2016 to 19 Jisc Collections Database Agreement – Perpetual Purchase / Target group
Full legal name and registered address / Backpages Limited
Registered office:
94-95 South Worple Way
SW14 8ND
Product Name: / Rock’s Backpages
Agreement Name: / Rock’s Backpages 2016 to 2019 Agreement
Product Description: / Rock's Backpages is an online database of music writing, with material dating from the early 1960s to the present day.
Access URL: / http://www.rocksbackpages.com
Product Information URL: / http://www.rocksbackpages.com

eif offer summary:ntact Jisc Collections Helpdesk via:

PART A: The Offer
1.  Commercial Information
Licence start and end date: 01 November 2016 to 31 October 2019
Eligible Institutions/group: Higher Education
Licence Fees:
This is a one-off perpetual purchase with optional annual Top Up Fee to ‘top-up’ the archives purchased years.
Eligibibility: Higher Education
1-10 Banding / One-off Content and Licence Fee / Additional Annual Top Up Fee*
1 / £10,511 / £394
2 / £10,011 / £375
3 / £10,011 / £375
4 / £10,011 / £375
5A / £10,011 / £375
5B / £9,024 / £338
6 / £9,024 / £338
7 / £9,024 / £338
8 / £8,035 / £301
9 / £8,035 / £301
10 / £8,035 / £301
*Content is increased by at least 2,500 text articles per annum and over 50 audio interviews per annum, the optional Top Up Fee is fixed in perpetuity and payable annually in advance from the purchase date until such a time as the (top up) 'subscription' is cancelled.
Purchasing institutions may choose to pay to for additional purchased years via the annual Top Up Fee (additional annual content is the new content added to the archive each week), at the time of purchase, for any number of multiple years at their own discretion.
The Top Up Fee pricing above is fixed in perpetuity and payable annually in advance from the start of the Subscription Period. During the Subscription Period (while the annual Top Up Fee is being paid), the Subscribing Institution will be granted perpetual access to newly published content: at least 2,500 text articles and over 50 audio interviews per annum. Opting to pay the top up fee essentially allows an institution to add further years content to the purchased archive.
Institutions may decide to not pay the annual Top Up Fee (to top up purchased years), keeping a fixed perpetual archive (content start date to purchase date). These Institutions may select to continue to access the purchased archive (fixed dates) via the Publisher’s platform with no additional annual fees or locally mount the purchased content. Or upon termination of the 'subscription' (optional Top Up Fee to ‘top-up’ purchased years) all content to that date can delivered to the Institution for local mounting.
Currency: Pounds Sterling
The Publisher will invoice for this agreement.
2.  Product/Licensed Material on offer
Product consists of:
All Licensed Material on offer from the Publisher:
Rock's Backpages (www.rocksbackpages.com) is the World’s only comprehensive online database of music writing, sourced from the pages of the music and mainstream press, it is a library of articles (reviews, interviews, features and more) from the early 1950s right up to the present day. There are thousand articles on the site (30,000 as of May 2016). These feature over four thousand artists and range from 500-word album (or concert) reviews to 10,000-word interviews and features. There are also over 500 (as of May 2016) exclusive, and previously unpublished, audio interviews with major music artists.
A complete list of titles represented is available at: http://www.rocksbackpages.com/Library/Publications
Written by over 650 of the World’s most renowned music journalists (including Lester Bangs, Caitlin Moran and Nick Kent), the articles are in the main taken from a wide range of publications in the US and UK: from Creem and Trouser Press to Rolling Stone, and from New Musical Express and Melody Maker to Mojo. There is also a wide diaspora of publications from across the globe, from local and national press to fanzines and the underground music press of the 60’s and 70’s.
The archive covers all types of popular music from the 1950s to the present: from Abba to Zappa, the Stones to the Stone Roses and from Elvis to Eminem alongside subject areas such as cultural studies and theory, fashion, art, and design, women in music and feminism, politics, religion and society.
All the material in the database includes the full agreement and permission of the copyright holders – freelance writers and journalists – or their estates
Rock's Backpages is an ever expanding and unique primary source archive, making the database an essential resource for student of music, journalism, literature, popular culture and the media, history & cultural studies amongst other Arts, Humanities and Social Studies subjects.
The library is added to weekly, with at least 50 text articles, and one new audio interview.
3.  Business model
Licence duration periods
Perpetual Licence
Via Publisher platform: Yes
Local mounting and what the delivery date of Licensed Material is for local mounting: Yes
Local mounting is available. Institutions would need to access the perpetual content via the publishers platform if they have chosen to pay the Top Up Fee for the additional years content (to top-up their purchased years) during that period.
Annual Top Up Fees (for one-off perpetual purchase, to ‘top-up’ purchased years):
1-10 Banding / Additional Annual Top Up Fee*
1 / £394
2 / £375
3 / £375
4 / £375
5A / £375
5B / £338
6 / £338
7 / £338
8 / £301
9 / £301
10 / £301
A purchasing institution may chose to pay the Top Up Fee (at time of purchase) to add additional years content to their perpetual purchase of the archive annually. The Top Up Fees are optional.
An Institution may chose to continue accessing the content via the Publisher’s platform at no additional fee should they chose not to pay the annual Top Up Fee or the fixed archive will be delivered to the institution for local mounting.
Licence Fees:
Jisc Band structure: Yes
Dark Archive:
The publisher is in the process of joining CLOCKSS.
Payment process:
Contract + Licence - From the Institution to the Publisher directly:
The publisher will invoice for this agreement.
Acceptance of the Licence:
Via Jisc Online Ordering System: Yes
4. Licence Information:
Additional Authorised Users
Permitted: Yes
PART B: Additional Information
Rock's Backpages (www.rocksbackpages.com) is the World’s only comprehensive online database of music writing, sourced from the pages of the music and mainstream press, it is a library of articles (reviews, interviews, features and more) from the early 1950s right up to the present day. There are thousand articles on the site (30,000 as of May 2016). These feature over four thousand artists and range from 500-word album (or concert) reviews to 10,000-word interviews and features. There are also over 500 (as of May 2016) exclusive, and previously unpublished, audio interviews with major music artists.
Written by over 650 of the World’s most renowned music journalists (including Lester Bangs, Caitlin Moran and Nick Kent), the articles are in the main taken from a wide range of publications in the US and UK: from Creem and Trouser Press to Rolling Stone, and from New Musical Express and Melody Maker to Mojo. There is also a wide diaspora of publications from across the globe, from local and national press to fanzines and the underground music press of the 60’s and 70’s.
The archive covers all types of popular music from the 1950s to the present: from Abba to Zappa, the Stones to the Stone Roses and from Elvis to Eminem alongside subject areas such as cultural studies and theory, fashion, art, and design, women in music and feminism, politics, religion and society.
All the material in the database includes the full agreement and permission of the copyright holders – freelance writers and journalists – or their estates
Rock's Backpages is an ever expanding and unique primary source archive, making the database an essential resource for student of music, journalism, literature, popular culture and the media, history & cultural studies amongst other Arts, Humanities and Social Studies subjects.
The library is added to weekly, with at least 50 text articles, and one new audio interview.
Content highlights:
The library includes previously unpublished pieces about The Beatles (by Michael Lydon in 1966), The Doors (by Lester Bangs in 1975), and seminal interviews with major artists from Bob Dylan to Radiohead. As an example of time periods covered there are over 350 articles on the Rolling Stones, the first in 1965 and the most recent in 2015.
“RBP is an essential acquisition for large public and academic libraries serving serious students a wide range of music, from blues and country to jazz, reggae, and, of course, rock and roll. An essential resource for modern and contemporary music libraries and for cultural studies collections.”
– Library Journal
“No student of popular music interested in doing substantive research can afford to be without Rock's Backpages. It's an invaluable tool and above all else a great treasure trove of sophisticated writing.”
– Jason King, Director, Clive Davis Institute of Writing, History & Emergent Media, New York University
“Rock's Backpages has become an invaluable resource to students studying music, media and communication at the University of Leeds. On our popular music BA the archive provides material to support study on, for example, genre, politics and subcultures, for essays at all levels, all the way through to final dissertations, and as a library for primary sources for the popular music journalism module I run it is perfect.”
– Simon Warner, Senior Teaching Fellow and Director, PopuLUs, the Centre for the Study of the World's Popular Musics, School of Music, University of Leeds
“I have made extensive use of Rock's Backpages over the past couple of years. Not only am I impressed by its ease and speed of access, but also by the way that it is constantly improving and updating its archive. I consider it an invaluable asset to any researcher or serious fan of the subject.”
– Dr Ron Moy, Senior Lecturer in Popular Music Studies, Liverpool John Moores University
Additional content:
Adetailed listof publicationsincluded in Rock's Backpages is provided.
Rock’s Backpages benefits from outstanding social networking and student engagement as a serious research tool that is also ‘cool’.
Our social networking includes:
·  Facebook Group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/rocksbackpages/) – Quote of the Day, Tracks of The Day, RBP Content Updates, Topical News Stories and Interaction with Writers and Artists from across the globe.
·  Twitter (@rocksbackpages.com) – Keep up to date with all things RBP.
·  Tumblr (http://rocksbackpages.tumblr.com) for images and video content not available on the main site.
·  Audioboom (https://audioboom.com/channel/rocksbackpages) for audio interview clips sharing.
·  Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/rocksbackpages/) for RBP content and music news updates via striking images.
Publisher's selection policy
All the material available on Rock’s Backpages is personally selected by an editorial team using a number of criteria – date, genre, style, rarity and reaction to major events in global music (such as the passing of David Bowie) – that reflect the breadth and diversity of the RBP offering.
Rock's Backpages articles are sourced either direct with the writer or from our large physical archive of magazines acquired or donated to us over the past 17 years. We house this archive in our London offices and add to the collection whenever we are able. Rock’s Backpages has the fourth largest archive of physical music magazines in the World and acquisition is a continual process.
Subject Areas
·  Arts and Humanities
·  Social Sciences
·  English, Journalism, Communications and Media
·  History, Cultural Studies and Politics
Journalism, media, popular music, and popular culture.
Academic Levels
·  Undergraduate
·  Postgraduate
·  AS/A Level / Scottish Higher National
·  Diploma
·  Vocational
Resource Types
·  Databases with Full Text
·  News Media
·  Sound Recordings
·  Magazines
·  Dataset
Further information
This resource is updated weekly.
From the early 1950s to the present day.
The library is added to weekly, with at least 50 text articles and one new audio interview.
Standard Pricing information:
Major amendments to the Model Licence or previous agreements for this resource:
Publisher’s Gracing Policy:
30 Days
Publisher and Platform Information
Full Text Linking / Adheres to OpenURL standards.
Federated Searching / Yes
MARC Records / No
Metadata Standards
Search options / The articles are full text and fully searchable (by artist, date, genre, keyword etc.) including an 'advanced faceted search' option.
Post search options / Bookmark, share, print, email, back to search list, back to search homepage
Usage stats / Usage statistics are available for this resource and are COUNTER compliant (level one) compliant.
Authentication / IP Range, UK Acces Management Federation, Library Card registration and Referring URL
Personalisation / Yes – instituions may co-brand with their logo
Accessibility / WC3 Compliant
Log In URL / http://www.rocksbackpages.com
Product Documentation / http://www.rocksbackpages.com/Pages/LibrariansInfo
Training Materials / http://www.rocksbackpages.com/Pages/LibrariansInfo#anchor-materials
Rock’s Backpages is an simple interface to use and is very intuitive. Walk through PowerPoint presentations are available and can be tailored for the subscribing institution to include co-branding. Demonstrations can also be arranged on request for individual users or large groups of both staff and students. On-site training and demonstrations are also available on request.
Electronic promotional materials, such as logos, reviews, adverts, posters and an informative PDF booklet are available via:www.rocksbackpages.com/pressroom.
The publisher also provides a selection of hard copy promotional materials to include large format posters, bookmarks, stickers, and the Rock’s Backpages branded guitar picks. On occasion they are also able to provide Rock’s Backpages t-shirts.
Trial Access / 30 Day trial access is available
See Product Information http://www.rocksbackpages.com/Pages/LibrariansInfo
for further details
·  What is the maximum font size and does text re-flow when you enlarge the font?
The maximum font size maximum is 60pts. Yes, Text re-flow is available and using the browsers zoom feature you can reach up to 400% in zoom.
·  Can a user change background/foreground colours or contrasts? How?
Currently, this is only available via the chosen browser features.
·  Are there keyboard-only equivalents for all mouse actions? Where could I find a list? Are there short cut keys to reduce tabbing round links?
Currently only the browser provided ones (e.g. tabbing).
·  Is text marked up so it can be navigated in a meaningful way (for example by heading level)?
·  Can text be selected and read by text-to-speech tools?
Yes, it is accessible via text-to-speach tools.
·  Are text descriptions available for all relevant graphics and images?
Yes, text descriptions available for all relevant graphics and images.
·  Where can I find guidance for all these features?
Currently there is not a dedicated Accessiblity section on the website, this will be reviewed.
Institutions can contact Jisc Collections Helpdesk via:

5. Order, Payment and Contact Information:
How to Order and Pay:
Please ensure all orders are placed via the Jisc Collections website, to confirm the order and accept the terms of the licence electronically. The publisher will be informed the purchase and will arrange for set up. Please liaise with the publisher at time of purchase and clarify if you wish to pay the optional annual access fee to add purchased years to the purchased archive.
The publisher invoices for this agreement.
Details to include in ‘order notes’ field at the ‘Checkout’: Any PO numbers required by the institution for the invoice. Notes on the optional Top Up Fee.
VAT: VAT at the relevant rate in accordance with government policy will be applied to the Licence Fee(s)/Charges.
Publisher Contact (Sales):
Paul Kelly
Sales & Marketing Director
Rock’s Backpages
m. 07590 317 326
t. 020 7998 0695
Publisher Contact (Technical / Support Helpdesk):
for 24/7 support and in UK business hours telephone support is available: 020 7998 0695