Virginia Society of Medical Assistants

August 16, 2015 Executive Board Meeting Minutes

The meeting was called to order at 2:11 pm by Virginia Thomas, CMA (AAMA)

Roll Call was performed by Joyce Hardee, CMA-A (AAMA). Those in attendance were:

Virginia Thomas, CMA (AAMA)

Nina Beaman, Ed.D, MSN, CNE, RN-BC (PMH), RNC-AWHC, CMA (AAMA)


Debby Houston, CMA (AAMA) CPC

Marchelle Ayers, CMA (AAMA)

Karen Nichols-Skoff, CMA (AAMA)

Joyce Hardee, CMA-A (AAMA)

Dee Zachau, CMA (AAMA)

Approval of Minutes: Motion was made by Deb Benson, CMA(AAMA), CPC,CCVTC,CGSC

to approve the minutes as distributed. This was seconded by Karen Nichols-Skoff, CMA(AAMA)

The motion was carried.

Officer’s Reports:

President: No Report

Vice President: No Report.

Treasurer: Checking Account Balance on 7/31/2015 – $1229.20

Money Market Account Balance 10/1/2014 - $9688.28

Secretary: No Report


1.  Memorandum from Nina Watson, CMA (AAMA, CPC presenting the slate of candidates for the 2015 AAMA House of Delegates. Candidate qualifications were included. There remain three open Trustee positions.

2.  AAMA Board of Trustees and Endowment Highlights June 5-6, 2015

Immediate Past President: No Report

Parliamentarian: Parliamentarian is available to the President and at Board meetings regarding questions on parliamentary procedure.

Standing Committee Reports:

Budget and Finance: No changes, costs will be looked at.

Bylaws: No report, however there may be an Amendment change made at AAMA’s National Convention regarding nominations in the House of Delegates.

Certification/Membership: No formal report, however this committee will be looking into sending letters to all new CMA (AAMA)’s in Virginia.

Credentials: No Report

Insurance Liaison: An e-mail was sent with insurance updates to members. All present at the meeting felt it informative and useful.

Nominating: No Report

Public Policy/Health Careers: Nina made a report

Publicity/Website: No Report

Special Committee Reports:

2-Year Strategic Plan: The committee is meeting goals by having meetings at educational institutes, improving communication with members by sending E-News Bulletins and involving members in seminars and educational meetings.

2015 Spring Conference Old Dominion: The Conference was held at Virginia College in Richmond April 17 and 18, 2015. The theme was “Promise of the Future”. A profit of $440.64 was made.

2015 Fall Conference: The conference will be held November 7, 2015 at Best Western Waynesboro Inn & Suites Conference Center. The theme will be “Knowledge from Within”. Deb Benson, CMA (AAMA), CPC,CCVTC,CGSC made a motion to accept the following registration:

Members: $45.00 Students: $25.00 Nonmembers $55.00

This was seconded by Joyce Hardee, CMA-A(AAMA). All were in favor, the motion was carried.

2016 Spring Conference: Will be held at Virginia College in Richmond Virginia

2016 Fall Conference: Will be held at Miller-Motte Technical College in Lynchburg, VA

Ad Hoc Committee for Reconstruction: Deb Benson, CMA (AAMA), CPC,CCVTC,CGSC sent out 341 e-mails polling members. Most of these were returned. It was decided to have questionnaires at the 2015 Fall Conference and 2016 Spring Conference.

Chapter Reports:

Old Dominion: No Report

Southwest: No Report- will be submitting chapter charter in November

Peninsula: President Thomas to research with AAMA and see if dues checks are being sent and cashed.

Virginia Beach: May submit chapter charter in November.

Members at Large: The E-News received great feedback from members.

Old Business:

2016 AAMA National Convention: Speakers have been confirmed for all blocks. Volunteers will be needed for the weekend and this will be discussed at the 2015 Fall Conference.

New Business:

A Memorial for Dot Sellars will be read during the AAMA HOD by Virginia Thomas.

Joyce Hardee, CMA-A(AAMA) made a motion to allocate up to $200.00 to cover shipping of promotional items for the 2015 AAMA Conference. This was seconded by Deb Benson, CMA (AAMA), CPC,CCVTC,CGSC. All were in favor, the motion was carried.

Dr. Anton Kuzel received a grant from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) to research a collaborative model of two medical assisting certifications to create a recommended practice model for physicians. Dr. Kuzel reached out to VSMA for his research. Nina Beaman met with him. He requested information in regard to the regulation of the practice of medical assisting, the difference between a certified and non-certified medical assistant, where to find students needing externship experiences. VSMA will support this AHRQ research.


Virginia Thomas, CMA (AAMA) will be running from the floor of AAMA’s House of Delegates in Portland Oregon for the 2 year position of Trustee.

There being no further business or announcements the meeting was adjourned at 3:55 pm