Authentic Learning

Career Investigations

This task will help you investigate information about the secondary and tertiary education and skills that may be needed for the two career areas that you have decided to investigate.

  • Save this document to your computer and type your information in a different coloured font or write on a paper copy.
  • Use the following website and/or other sources of information to help you fill in the details in the following tables:

Click on ‘Jobs Database’ at the top of the Home Page.

(NB: when you click on a specific job, there are further links to a range of information).

Tertiary Entry Qualifications: This link will help you.

(general information about NCEA and requirements for entrance to University)

Career Investigation No. 1

Specific goal:
(From goal setting worksheet)
Job Title:
(E.g. Car Salesperson, Engineer, Primary Teacher
Educational and/or entry requirements for the job:
(a)Secondary Education:
(b)Tertiary Education: what courses and where might I do them?
Subjects I should probably take at school:
Year 11
Year 12
Year 13
Other useful experiences/skills that I could have:

Career Investigation No. 2

Specific goal:
(From goal setting worksheet)
Job Title:
(E.g., Geologist, Food
Technologist, Dairy Farmer)
Educational and/or entry requirements for the job:
(a)Secondary Education:
(b)Tertiary Education: what courses and where might I do them?
Subjects I should probably take at school:
Year 11
Year 12
Year 13
Other useful experiences/skills that I could have:

Learning Journal

As you work through your career investigations your Learning Advisor may suggest that you write about your experiences in your Learning Journal.

  • Did you check out any other career information websites?
  • Or discuss a career with someone who is in a job you are investigating?
  • Date each entry.
  • Attach this completed worksheet into your Learning Journal or save to your e-Portfolio.

Career Investigations: Reflection

When you feel you have investigated your TWO career areas enough, use this heading and comment on the following in your Learning Journal.

  • Describe something new you learned about each career area.
  • Name some specific subjects you may need to take at school for each career and explain why they will be needed.
  • Are there any talents/skills you have that you could develop further for a career?
  • What types of Shadow Days or internships can you imagine doing?

Discussion with your Learning Advisor and family/whanau

Set up a time for a discussion to go over what you have learned in your Career Investigation activities and to move forward to:

The next step: Information Interviews

DRAFT Career Investigations May 2015