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Date : / 01789 260323
01789 260306
19 March 2013
Wellesbourne Airfield
Airfield Manager
Wellesbourne Airfield
CV35 9EU / Robert Weeks
Head of Environment and Planning
Dear Sir/Madam
Application(s) reference: 13/00510/OUT
Proposed : Hybrid Planning Application (part full, part outline) for a mixed use re-development comprising:
1. Outline planning permission for the redevelopment of existing previously developed open storage land for residential development (Up to 99 dwellings), with two new accesses on to Loxley Road, Open Space, Car parking and associated infrastructure;
2. Outline planning permission for up to 6 units of B2/B8 (with ancillary B1) floorspace (up to 44,430m2 gross), provision of car parking (732 spaces) and associated infrastructure including demolition of 5 existing commercial units;
3. Full planning permission for 3,507m2 gross food retail store with access off Loxley Road, car parking, servicing and associated infrastructure including demolition of 2 existing commercial units; and
4. Full planning permission for one unit (unit 7) of 11,664m2 of B2/B8 (with ancillary B1) gross floorspace, provision of car parking (158 spaces) and associated infrastructure.
At : Wellesbourne Distribution Park, Loxley Road, Wellesbourne, Warwick CV35 9JY.
For : Barwood Developments Limited
O.S. Grid Reference : E: 426970 N: 254845
The above application has been received and the formal consultation period expires on 9 April 2013. Please e-mail or post your comments to me to arrive by the expiry date, including our reference number in your response. Any comments received will be made available for public inspection and will be published on the Council’s website.
The application, plans and any other documents submitted may be viewed on our web site www.stratford.gov.uk/planning or by using the link below:
Planning Application Documentation (For use with electronic consultations only).
If you have any queries on the proposal please contact the case officer Gary Moss - Tel: 01789 260323 or the Planning Development section - Tel. 01789 260303. Case Officers are available to take your calls up to 1.00pm each working day.
Yours faithfully
Gary Moss
Senior Planner