
We dedicate this book to the Holy Spirit Who we believe has been teaching us to pray for the past several years, and is still teaching us on a daily basis about prayer.The purpose of this Prayer book is to help others learn to pray God’s Word and His will.

This book is not intended to take the place of being in God’s Holy Word, the Bible, nor is it to keep you from your personal time with the Lord.

Please pray for each of us: Dick Broadbent, Sandra Broadbent, Jim Stone, Millie Rheinsmith, Peggy Spotts, Daniel Hardigree, and the staff of Christian Word Ministries. We have enclosed a prayer in this book (page 4) and ask you to pray this prayer over Christian Word Ministries, it’s staff, and all it’s prayer partners on a daily basis. You will notice as you are praying this prayer for us, we and our prayer partners, and our staff arepraying for you. May God Bless you for being our prayer partner!

You will also find in this book, a child’s prayer (page 4).Feel free to make as many copies of this prayer as you wish and give them to as many children as you can. If you would like children’s prayer cards call our order line.

“Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like unto it. Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.” Matthew 22:37-39

Christian Word Ministries

428 Southland Dr. Order Lines: 859.219.9082

Lexington, KY 40503 859.260.1488

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Edition 9


Dedication i

Table of Contentsii

Are You Sure?You Can Know For Sure! vii

Working Out Your Salvation in Fear and Tremblingxxxviii


Why Pray xxxix

The Lord’s Principle of Prayerxxxix

Difference Between John 14:14 & John 16:23xlv

Hindrances Can Block You From Receiving Your Deliverancexlvi

Biblical Grounds for Sickness, Disease, Demons, etc.xlvi

Prayer Makes the Differencexlvii

Dangers of Un-forgivenessxlvii

Entering the Presence of God (The Holy of Holies)xlix


Forgiveness of Sin Prayer1

Apostolic Prayer2

Daily Warfare Prayer For Christian Word Ministries3

Repentance For A Wrong Attitude4

Forgiveness of Others Prayer4

Let the Glory of the Lord Arise4

Daily Prayer For A Child4

Prayer For Youth and Teenagers To Pray5


Prayer Breaking Curses 7

Blessing Prayer9

Prayers Binding and Loosing Demonic Spirits10

Applying the Blood of Jesus Prayer11

Filled with the Holy Spirit Prayer12

Binding the Enemies Eyes and Ears Prayer12

Armor of God Prayer13

Angels For Protection Prayer13

Thank You For Your Promise Prayer13

Psalm 91 Protection Prayer 14

Prayer Against Demons That Follow16

Prayer to Destroy Unrighteous Agreements16

Declaration for the Coming Storm (by John Kilpatrick)16

Blessing to Pray Over Others (by John Kilpatrick)17

Deuteronomy 28 Blessing Prayer18

Numbers 6:23-26 Blessing Prayer18

Daily Commitment of Your Will in Life to the Lord18

Whose Waters Faileth Not and Your Presence With Me19

Prayer for Mind Cleansing and Clarity19

Spiritual Doors Prayer20

Resentment and Bitterness Prayer20

Lord Help Me Prayer21

1 Thessalonians 5:23-24 Prayer23

Isaiah 40:31 Prayer24

Ephesians 1:17-23 Prayer24

Ephesians 3:16-21 Prayer25

Luke 21:36 Prayer26

Traveling Mercies Prayer26

Psalms Warfare Prayers26

Psalms 21 Prayer26

Psalms 31 Prayer27

Psalms 32 Prayer27

Psalms 35 Prayer29

Psalms 41 Prayer(Prayer for Those Who Remember and Bless the Poor)29

Psalms 51 Prayer30

Psalms 61 Prayer31

Psalms 64 Prayer31

Psalms 67 Prayer32

Psalms 91 Protection Prayer14

Psalms 103 Prayer32

Psalms 105 Touching God’s Anointed (Samuel 26:10)33

Psalms 107:20 Prayer33

Jabez Prayer33

Bind My Mind to the Will of God34

Romans 12 Prayer34

Sin List35

Demon List38


Learning to Know His Voice40

Hearing God’s Voice Prayer41

Testing the Spirits41

Remove Any Deception41

Confirmation By Two or Three Witnesses41

Praying God’s Promise’s For the Tither42

Prayer For Judges43

Pastor’s Prayer45

Hospital Prayer47

Prayer For Inmates49

Law Enforcement, Emergency Medical, Firemen, & Postal51

Prayer For A Person Grieving Over The Loss of A Loved One52

Comprehensive Daily Prayer52

Disabling Strongmen Prayer65

Spiritual Warfare Prayer85

Hedge of Protection88

Communion Prayer93

Destroying Generational Curses94

Bondage Breaking Prayer94

Shattering Strongholds on Self98

Shattering Strongholds on Others99

Sleep Prayer I100

Sleep Prayer II101

Night Forgiveness Prayer102

Bedroom Blessing104

Physical Healing Paragraph104

Praying Against the Root Cause, Not the Symptom105

Putting the Word of God Into Action106

John 15: 7 & 8 Prayer106

Physical Healing Prayer I107

Physical Healing Prayer II109

Physical Healing Prayer III111

Victory In Jesus112

Healing Scriptures List112

Prayer for God to Empower Medication, etc. and

Removing Adverse Side Effects of Medications etc.114

Why Pray For Forgiveness and Repentance (Why Forgive?)115

Repentance Prayer by Dr. Joe Wright116

Forgiveness Prayer I 117

Forgiveness Prayer II117

Salvation Prayer117

Baptism of the Holy Spirit118

Asking for Wisdom119

Prayer for Wisdom119

Prayer for Israel120

Prayer for America121

Prayer for World Leaders122

Prayer for the Lost123

Abiding In His Love Prayer123

Job 22:27-28 Prayer124

Prayer Cleansing Home124

Cancellation of Witchcraft or Prayers of Manipulation125

Power of Your Spoken Word126

Breaking Word Curses Spoken Over Yourself and Others126

Prayer for Children in School127

Keep Us from Harm Prayer127

I Receive Forgiveness and Cleansing For My Sins128

Casting Out Evil Spirits128

Blood of Jesus Covering129

Render the Enemy Harmless & Unable to Come Back129

Loosing Angels For Protection129


Prayer for Finances131

Financial Success132

Releasing Guilt Prayer133

Freedom Prayer134

Praise the Lord134

Letting Go of Resentment & Bitterness Prayer135

Child with ADD/ADHD Prayer 136

Difference Between John 14:14 & John 16:23136

Cleaning Out a Room, Church, Building, etc.137

Deliverance Prayer137

Prayers For Spirit, Soul, and Body141

Your Divine Purpose143

Importance of Affirmations143

Affirmations I144

Affirmations II146

Affirmation Prayer Over Our Children/Grandchildren146

I Am in Christ (Affirmations)148

Names of God152

The Word of God (Reference by Scripture)157

The Word of God Concerning Overcoming Sin159

Believer’s Scriptural Authority Against Demonic Spirits 163

Word of Provision Prayer169

Prayer of Impartation171

Priestly Blessing171

Prayer of Worship173

Destroying Curses (Affirmations)174

Shutting Demonic Avenues and Doors175

Prayer of Acknowledgement, Submission, and Position176

Come Lord Jesus Christ Prayer177

Evil Spirits That Follow177

Stop Evil Spirits Transferring, Influencing, and Manifesting177

Binding Demonic Spirits From Answering Wrong Prayers177

Call On ME178

Parent’s Prayer For a Loved One That is a Teenager178

Prayer For Our President179

Prayer ofDeliverance From Addiction For the Believer181

Humbling Yourself Before the Lord Prayer181

Prayer For Our Missionaries182

Members of the Armed Forces183

Knowing God’s Plan for You Regarding Marriage184

Peace for a Troubled Marriage Prayer185

Restoration of Marriages185

Pray Before You Pray186

Prayer to Hear Only His Voice188

In a Pinch Prayer (When Things are Flying Around You!)188

Whatever We BindOn Earth and Loose in Heaven189

Lord to Open the Gates 189

Prayer to Stop Deception190

Prayer to Help Against Anger191

Angelic Protection Prayer191

Children’s Dedication191

Anna and Ashley’s Prayer Of Deliverance 192

Wrong Prayers (When Others Pray “their” Will Upon You.) 192

Destroying Attacks Against Our Human Body197

TopicalINDEX 198

Are You Sure? You Can Know For Sure!

“I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb…” “Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore with loving-kindness have I drawn you.” (Jeremiah 1:5, 31:3)


You shall know the Truth and the Truth shall set you free. We need to stand free and to know what true freedom is. Life is full of many choices and there is a sure path (Jeremiah 6:16) we can take. We all have to make decisions in various areas of life on a daily basis. Unfortunately there are those things in this life that “appear as one thing” when they are actually something totally different. The truth about something can determine whether we make the right choices in this life. Truth is not something that is relative to just one situation and then changes to fit another situation. Truth is constant, never changing. Having a working knowledge of what Truth really is and how to walk in the Truth will help you to make the right decisions in your life.

“Multitudes , multitudes in the valley of decision!”, Joel 3:14 NKJV

As you go through this life you will need to recognize the Truth in order to see clearly so you understand what is truly happening and why. In turn this will help us to understand and reason clearly. We need to be sure of the path (course) we are on and realize that there is only one way meant for us.

Are the Decisions we Make that Important?

Absolutely, the course you’re on, the decisions you select will lead you somewhere eventually. There used to be a saying that all roads (paths) lead to Rome. This is not true! All roads do not lead to Rome. Some roads are dead ends. Other roads or paths in this life seem to be right but end up a waste of time. Some roads in this life lead people down paths (Jeremiah 18:15) they may wish they had never taken (regret, sorrow, even death). The stark reality is that we go through “this” life only once.That is a vital statement.We all want the best for our lives and others. Most people go through life trying to stay up with theirperception of “life” and trying to get it right along with the flow (ways) of humanity and its challenges. Sometimes our decisions can tend to weigh us down even when they are not all that serious. That is not to say that some


The Right Plan (Course) for Your Life and How to Find It, Get to It, and Live “In” It

Like a car going down the road, we don’t want to end up in a ditch or as with boats, shipwrecked! That is what this message is about, finding and staying “in” that sure path for your life. Wouldn’t it be sad to be thinking that things are really going well and believing things are okay when actually you could be headed straight for trouble or in it and not realize it?

From Here to There

It is important to start out on the right path. Then it is important to stayon the right path. Finally it is important to end up at the correct and final destination point. (2 Tim 4:7) Let’s say you start in a straight line, your destination is miles up ahead and you get off just one degree then you will end up quite a ways from your intended destination and most likely not finish the course.

How I came into the Right Path and How I “Know” It!

You might say at this point, “How do you know this?” A change so pervasive and strong came into my life when I was about five and a half years old. I experienced something so life enriching and powerful that I have to share and help others know that Truth. Since then, I have walked in the Truth, experienced Truth and found out that Truth is a Person. He is very real! He desires us to have a loving, and caring relationship with Him. Truth has a Name, His Name is Jesus. It is in a relationship with God’s Son, Jesus Christ, that we experience and learn about Him. He is committed in His love and faithfulness toward us. Literally and figuratively speaking, it is God Who places and keeps our feet on His path in life. He is the One Who designed and created your life, He knows all of the situations and circumstances you will ever encounter. He has a plan on how to deal with each situation or circumstance that arises. He is in control of His creation. When you meet up with Him, then you are on the correct path! (Psalms 119:35, 119:105, and Proverbs 2:9) He desires to bless you, enrich you, causing you to prosper in all areas of the life He has designed for you. He desires to help you, and encourage you. Those who find Him and enter in with Him will never be sorry.

Awakening to Truth (God is the Truth)

There is only one True Truth. Even God’s Word to us declares that God is Light and in Him is no darkness (deception or lies). When a person has the Truth opened up to them; then they can say the Truth has been revealed. True revelation can only come through those who have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. The Truth will not only reveal new aspects about God but He will also open up new insights, wisdom, and revelations about life, self, and others around you and the way you perceive. Things will change because the touch of the Creator changes all who choose Him. This will happen because you are being transformed into His likeness.

Why does this Occur?

We were originally made in His likeness, and in the likeness of His Precious Son, Jesus the Christ. We are of His design and He knows what is best for each of us. Notice I said He knows what is best for each of us. Usually we think we know what is best for us (this is called pride). When we think that way then we get in trouble! That is why the human race is so far away in their relationship with God, instead of knowing God, they are seeking “paths to enlightenment” but leaving God their Creator out of their thinking (their life), being blind themselves but think they truly see. They are those who continue stumbling down a mental path of self deception. We think we have to do things “our way” because we think we know best. In all actuality we simply need to come to God for all our needs. We need God all the time! It is God’s persistent love for us and mercy that helps us endure the hardships of this life.

The help or revelation God gives us is to see and understand what is also missing in our lives or where we fall short. We are then able to realize “the condition that our condition is in!” This revelation from our Heavenly Father is not given to us to condemn us or beat us but as a loving Father He helps us see our need, where we fall short and need His help, which without, we would never be able to make it! Our true need is to come to Him and embrace Him and all He has for us, Him and Life Eternal through His Son, Jesus Christ. Our Heavenly Father dearly loves us! Yes, He loves and cares for you! Even when we were in darkness (ignorance) and opposed to Him, He loved us and gave His life for us! That my friend is True Love!

We Are Not So Perfect After All

Revelation will always affect our realization. Most people perceive everything going on in their life as good, good enough, close enough, near perfect, or perfect. Either way it is common for most people to settle for what seems to work well or is comfortable. Being comfortable or being at ease can be a major deception. Falling short of a mature or complete outcome by thinking you are “close enough to what it should be” is essentially saying “Well that’s good enough for me” or “that’s the way it should be.” Our perception about the way life is going can be a lie that we readily accept. For example, “Everything seems to be flowing smoothly so why upset things by changing it now!” Most people think that if life is going good it has to be a “God thing!” Wrong!

How An Enemy of Our Soul Is Allowed to Creep In

Many people believe there is a God and for them that is “good enough.” No, it is not enough! To just believe there is a God does not insure anything except that God “is” or “was” in their thinking somewhere, somehow, at sometime and I will deal with Him later when I have the time, things are okay, “I’m okay”, or “I am too busy for this stuff now.”

Friend, I have lived long enough to see people make that mistake. Things can so easily drive you away from God and His Truth: distractions, accidents, weddings, and even a death of a loved one. You don’t know the day, the hour, minute or second your life can be taken from you! The Truth is God’s Word tells us there is more to just believing that God “is”. God tells us in His Word, “Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.” (James 2:19) When all is said and done, these devils, or fallen angels, deceiving and lying spirits sent out to deceive mankind by God’s enemy satan, are notgoing to be in Heaven with God, they will be in a place set aside for them by God and this is not a good place to be!

The Spiritual Realm is Real

The spiritual realm is a real unseen existence, alive and active. There is a war going on of satan, and his demonic spirits (evil), against God, and His angels, and praying saints (good). This war is for the possession of your soul (mind, will, and emotions) and to dominate the unredeemed spirit of that person. There are many lies out there. Let me give you insight how these work to draw you away from God and the relationship He desires to have with you, and His plan for your life in Him.