Northern San Luis Valley Conservation Roundtable

Meeting Minutes – July 9, 2014

Business Meeting

Attendees: Julie Mach (ScSEED), Tess Beneduce (ScSEED), Bill Sutherland, Peggy Godfrey, Doug Bishop (OLT), Andrew Mackey (LTUA), Lucy Waldo (LTUA), Nancy Butler (RiGHT), Mike May, several other community members.

Information Sharing:

·  Doug Bishop – new director for Orient Land Trust. Started position about 6 weeks ago but has been in the area since the 70’s. Background as a school teacher. OLT partners with The Nature Conservancy and Division of Wildlife to manage conservation easements around the mine and hot springs. Currently in the midst of a busy summer season hosting lots of hydro-electric tours and bat tours.

·  Andrew Mackie – Land Trust of the Upper Arkansas. Will have their last AmeriCorps VISTA member (Doug Chapman) starting in August.

Recently completed an assessment of the South Arkansas River Watershed and a report is available online at Report includes info on sediment problems, fish crossings, water quality etc. and provides a baseline before restorations projects begin. Included 174 landowners along the river. Will help prioritize problem areas and could serve as a template for other watershed assessments in the valley. Restoration project in September will take place in Poncha Springs and involve local middle school student volunteers.

LTUA has received GOCO grants for Conservation Easements along Arkansas River.

Will be hosting annual event in November, speakers and details TBD.

·  Julie Mach – ScSEED. Currently working on lots of events throughout the county. Some that might be of interest to group:

o  Baca Wildlife Refuge Tours – July 17th (Water and Habitat); Thursday July 31st (Invasive Species Management); Thursday August 14 (Refuge Planning Update/Proposed Public Use); Thursday August 28th (Fall Management) FOR RESERVATIONS CALL 719-256-5527

o  Colorado Field Institute Tour of Kerber Creek Restoration Project – July 26. Details and registration at

o  Wild and Scenic Film Festival in Sagauche – October 18, Ute Theatre. Will feature a variety of films around conservation issues, outdoor adventure, wilderness, etc.

·  Peggy Godfrey – updates from Rio Grande Water Conservation District Board. Sub-district 1 (potato area) working on groundwater management plan. Long delay in actual monitoring (10 years). CREP – voluntary/incentive program to retire water for 15 years – seems to have support but no one actually stepping up to participate. SB-222 provides financial incentives but crops are too lucrative so incentive is not worth it.

Discussed concerns about locals selling/exporting water to front-range (see July 4 Valley Courier article about Saguache County Resident Gary Boyce). State claims eminent domain for front range communities.

·  Nancy Butler – Rio Grande Headwaters Land Trust. Working on lots of grants and conservation easement projects.

Colin McDonald is following the Rio Grande to the Gulf of Mexico to understand why it is disappearing & what that means to those who depend on it. He started at the headwaters in Mineral County and will be through Colorado and into New Mexico soon. He hopes to make a documentary next year. More info at

Future of NSLVCR:

ScSEED has offered to help with administrative/coordinating duties for NSLVCR. This will include compiling meeting minutes/agendas; consolidating mailing lists in Vertical Response marketing application; updating FB (if deemed worthwhile); setting up a website. Individual groups may still be assigned to host quarterly meetings/arrange speakers but ScSEED will help facilitate communication with the group. Julie will set up a phone call or meeting with a “working group” to gather all necessary info/docs/etc.

Currently no one scheduled to host October meeting – ScSEED will coordinate, possibly with Tom McCracken, and perhaps assemble panel of speakers on local food/organic farming/GMOs. Also, suggestion to invite agency representatives to provide updates during business meeting.

Other Topics Discussed:

·  Water conservation council – consideration of in-stream flows. Environmental use is a junior water right and may involve a 2-year process. State-wide water plan – draft should be available in December. Rio Grande Basin Plan currently open for comments. Discussed the lack of representation from Saguache County – Commissioners select representatives from each municipality but currently there are vacancies.

·  GMO-free Saguache County (Tom McCracken) – discussed labeling of GMO foods and possibility of banning GMO use in Saguache County. Could be a draw for more organic producers and perhaps wouldn’t impact many current operations? Possible topic for further discussion at October meeting.


Nancy Butler, Rio Grande Headwaters Land Trust presented on conservation in the San Luis Valley

·  Over 350,000 acres conserved in the Valley

o  180,000 Trinchera Ranch

o  100,000 Medano/Zapata Ranch

o  Others mainly <6,000 acres

·  1.8 million acres conserved in Colorado

·  35 Land Trusts in Colorado, 14 conservation entities working in SLV including RGHLT, LTUA, Nature Conservancy, Cattlemen’s LT, Colorado Parks and Wildlife and more.

·  Conservation easements protect ranches/farms, water resources, wildlife habitat, and/or scenic landscapes. Easement remains with the property in perpetuity. Easements also tie water rights to property so they cannot be sold off separately. Easements may limit use/development on a property including housing, industrial, oil & gas, extraction etc. Each easement is unique to a property and will include different types of restrictions.

·  State Tax Credit – 50% of Conservation donative value. Market for credits which can be sold for cash. Now also available for non-profit organizations who own property.

·  Federal Deduction – applied to federal taxes.

·  RiGLT Events – details coming soon

o  Sept 14 – Annual BBQ

o  Oct 4 – Free photography workshop

Compiled by Julie Mach 7/16/14