November 2017
Our Topic this term is : CELEBRATIONS
Our Playgroup value this term is CO-OPERATION
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
At Playgroup we will be:
- Encouraging children to begin to make friends
- Encouraging children to express their preferences and interests
- Helping children understand that some actions can hurt others.
At Home you could:
- Play turn taking games and talk about sharing
- Encourage your child to help tidy their toys
Physical development
At playgroup we will be:
- Developing fine motor skills
- Exploring malleable materials
- Practisingpouring
- Using mark making tools & trying to usecorrect pencil grip to draw lines and circles
At home you could:
- Encourage children to feed themselves using cutlery independently
- Encourage independence in using the toilet and personal hygiene
At playgroup we will be:
- Beginning to represent numbers using fingers or marks on paper
- Beginning to understand that numbers identify how many objects are in a set
- Beginning to understand some time language such as before, later and soon.
At home you could:
- Count using one to one correspondence
- Match numbers to quantity
Communication and Language
At Playgroup we will be:
- Listening to others when they are talking and not interrupting.
- Helping children to understand simple concepts such as size language or opposites
- Encouraging children to use simple sentences with correct word endings
At home you could:
- Ask who, what, where questions
- Encourage children to say Please and Thank you
Letters & Sounds
We will be exploring instrumental sounds to develop the children’s listening skills through the use of musical instruments
- New words to old songs
- Adjusting volume
- Matching sounds
- Hidden instruments
At Playgroup we will be:
- Looking at books independently and handling books carefully
- Giving meaning to marks as we draw and paint
At home you could:
- Practise using the correct grip when holding a pencil
- Share stories together
Understanding the World
At playgroup we will be:
- Operating mechanical toys e. friction toys
- Talking about ourselves and our families
- Observing features of our environment
- Finding out about different celebrations
At home you could:
- Talk about your home environment and features of the street where you live
Please can you send in a family photograph to add to our display to support our learning.
Expressive Arts and Design
At playgroup we will be:
- Using various construction materials and beginning to construct, stacking blocks vertically and horizontally.
- Beginning to use drawing lines and spaces as a means of communications.
At home you could:
- encourage your child to give meaning to their drawings
- Sing and listen to nursery rhymes
Characteristics of Effective Learning:
At playgroup we will be:
- Engaging in open ended activities
- Encouraging paying attention to details
- Thinking of new ways to do things
At home you could:
- Encourage your child to find ways to solve problems
PLEASE REMEMBER: Children will need a warm coat to play outside and a hat and mittens to keep warm.