What is an extended metaphor? A metaphor is a comparison of two (like, or unlike) things using nothing to connect them. A common example is found in “Love is a fire, burning bright” and people say “I am on ______when they really love someone.” Or they say that an attractive person is ______. Of course anger can be a fire too.
BatMy son is a bat.
His eyes blink when darkness comes.
His body stirs with life.
His limbs gorge with blood
as he sets out through the cave of night
his roof the stars
the moon a big white eye watching.
Attracted by the false lights
he mingles with his batty friends
weaving in and out of nightclubs
endless parties
each other’s places
till sensing the sudden ebb
of darkness
he flutters home
a cloaked Dracula
to the hollow of his room
where he will sleep all day
The first line compares ______to______.
It is extended where his eyes ______in______.
It is extended again as when he sets out through the _____ of ______(imagery and another metaphor).
It is extended as his friends are described as ______a word with two meanings:
first ______and______.
It is extended in the ultimate connection to “Dracula” ______ / First Subject / Compared to--
Second Subject / Compared to--
Assignment: write two different extended metaphor poems (YOU MAY NOT SELECT THE SAME METAPHOR AS ANOTHER PERSON NEXT TO YOU) a minimum of 15 lines each using the space above for ideas and the final copies on the back according to the following:
1. The first may be about a family member or someone you know as well (perhaps who you have at a holiday dinner—avoid using your teachers - lol).
2. The second is to be about any part of your own life or “cool” for school.