Pressure Ulcer Prevention Domain Analysis Model
HL7 project team meeting, 19 January, 2011
Patty Greim / Jay Lyle / YesIoanaSingureanu / John Carter
Catherine Hoang / Yes / Moon-Hee Lee
Mimi Haberfeld / Donna DuLong / Yes
Charlie Selhorst / Sherri Simons / Yes
You-Ying Whipple / Yes / Holly Miller / Yes
Walter Suarez / Susan Matney
- Review scope statement
- Confirm use case scope
- How do assessments get done?
- How are interventions recorded?
- How are they related?
- How are they communicated?
- Review meta-model and deliverable format (not addressed)
See edits to scope statement
Jay will ask those named in the document for permission
Jay has posted current documents to the HL7 wiki:
Donna pointed out that JCR is doing some interesting things with pressure ulcer information:
We have not heard back from Lantana (f.k.a. Alschuler) regarding concurrent CDA work
We agreed that the use cases would be
- Conduct Skin Risk Assessment (a subset of a skin assessment)
- Modified to “Assess Pressure Ulcer Risk”
- Update Skin Risk Assessment (based on triggers TBD)
- Modified to “Update Pressure Ulcer Risk Assessment”
- Create Care Plan (abstract: we are focusing on the pressure ulcer prevention interventions)
- Update Care Plan (ditto)
- Plan Intervention (typically linked to an indication in the assessment, possibly to a goal)
- Update Intervention (including status updates, e.g., “complete”)
- Discharge Patient (abstract: we focus on providing the domain information for the CCD or e-Nursing Summary)
While current systems may not be sophisticated enough to record goals matched to indicators and interventions, the model will reflect clinicians’ goals, and may support automated goal tracking in the future.
The Care Plan use cases will be abstract: we will coordinate with the Care Plan project to ensure that our assumptions and theirs do not conflict.
Action items
Item / Who / Due / Status / Notes1 / please send feedback on the project scope statement / All / 1/17 / Closed / Feedback handled in meeting (1/19)
2 / meet to clarify the model boundaries / Donna and Jay / 1/11 / Closed / We recommend that the conceptual scope be “Pressure Ulcer Risk Assessment,” one of two key focuses of the KP-VA model. This probably means a project name change.
3 / confirm workgroup sponsorship from Patient Care or Clinical Interoperability Council or both / Patty and Holly / tbd / IP / Working on scheduling time with Stephen Chu (1/20)
Issue / Recorded / Status / Notes1 / Model boundaries unclear / 1/10 / Closed / See action item 2, to be confirmed (1/12)
Clarified in meeting (1/19)
2 / No official HL7 project sponsor / 1/10 / Open / See action item 3, in process (1/12)
PC probably; needs meeting to confirm (1/19)