Greenwood County Hall of Fame 2016
The Greenwood County Hall of Fame Award is the highest award that the Greenwood Area Chamber of Commerce can bestow on a citizen of Greenwood County. It is intended to recognize individuals who have made extraordinary contributions to the economic well-being and quality of life of Greenwood County, led exemplary lives both socially and spiritually, and, through their careers, have brought recognition and honor to their community.
Please complete the information below about you, the Nominator, and the Nominee:
Nominator’s Name:
Telephone: E-Mail or Fax:
Signature: Date:
Nominee’s Name:
Street or Post Office BoxCityState / Zip
Spouse’s Name: Home Telephone:
As an adult, has the nominee lived in Greenwood County for a minimum of 10 years?
Please check one response:_____Yes_____No_____Don’t Know
All Nominations Must Be Received By Mon., December 19, 2016
Mail nomination to:Angelle LaBorde, President & CEO
Greenwood Chamber of Commerce
P.O. Box 980
Greenwood, SC 29648-0980
Questions:Angelle LaBorde (223-8431, ext. 226)
Or deliver in person to:Greenwood Chamber of Commerce
110 Phoenix Street
Greenwood, SC 29646
Greenwood County Hall of Fame Nomination (continued)
Instructions: All nominations must be printed or typed with a response to the questions in all four sections. Be sure to submit prior to the deadline date. All nominations are confidential and will be valid for three years. Supplemental information may be provided later if your nominee is not selected in a given year. Induction into the Hall of Fame will be at the Chamber of Commerce’s Annual Meeting (scheduled for Thurs., January 19, 2017).
Section 1:Community Volunteerism (50%)
In the following section, please describe the nominee’s personal involvement in community volunteerism; providing information about his/her experiences in the specific areas of their civic, cultural and social, economic, educational and non-profit achievements. Respond to sections 1A – 1E.
1-A:Civic Achievements
Describe the nominee’s personal involvement in community volunteerism, including membership or involvement in service organizations.
1-B:Cultural & Social Achievements
Describe the nominee’s involvement in cultural or social organizations in the community.
1-C:Economic Achievements
Describe the nominee’s involvement in advancing the economic well-being of Greenwood County and describe his/her involvement in local, state or national economic development organizations and / or chambers of commerce. Make sure to also describe their personal contributions to supporting the economic vitality of the Greenwood business community.
1-D:Educational Achievements
Describe the nominee’s involvement in public / private schools, colleges or universities.
1-E:Non-Profit Achievements
Describe the nominee’s involvement in voluntary or charitable organizations and how his/her efforts contributed to improving the quality of life in Greenwood County.
Section 2:Career Achievements (20%)
Describe the nominee’s professional and career history and achievements, including his/her educational degree attainment.
(Note: Degree attainment is not a required criterion.)
Section 3:Spiritual Leadership (15%)
Describe the nominee’s involvement and activities in spiritual or religious organizations.
Section 4:Other Considerations (state and/or national service) (15%)
Describe any other experiences, accomplishments, awards or honors that the nominee has, including state, national or world achievements, related to his/her community volunteerism, career achievements, or spiritual leadership that makes them worthy of the Greenwood Hall of Fame recognition.