Shustoke C of E Primary School

February 2013 Newsletter

It is beginning to feel like spring is just around the corner which will bring many more exciting curriculum enrichment opportunities to all of our children. We always endeavour to keep you fully informed of performances and events taking place in school; the school website is continually updated along with the notice board situated in the playground. Please check here for additional information.

Thank you Lord,

For all that you have done to help us at school

and to spread our learning where ever we go.

We thank you for special lessons that help us to learn

in a fun and exciting way.


By Eleanor and Ellie (Year 5)

Wednesday 6th
Thursday 7th
Friday 8th
Tuesday 12th
Wednesday 13th
Thursday 14th
Friday 15th
Mon 18th – Fri 22nd
Monday 25th / Swimming Gala (16 children across KS2)
Cross Country event at Birchwood Primary School (4pm)
Netball match at Race Meadow Primary School (3.30pm)
Non uniform day
PFA Chocolate Bingo at Whitacre Village Hall 6pm
Year 5 ‘Quick Cricket’ event at Coleshill Leisure Centre
Year 1 visit to Tamworth Castle
Class 4 Assembly – 9.15am
Mental Maths Award test day
Year 1 parent consultation day
Year 4 visit to the Think Tank
Height and weight checks for Reception and Year 6
Children return to school
Tuesday 5th
Wednesday 6th
Thursday 7th
Tuesday 12th
Wednesday 13th
Wednesday 20th
Thursday 21st
Mon 25th –
Fri 5th April / Individual school photographs
Reception Class Family Day
World Book Day – non uniform
Parents Evening (4-7.30pm)
Parents Evening (4-5.30pm)
Year 3 Assembly (Easter Service) 9.15am
Open Day
Full Governing Body Meeting
Monday 8th
Thursday 11th / Children return to school
Cricket fund raising day
PFA disco KS1 3.30-4.45pm
KS2 5.00-6.30pm
Wednesday 1st
Monday 6th
Wednesday 8th
Mon 13th – Fri 17th
Tuesday 21st
Wednesday 22nd
Thursday 23rd
Mon 27th – Fri 31st / Class 2 Assembly 9.15am
May Day bank holiday
Class group photographs
KS2 SATS week
Sports Day 1.30pm
Class 5 assembly 9.15am
Reserve Sports Day 1.30 pm (if rained off)
Helper’s Tea Party
Monday 3rd
Mon 10th – Fri 14th
Mon 17th – Fri 21st
Wednesday 19th
Friday 21st
Monday 24th
Thursday 27th / Children return to school
Year 6 visit to Marle Hall
Year 1 Phonics Screen Week
Reception Class assembly 9.15am
PFA Summer Fayre
Training Day
Full Governing Body meeting
Thursday 4th
Thursday 11th
Tuesday 16th
Friday 19th / Secondary School Induction Day
Year 6 summer show performances @ 1.30pm and 6pm
Reception Induction
Year 6 Leavers’ Disco
Year 6 Leavers’ Service
Friday 30th Aug and Monday 2nd September
Tuesday 3rd September to Friday 25th October
Mon 28th Oct – Fri 1st Nov
Monday 4th November to Friday 20th December / Training Days
Autumn Term 1
Autumn Term 2

Planned Performances this Year

We have tried to plan our dates for performances for the whole year to give parents plenty of notice. Obviously, there may be circumstances due to which we would need to change these dates, if this happens we will try to inform you as soon as we are aware of changes ourselves.

DATE / Performance/Assembly
Wednesday 13th February : 9.15am / Class Four Assembly
Wednesday 20th March : 9.15am / Class Three Assembly (Easter Service)
Wednesday 1st May : 9.15am / Class Two Assembly
Wednesday 22nd May : 9.15am / Class Five Assembly
Wednesday 19th June / Reception Class Assembly
Thursday 11th July / Summer Show
Friday 19th July : 2pm / Leavers’ Service


Instrument / Day of Lessons
Woodwind (including group fife lessons**) / Friday (am)
Violin / Thursday (am)
Keyboard / Thursday (pm)
Brass / Friday (am)

* Cost of music tuition is £68 per term

** Fife lessons are £1.40 weekly, payable termly