Washington High School PTA

Meeting Minutes

February 8, 2011

President Sorina Abernathy called the meeting to order at 9:05am. The meeting was held at Washington High School in room 128. Twenty seven people were in attendance.

Executive Committee Reports

Secretary – The minutes of the December 14, 2010 meeting were approved.

Treasurer – The treasurer report was presented by President Sorina Abernathy due to the absence of Laura Gregory. The report was approved.

Presentation by the Washington High School Counselors on there visit to Minnesota colleges. Each college visited was given a brief overview with a slide show. The highlights of what each college offers as well as qualifications needed to attend each school were reviewed. More information on the Minnesota colleges, as well as colleges that have been visited in previous years, can be found on the Washington High School website under the “People” tab by choosing “counselors”.

Committee Reports

Cookie Sales – Sale on February 11, 2011

School Cents – Raised $1100 dollars for this school year.

Graduation Follow Up – has been completed by Lisa Thirnbeck and Sandy Worley

Post Prom – This event starts after Prom. It goes from 12:00am until 4:00am. It entertains approximately 500 students. The committee is trying to raise $13,000. They need donations and volunteers to help on the committee.

Trophy Displays – The cases will be cleaned again before Mo Show.

Volunteer Coordinator – Looking for volunteers for Mo Show.

New Business

The positions of Vice President and Treasurer on the PTA executive committee are open for the 2011/2012 school year. A nominating committee of 3 people is needed.

Staff Comments

Sue McDermott, Counseling Dept. Chair, circulated and briefly reviewed the attached February Counseling Update. Please see the attached document for valuable information.

Dr. Plagman, Principal, introduced Thaddeus Paisar as the new police officer assigned to Washington High School. Officer Paisar has a degree from Wartburg College. He is a certified teacher as well as a coach. There is an increased number of incoming freshman expected next year. There are six teachers or counselors that will be retiring from WHS this year under the early retirement offer.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:00am. The next meeting will be March 8 in room 128 at WHS.

Karen Greif, Secretary