Session 3: Back and S+C Male Workout Plan

Phase 1: Warm Up

Warm Up Goal / Equipment / Time
Raise heart rate gradually/warm up lower body / Rower (RPE 6-7) / 5 minutes

Phase 2: Main Workout

All reps are at a tension of 2:1:2 unless stated otherwise, 2 seconds on the positive, 1 second squeeze (at bottom or top depending on movement) 2 seconds on the negative.

Exercise: / Warm Up: / Sets: / Reps: / Rest: / Tension: / System: / Weight Used:
Week 1,2,3 / Weight Used:
Week 3,5,6 / Video:
Pull Ups (with or without band) / None / 3 / 10 / 60 seconds / 2:1:2 / N/A / Video:
Note: break up the reps as needed, if you need to do 4 reps, break, 4 reps, break, 2 reps for 10, that’s fine.
Barbell Bent Over Row / Barbell / 3 / 10 / 60 seconds / 2:1:2 / n/a / Video:
Incline Dumbell Row Superset Lat Pull Down / None / 3 / 8
/ 90 seconds / 2:1:2 / Superset / Video:
Dumbbell Single Arm Row
/ None / 3 / 10 each side / 60 seconds / 2:1:2 / n/a / Video:
Burpee Push Up Box Jumps
Superset Swiss Ball Plank / None / 3 / 8
45 seconds / 60 seconds / 2:1:2 / Superset / Video:
  1. Renegrade Row
  2. Bodyweight Dips
  3. Dumbell Shoulder Press
/ None / 4 / 20 total
20 / 45 seconds / 2:1:2 / Circuit / Video:


Phase 3:Recovery

Foam Rolling: Quads (5 minutes each side)

Sliotar/Baseball: Hamstrings (4 knots on each side)

Static Stretches: Split Squats (8 each side with 2 second pause on bottom followed by 20 second isometric flexor stretch- 3 sets back to back)

See Recovery video on ‘Video Explanations Page’ for videos and instructions.