a/k/a St. Michael the Archangel Greek Orthodox Church
4705 W. Gulf-to-Lake Hwy, Lecanto, Florida 34461
A duly noticed meeting of the Parish Council was held on DecemberNovember 15April 11September 11thth, 2 2004th, 20040056
Parish Priest and Officers / Present / Absent / Council Members / Present / AbsentSamarasVernikos, Nicholas Ioannis Fr., Priest / XXX / Churpita, Dimitri (John)Aucoin, Dorothea / XX / XX
Mavros, George S.; President / X / Dalmanieras, Alex / XX
Kanaris, George R.; Vice-President / X / XX / Lazar, John / XXX / X
ParkerBinikos-Brom, Athena, Secretary / X / X / Lovelace, Richard / XX / X
Ponticos, Stephan A.; Treasurer / XXX / X / Marcuri, Drosos;Vassiliou, Dimitrios / XX
Minnelli, Diane / XX / XX / Nestor, DanCologna, John / XX
Sylvia Lovelace
John Cologna, Drosos MarcuriDonna SlusserD. Kanarisla, John Stavros, Dimitra Vassiliou, Garfield Aucoin, A. Mirialaklis, Ralph & Maryanne Dorsi; Sylvia Lovelace, Mike Trimis
Demetri Vassilou
Jack & Nancy JarnasGeri Zysopoulos
The Parish Council meeting was not called to order due to the absence of Council Membersat 6:0400 pm with an opening prayer. Followed by a brief We had a presentation by K. Hoyt of the Welcome the President, Dr. George Mavros, at 6:00 p.m.
Summary of MeetingSUMMARY OF MEETING
A. RE-OCCURRING BUSINESSReading and approval of last meeting’s minutes:
ApprovalReview of Minutes: : Minutes of the previous meeting were approvedreviewed with no correctionsMinutes aApproved from Mmarch 14thAugust on a motion by Diane MinnelliR. Lovelace and 2nd by Doey AucoinA. Dalmanierais.
Treasurer’s report: Approved. on a motion by Dan Nestor and second by Russ Marcuri.
Approval of Treasurer’s Report: The treasurers’ report was reviewed and approved on a motion by Russ Marcuri and second by Alex Dalmanieras.
B. Standing ReportsPresident’s report:
Dalmanieras that all existing officers be re-elected to the same positionsNo objections were raised. Motion passed unanimously. Officers are:
George Mavros, President
George Kanaris, Vice-President
Athena Binikos-Brom, Secretary
Stephan Ponticos, Treasurer
· Through out
1. Priest’s Report:
– Father advised that working from the Church location a couple days a week is working well for him. He also advised that he is continuing to work on completing the Fund Raising Brochure and other related material.
Father requested to look for a Volunteer that may be able to assist him with record keeping and filing
within the church office.
Nancy Cologna has expressed interest to be reinstated as the Sunday School CoordinatorFatherFather is in the office during the week with flexible hours. Anyone can call anytime.
Lenten Services beautiful thanks to the choir
E Everyone please be careful with the swinging doors and the conversation during Orthros.
2. President’s Report- (Throughout)
Father announced a new choir member: Joseph Gallant
C. C. C. MinistryVice President’s Rreports:
· None
The 2. 2. President’s Report - President stated that we have been selected for a Financial Audit by the
Archdioceses which resulted with an increase of our Fare Share Commitment from approximately $ $708 per month. George adviced that this was based on our New Church Portfolio. it is time to review the new budget.
1. Parish
D. Secretary’s report:
E. Treasurer’s report:
a. Philoptochos. Fund balance- See attached
b. Budget Report YTD-See attached
c. Cantonis Sanctuary Fund -See attached
All reports were approved on a motion by Alex DalmanierasRichard Lovelace and 2nd by John LazarDiane Minnelli.
Motion to approve all-D. Minelli
2nd-D. Aucoin
Meeting Saturday
May 15th- Parish Picnic Tickets to go on sale Palm Sunday
Bread/ Easter baskets will be on sale for 4 Sundays
Formal Ratification in fromor New YorkAtlanta- Officially a Philoptochos
F. Committee and Ministry reports:
b. Choir- Really appreciate Gerri doing the fine job
Organ removed by Saturday, will use the one in the back
Atlanta Conference coming up-will attend these as Church is built
1. Ministries
2a. YouthParish Life by J. Lazar
Lenten activities a successNo report
· All night vigil Holy Thursday-the Reading of the Hours
· Picnic preparations
Philotochos Chapter will be insured under our current policy as a rider. Cost of dues would increase to $17.00 per year per member to the national and diocese .in addition to our local dues.
3b. ReligiousYouth by G. Kanaris
· Men’s Club to ready for Holy WeekDiffered
c. Religious by. G. Mavros for
D. Vassiliou
No report
Stewardship: by R. Lovelace
Working on the 2007 program. Draft letter in progress. Joint letter from Father and Chair to be considered. Nov 19th Stewardship Sunday Pledge
Outreach and Welcome: by D. Minnelli
4 get wells, 1 sympathy
Budget and Planning:
Facilities: by A. Dalmanieras
i. AC repairs-pending
ii. See vVarious small jobs were posted
so that all may assist
Building and Finance:
Sanctuary Project by. G. Mavros
Project continues to progress, albeit slowly. See building committee report
· Capital Campaign by G. Kanaris
No reportthing of significance to report.
· Grants by N. Cologna
Our application to the Farah Foundation was received enthusiastically by the foundation. Unfortunately, they will not be able to fund our request – however, their letter indicates that due to the worthiness of our project they will disseminate information regarding our request to various philanthropic organizations and philanthropists for us.No report
· Building Committee Report by G. Mavros
· The President reported that The Building Committee met and interviewed the Contractors submitting bids for the project. David Elder from Elder Construction was selected to work with the Architect and Building Committee to fine tune the project in order to bring the price tag closer to what can be afforded. At the subsequent meeting and following some modifications the project cost was as follows:
· Site Work $ 200,000
· Sanctuary $1,350,000
· Total $1,550,000
· The President advised the Parish Council that the Building Committee’s recommendation was to move forward with the Sanctuary Project at a cost reflecting the above amounts as shown and obtain a $400,000 loan to compensate for the gap between what is available in the Cantonis Sanctuary Fund and the cost of the project.
· The Parish Council also reviewed the letter sent to each Council Members by Mr. Cantonis. Following lengthy discussion, the Council requested that a letter be drafted to Mr. Cantonis, to be circulated to all Council Members for review and approval.
· At the Conclusion of the report, the Council voted unanimously on a motion of Mr. Stephan Ponticos and 2nd by Mr. Alex Dalmanieras to move forward with recommending the project to the General Membership for a vote. The President was authorized and asked to call a General Membership Meeting for October 1st, 2006 to present the project and request a vote.
Civil Engineering
Structural EngineeringPreliminary ProjectComplete
Final DrawingsC
G. Bidding and Cost Proposalsin progressCantonis Sanctuary
H. Building Committee
Education and Cultural Life: by D. Aucoin
Greek School starts tomorrow
2. Committees:
a. Festival: Various projects underway by G. Kanaris
b. Food Service: none by G. Kanaris
c. c. By-Laws Committee: Approved by G. Mavros
The President reported that the Metropolis has approved the Parish’s By-Laws. A letter to that affect from His Eminence Metropolitan Alexios was included in the Agenda packet.
· Metropolis has indicated they have. George attempting to communicate with Chancellor to ascertain what the area of concern is.Flowers and Ferns del. Thursday
G. Organization Reports:Stewardship
· No report
1. OutreachPhiloptochos by D. Minnelli for
D. Kanaris
· Next meeting September 30 1:00
No Report
2. BudgetYouth by N. Cologna
· Nancy Discussed throughoutNo Reportand Father meeting; forms and questionnaires sent out.
3. FacilityChoir
· Lawn guy back on track
· Getting estimates on Aerators for septic tank. Sounding great! Getting more members and more support
· Sunday School by N. Cologna
· Starts Sept 17th
· Report from Priest requiring Parish Council action: by Fr. SamarasIoannis
· Someone from Parish Council needs to promote attendance every Sunday. It is futile to build a new Church if no one attends. Goal of the Church is Salvation and growth of our Spiritual lives, this means regular attendance by everyone, with the Parish Council members setting the example. Parishes are built out of faith. Father also announced that in addition to weekday services honoring the saints and lives of Our Lord, Expect at least one monthly Paraklesis services in honor of Archangel Michael will be offered..
· Getting estimates on Aerators for septic tank. Will take lowest bids and get fixed.
8. Building & Finance
a. Sanctuary Project Status
1. Capital Campaigns
§ Recv’d $106,000 in Cash and Pledges to date
§ Visual tour presentation available for Palm Sunday
· Presentation from Raymond James Trust Division on “Giving”, thanks to Mike Trimis for coordinating.
· hThermometer getting done for pledge tracking
· Nancy Cologna working on 4 separate grants; also attending workshops for grant writing
· Construction cash flow issues possible therefore a line of credit would be advantageous to insure the construction project can move forward smoothly. The President reviewed the general terms of Am South’s Line of credit approvedproposal. The president indicated we are approved for a $250,000 L/C Prime + .25 interest + $ 3,500 cclosing fees; 24 mo. Will term out then pay Principle and Interest
· A motion was made by Stephan Ponticos, 2nd by Alex Dalmanieras authorizing the Officers to execute the Line of Credit from AmSouth sometime within the next 6 months (closer to when construction contract would actually be signed).MOTION TO MOVE FORWARD W/ SECURING LOAN WITHIN 6 MONTHS Steve Ponticos 2nd Alex D The President is authorized to sign on behalf of the Parish.The motion passed unanimously.
in Dunnellon may be in Dunnellon
2. Building Committee Report
aa. Civil Engineering 70% complete
bb. Structural Engineering In progress
cc. Preliminary Project Review Complete
dd. Preliminary Pricing Complete
ee. Final drawing 90% complete
Final Biddding Pending (June timeframe)
9. Education and Cultural Life- Sunday school to begin Sept 4 on the 1st & 3rd Sundays.
Sanctuary project radio advertising is in the works. List of mailing for groundbreaking will be sent to approximately 400 families. Brochures are at the printers and will be mailed after Christmas.
Invitations for groundbreaking dinner are almost complete and plans continue for food and dessert.
D. Old Business:Preliminary plans are approximately 70% complete. Building to be constructed of cement and block material. Civil engineering is in progress. Discussions for possible tree replacement may be necessary. Pricing for sanctuary will be proposed in two phases.
Discussions on tonsuring during the Archbishop’sMetropolitan’s visit- submit names.
Youth Group groundbreaking project- raffling 8 of the 9 ceremonial shovels, to raise funds to purchase the icon of Christ with the children. Letters and tickets will be mailed after the New Year.
The Chapel will be named St. George as originally planned at the time when St. Michael’s Greek Orthodox Church was established.
Russ Marcuri reports the final festival total is $36,633.55
EI. New Business:
· May festival; possible car raffle; May 18, 19 & 20.George Kanaris raised the Back room paint job approved pending details and color schemesqas to He also raised several concerns whether or not Fr. Samaras posses the qualities desired in such a priest. George reviewed the parish’s financial and membership progress with the Council members base don data he had requested from the President. Following significant discussion, the President requested that the issue be broken into several components:
The President asked if the Parish Council wished to take a position on whether or not the Parish needs / wants a full-time priest. He reviewed the financial implications of such a decision and circulated a summary of the “costs” of a full-time priest. A few corrections were needed in that document and would be corrected and reviewed at the next meeting.
Motion was made by G. Kanaris and 2nd by D. Aucoin that the The Parish Council must arrange for a full-time priest to serve to needs of the community. The motion passed unanimously.
The President asked if the Parish Council felt that Fr. Samaras is the person to fill that role.
Following significant discussion, no consensus could be reached.
The President subsequently suggested the following:
A sub-committee would form and review a salary package to be offered to Fr. Samaras that he feels would allow him to dedicate his full and undivided attention to the parish on a full-time basis. Subsequently, that “package” would be reviewed by the Parish Council and upon approval would ask Fr. Samaras IF this package were to be offered to him, would he serve the parish on a full-time basis. If Fr. Samaras were to respond in the affirmative, then the issue would be brought back to the Parish Council to decide whether they were willing to extend that offer to Fr. Samaras or if they would rather pursue discussions surrounding a transition to a new priest.
A the present such to the Parish Council was made by , and passed unanimously. The Sub-committee appointed was: John Lazar, Dorothea Aucoin, Diane Minnelli and facilitated by George Mavros.
· Fountains Memorial Park re: starting a garden area specifically for the Church parishioners. 10% of funds regulated for upkeep; 112 spaces placed aside-can be expanded. Will draw up detailed sheet for General Membership for handout. Church will set out sign up sheet for interested parties.
3. John Cologna reported an estimated cost to clean and level the higher elevation of the groundbreaking location at $200.00. Lower level at the entrance of the property would need to be cleaned by hand to prepare for grade elevation. In the present condition pricing would be very high due to labor costs.
FJ. CorrespondenceGood of the Council:
NoneStavros Minnelli
Received email from Nebraska. Family interested in helping build and becoming part of the parish
K GK. Good of the CouncilCorrespondence:
Presidents meeting in Atlanta next weekend. George to attend
HL. Next Meeting Date and Time: