
Subscriber Website (SWS) Integration and PlanningChecklist

For guidance on working with IT and SQA to make the web application functional on EPRI.com, utilize this checklist.

Step # / Action / Responsible Party
1a / PM to work with Web & Mobile Solutions for design approval. Review Web & Mobile SolutionsWeb Application UX & Branding Guide requirements. / PM
1b / PM to work with Digital Media for URL approval. Indicate whether or not this new web app will be a free-results posting (zero-priced/public). / PM
1c / Web application Kick-off meeting (PM to work with IT and SQA). Establish requirements up front (e.g., security, technologies, and formatting), plan/schedule reviews throughout the project with all affected parties. / PM, SQA
2a / PM to provide Website URL to SQA as agreed upon with Digital Media (e.g., ABC.epri.com). / PM
2b / PM to work with SQA on server requirements. Site location to be determined and planned out. SysOps will need to be consulted if the site is non-standard. / PM, SQA
3 / PM obtains Subscriber Website Product ID (skip if this will be a free-results posting). / PM
4 / Once URL is provided, SQA requests DNS entries from Service Desk. Create DNS entries for:
  • Development Server (DEV),
  • Test Server (TEST), and
  • Production Server (PROD)
/ SQA, SysOps
5 / Setup firewall for each server to communicate with GitLab Build Servers, OAM, SMTP, and DB server (if needed) / SysOps, Network Services
6 / Setup server with appropriate host file entries (if needed) / SysOps
7 / Install/Configure MS Deploy on Servers and give admin access to SWSDeployAgent service account. / SysOps
8 / Obtain a GitLab Repository by sending the following to :
  • Project GitLab Repo Name (letters, digits, underscores, dashes, and periods only)
  • Developer EPRI Network ID(s) and emails

9 / Provide developer/contractor GitLab Access and create project / SQA
10 / Provide developer/contractor VPN access, if needed. Different access will need to be setup for the following: Normal Contractor VPN access, GitLab access, Server Access, etc. / SQA, ServiceDesk, Network Services
11 / Developer connects to VPN and checks-in code to GitLab repository DEV branch. / Developer
12 / Provide scripts or export file (.bak) of database to SysOps so that it can be run/imported onto centralized database server specific to the DEV environment. MS SQL Server 2008 R2 64-bit is currently the preferred database platform. / SysOps
13 / SysOps installs OAM webgate in DEV; creates the necessary OAM policy. / SysOps
14 / First Migration - Developer provides instructions on how to set up site and third party apps to SQA. SQA sets up the site in DEV based on instructions provided. / Developer, SQA
15 / Developer confirms that DEV functions as expected. Requests for the TEST site to be created. Determine access, security and configures control issues / Developer, PM
16 / Migrate source code to TEST / SQA
17 / Create OAM Policy to TEST / SysOps
18 / Migrate Database to TEST / SysOps
19 / Developer/PM Testing is performed / Developer, PM
20 / Submit Pre-Production(e.g., Beta) Package with URL to SQA (if no Beta, skip to Step 35) / PM
21 / SQA performs EPRI Beta test / SQA
22 / SQA provides Beta approval to PM and SysOps / SQA
23 / Create CRM list with list of Members that will be Beta testing. Create list in CRM with site name + BETA. PM to provide list of qualified contacts that exist in CRM (Full Name, email, and Company Name) / PM
24 / Migrate OAM Policy to PROD Beta / SysOps
25 / Migrate Code to PROD Beta / SQA
26 / Migrate Database to PROD Beta / SysOps
27 / Provide URL to End User to do Beta testing / PM
28 / Execute End-User Production Beta Testing / PM, Members
29 / Provide feedback to developer / PM, Members
30 / Developer makes changes in DEV. May be changed in developer shop and then uploaded to Dev branch in GitLab, or DEV database. / Developer
31 / Migrate to TEST Box / Developer, SQA
32 / Migrate Database (if necessary) to TEST / SQA, SysOps
33 / Submit Production (e.g., Final Acceptance) Package to SQA / PM, Developer
34 / EPRI Final Acceptance Performed in TEST environment / SQA
35 / SQA provides OK to migrate Final Acceptance version to PROD / SQA
36 / Request migration to PROD. Approval by SQA required / Developer, PM, SQA
37 / If necessary, SysOps installs OAM webgate on PROD server and creates or adjusts OAM policy specific to site on PROD / SysOps
38 / If necessary, requests for port 80 on web app server be opened up to the outside so that external traffic can get to the new site. / SysOps, Network Services
39 / Migrate Database to Production. If database needs to be cleaned after testing, PM and Developer need to inform SysOps and provide details on how to clean. / SysOps, DBA, PM
40 / SQA Performs Final Acceptance PROD Checkout / SQA
41 / SQA requests Software Distribution activate SWS in SAP / SQA
42 / PM Announcement of Web app to members / PM

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