you are teaching?)
This activity is meant to be a review before the test. Students should already be familiar with the material that is presented in class.
Intro (how do you capture their attention and get them interested?):
I will show the students a ten minute clip that discusses student news. (CNN Student News)
Body (what comes after your interesting intro?)
We will review all of the test material with a PowerPoint based Jeopardy review. Each student will work in small groups and try to correctly answer the questions. A correct answer will earn the team a certain number of points (it depends on the question). The team with the most points at the end of the class will receive a prize of one jolly rancher per person.
Closure (purposeful summary-help them remember today or anticipate tomorrow):
I will have the students write an exit slip that asks them if they liked the activity and what could be done to improve the activity.
Study for the test.
Assessment: (How will you assess if they have mastered your objectives? Be specific.)
I will know if all three objectives were mastered if the students do well on their tests tomorrow.
Are you differentiating the lesson according to the parameters in grey? Explain below.
learning profile
For cooperative learning explain how you have insured:
positive interdependence-
individual accountability-
group processing-
social skills-
face-to-face interaction-

Reflections (So, how did it go? What will you change to make it better? Do it now or you’ll forget!)

I believe that this lesson went quite well. I implemented this lesson for all three classes and as I went I realized that the biggest difficulty that I had was trying to figure out student groupings. I have only been teaching this group of students for a few weeks so I’m still getting to know who can work with who.