Youth-Driven Development Grant Competition

MENA Region

Proposal Themes: Entrepreneurship and Civic Engagement



The YDD Competition Proposal Form is divided into the following six sections: Eligibility Information, Organization Information, Project Profile, Primary Partner, Project Details and Project Costs. All questions marked with an asterisk (*) indicate that the information is mandatory and must be provided for the proposal to be approved. Please note that a number of questions have word count limits, which will be strictly enforced. If your answer exceeds the given word count, it will be cut off at the word count limit.

Please e-mail your completed proposal to by 6 PM (Washington, D.C. time) or 23:00 GMT on Friday, January 15, 2010. Proposals will only be accepted as a Microsoft Word Document via e-mail (For French and Arabic) or GFYI online form (English Only).

Please note that Sections 1 thru 4and 6of the form MUST be written in ENGLISH. The detail of your project (Section 5) can be written in Arabic, English or French.

Please read and follow the Proposal Guidelines carefully upon fulfilling this Proposal Form.

Section 1: Eligibility Information (IN ENGLISH ONLY)
1.1 / *Is the applicant organization or partner organization a registered, non-governmental, non-profit youth organization in which the majority of members are under the age of 30, and that works with and for youth? / Yes
1.2 / *Does the proposed project target young people (between 15-30 years old)? / Yes
1.3 / *Are young people (between 15-24 years old) in charge of the implementation of the proposed project? / Yes
1.4 / *Do you have a bank account registered under your CSO? / Yes
1.5 / *Have you ever received a grant from any World Bank grant program for this project idea?
If yes, please name grant program: ______ / Yes
Section 2: Organization Information
2.1 / *Organization/group Name:
2.2 / *Organization Type (Please Select):
  • Registered youth-led Civil Society Organizations (Youth CSO)
  • Registered Civil Society Organizations (CSO)
  • Group of young people (Partnering with Registered Youth CSO/CSO required. Refer to Section 3. “Primary Partner”)

2.3 / * Name of Team Lead (Last, First):
2.4 / * Age of Team Lead (between 15-30):
2.5 / Affiliation with / Position at Organization:
2.6 / *Email Address:
2.7 / Organization Website:
2.8 / *Telephone:
2.9 / Fax:
2.10 / *Address:
2.11 / *City/Town/Village:
2.12 / Postal Code:
2.13 / *Country:
2.14 / *Year & Month Organization Established (if applicable):
2.15 / *Briefly Describe your Organization or Group (e.g. number of members, age structure), and its Mission (word limit 50):
Section 3: Primary Partner (IN ENGLISH ONLY)
3.1 / *Partner Organization (if applicable):
3.2 / *Classify Partner Organization (Please Select):

3.3 / *Partner Contact Name (Last, First):
3.4 / Partner Contact Title/Position/Affiliation:
3.5 / *Partner Email Address:
3.6 / Partner Website:
3.7 / *Partner Telephone:
3.8 / *Partner Country:
3.9 / *Duration of Partnership:

3.10 / *Briefly Describe Partner Organization / Mission Statement (word limit 50):
3.11 / *Describe Partner’s Responsibilities in your project (word limit 50):
Section 4: Project Profile (IN ENGLISH ONLY)
4.1 / * Descriptive Title of Project Proposal:
4.2 / *Theme (Please select one):
Entrepreneurship Civic Engagement
4.3 / Project Summary (limit 250 words) The summary should briefly answer four main questions: What, How, Why and What will the Results be?
4.4 / *Country/Countries of Implementation:
4.5 / * Total Project Budget (in US Dollar): refer to Section 6.
Other Donor/Fund ______
Your contribution (25% of total budget)
Amount requested of WB (Max. US$30,000) / US$______
4.6 / *Project Duration Using YDD Grant Funds (in number of months, maximum 12 months):
Section 5: Project Details (In English, French or Arabic only)
5.1 / * Goal(s): What is/are the specific problem(s) concerning youth that you are trying to solve and why is it important? (limit 100 words)
5.2 / * Idea: How will this project address the youth problem(s) described above? (100 words)
5.3 / * Project Linkages: Do you know of other organizations, local or international, who are addressing the same problem? If so, are there any linkages between this project and the other organization? (50 words)
5.4 / * Promoting Gender Equity: Does your project take gender specific issues into consideration? (150 words)
5.5 / * Targeting and engaging the most vulnerable groups: Does your proposal target the most vulnerable groups or deprived areas?(150 words)
5.6 / * Innovation: How is your idea truly innovative or unique? Describe the extent to which it uses a novel concept, approach, technology. (150 words)
5.7 / * Implementation: How will you implement your idea? Describe the activities your project will undertake to realize its goal(s). (250 words)
5.8 / * Monitoring: How are the project activities (described above) going to be monitored to verify that the implementation of the project is proceeding as planned? (150 words) Finalists will be required to prepare a Log Frame (matrix) which includes objectives, outcome indicators, expected outputs, verification methods and risk/assumptions prior to the event. Training will be provided for this exercise.
5.9 / * Outcomes: What are the expected measurable outcomes of your project at the end of the grant implementation period? (150 words)
5.10 / * Sustainability: Describe applicant organization’s projected expenses and revenue/income stream (from grant and non-grant resources such as user fees, sales revenues, community contributions, etc.) over the next 2 to 3 years. If relevant, provide an estimate of when you expect to cover your operational costs through revenues. (150 words)
5.11 / * Partnerships: What partnerships have you established in support of this project? Describe your partnership relationships? How do you support each other in advancing each other’s work? Will your partnerships help in sustaining the future of the proposed project, if so how? (200 words)
5.12 / * Challenges: Describe any major challenges that your project/organization might face in the implementation and how you will overcome them. (200 words)
5.13 / * Replicability and Scaling-Up: What is the possibility of implementing your idea/project elsewhere (in a different region/country)? What is the potential for this idea to be expanded/applied on a large scale? (150 words)
Section 6: Project Budget (IN ENGLISH ONLY)
*Expenses / *Description/Details / *Amount (US Dollars)
1. Professional Fees
2. Materials and Equipment
3. Training (if any)
4. Travel (if any)
5. Monitoring/Evaluation, 10%
6. General Administration/Overhead
max. 10%
7. Other Expenses
8. Contingency costs, 10%
9. Other Funding Sources
10. Counterpart Contributions (minimum 25% of grant amount, cash or in-kind)
TOTAL GRANT FUNDING REQUESTED (Subtract 9 and 10 from total project expenditure - must not exceed US$30,000)
11. Estimated Project Revenues, if applicable

Thank you for your interest in the YDD Grant Competition. Please e-mail your completed application including proposal and requested supporting documents (scanned) to by 6 PM (Washington, D.C. time) or 23:00 GMT on Friday, January 15, 2010.