Minutes of the ELA Ltd Men's Playing Committee meeting held on Tuesday 20th January 2008 at Timperley Lacrosse Club at 7.30

Present: A. Holdsworth – Chairman

R. Balls, A. Boyle, G. Caplin, B. Costello, K. Haves, E. Hodgson, P. McGinnety, J. Sharples, D. Shuttleworth

Audio: P. Coups and J. Maynard

1.  Confirm Agenda


2.  Apologies for Absence

Apologies for Absence were received from M. Aspinall, A. Bryant, D. Coldwell, N. Crosby, P. Fildes, R. Sitlani

3.  Minutes of last Meeting (20.11.07)

Agreed with the amendment to the date from 2012 to 2010 under Item 12 - National Squads

4.  Matters Arising from the last Meeting (not covered by Agenda Items)

Re: cover for BUSA games – all ELA recognised games have same cover. Currently Wednesday North University games are friendlies but next season will be in BUSA League.

5.  MPC Finance

2006/07 Debtors – Wales and Rochdale LDO fees still remain outstanding. Letter to be sent to each outlining penalties if monies remain outstanding. Action: DS

One school still outstaning. Letter to be sent threatening suspension if not paid within 7 days. Action: DS

2007/08 Budget – Copies of Budget had been circulated prior to the meeting – nothing to add.

6.  Volunteer Awards

Amit Biswas from Walcountian Blues Lacrosse club had been nominated for the Stan Smith Award

Tom Slade from Walcountian Blues Lacrosse Club had been nominated for the John Buckland Award

Both the above were agreed

Alan Boyle from Manchester Waconians Lacrosse Club had been nominated for David Walkden Award

Alan Hunter from Heaton Mersey Lacrosse Club had been nominated for the David Walkden Award

The Committee agreed that both candidates were worthy recipients of the David Walkden Award and were awarded jointly.

Stockport Lacrosse Club had nominated Les Grainger for the Honorary Life Time Award.

As Les was already an Honorary Life Member letter to be sent to N. Singleton explaining situation. Action: RB

7.  Committee Structure/Representation

After long discussion on parity between North and South structure and more communication between the sub-committies and the role that the Counties now play in the structure the following action to be taken to forward the matter.

J. Sharples agreed to formulate a paper for discussion at the next meeting Action: JS

County representatives to report their views for the next meeting Action: PF/JS, A.Boyle, NC

Suggestions to put to Junior & Schools for discussion Action: BC, JS

8.  Updates from recent ELA Exec Meetings

Appointments: CCF funding still outstanding. Sport England failing in their duty as funding due in April 2007 still outstanding. Appointments cannot be progressed until funding available.

CCPR administering small amounts of funding for appointments from April 1st but UK Sport no longer providing funding.

9.  University Strategy

Growth of Men's Lacrosse in Universities, will be included in the BUSA League from September 2008.

30 Universities entered.

Courses needed

10.  Confirmation of Gender considerations (Mens/Womens Lacrosse)

South had asked for clarification as one or two ladies were playing in men's teams. Also the situation of traveling team of Under 15 girls playing against Under 16 boys team. This not allowed and if the opposing team complained they could be given the game.

11.  Referee Assessment Procedure – Club Action

RB had prepared and distributed notes clarifying the position related to a referee performance and any genuine concerns raised by member Clubs. Appended to these minutes.

12.  Development Update

Interviews in the States had been held for future LDO/SCO staff.

D.  Coldwell to give Accreditation and coaching presentation in the South.

Number of schools increasing.

Still number of Clubs to attain Accreditaion

13.  Committee Reports

National Squads: All proceeding well. Under 19 game -v- ELA Select scheduled for 27th January followed by selection

Senior Squad: Open Trial planned for 24th February in North. Similar trial in South at beginning of March. Advert for Trial to be posted on ELA Website. Action: DS

Selection for Senior team for European Championship at the end of April. Weekend residential camp planned before then.

Details of ELF Tournament in Finland still not available.

Junior & Schools: Concerns over week to week organisation, need to look at procedures and update regularly.

Squad size, transfer of players and disciplinary procedures to be put on Website.

Junior games at Festival weekend should be given reasonable times in the schedule.

Special Events: All monies received. Festival Tickets available by early February.

Referees and Rules: Courses under ELA central control. Future courses need minimum of 12 at a price of £50.00 (£40.00 for students). Rule book and manual will be forwarded on payment of fee.

2010 World Championship – Compulsory Fitness Test to be carried out on all Referees. Wayne Richards has been approached and has agreed to supervise. Proposed two sessions, first to meet and explain procedures and second to take the test. £100.00 including hiring the facility.

Graham Lester to stand down as Chair of ILF Referees Committee. ELA recommendations for candidate to fill post to be forwarded to ILF Committee. Action: RB

Rule Books had been distributed to all Clubs

Coaching Courses – Basic referee Course to be discussed with PC with costs. Action: PMcG/PC

A serious incident at Under 19 league game had not been reported to the venue Club. All procedures had been followed correctly and C.Perrin had recorded incident in Accident Book held at Club following day..

Accident book should be provided at all Clubs.

Referees to log incidents with the ELA. P.McG to contact all refs. North and South. Action: PmcG

Query over minimum age of referee for Senior game?

Under 19 appointments had been confirmed – P. Davidson, D. Doolan, P. Long, T. Nugent. Res. I. Ashworth.

14.  League Reports

League North: The window for transfers had been scrapped.

Need for re-structure of the League. Proposal in discussion document at Forum on 14th February.

It was agreed that there was no need for two free weekends over the Xmas period, or the gap in October.

League South: Two teams with ineligible players.

London Tournament at Eton on 18-20th July. Sponsorship had been achieved.

15.  Counties

Cheshire: No meeting.

Thanks to C. Perrin for Under 19 fixture at Wilmslow.

Open selection for Under 16 and Seniors.

Date for County game changed from 6th to 26th April. Contact C. Perrin. Action: JS

Lancashire: Main issue League Re-structure

Yorkshire: Leeds going up to 4th Division. School development in Leeds

16.  International

ELF: Issue of Referee numbers hopefully resolved within a week.

ILF: Under 19 WC - $1,500 participation fee has been paid. 10 out of 12 teams have paid (Scotland and Bermuda still outstanding).

17.  WC 2010 Update

Halls confirmed.

In negotiation with Arena Seating for stands.

Ticket prices and income projections.

Review of Budget.

Money from Manchester and NW Regional Development Authority

Presentation Road Show on Tuesday 26th February in North Action: DS

AH to contact T. Rogers re. South venue. Action: AH

18.  Other Relevant Business

ELF Club map has been produced

There being no other business the meeting closed at 10.45.

Next meeting: Tuesday 18th March 2008 – Venue to be confirmed