Phil McKinney, President
Karan Sorensen, V.P./Treasurer /
Michael LoBue, Exe. Dir.
Adrian Bowles, Advisor

1.0 Call Meeting to Order, Anti-trust Reminder & Agenda Review

The meeting was called to order at approximately 10:40 a.m. Pacific Time.

Michael provided the verbal reminder of the Institute’s anti-trust statement and that it is the Institute’s policy to conduct its meetings and affairs in accordance with these guidelines.

2.0Minutes & Financial Report

There was a motion and a second to approve the minutes of the board meeting of April 5, 2010. The minutes of this meeting were approved.

Michael highlighted the financial report through the period ending April 30, 2010.

3.0Status on “Institute Focus”

CIO Summit Hosted by Karan/J&J – Michael and Adrian reported on a plan to hold a “CIO Summit” at J&J’s New Jersey facilities for mid-Atlantic CIOs with the intent of promoting the Institute and membership. Adrian explained that he’s been in touch with the board of the Connecticut Chapter of SIM and they support the collaboration. This event will also be promoted to the SIM chapters in NYC, New Jersey and Philadelphia.
It was suggested that it be a half-day event, perhaps begin it around 10:00 a.m., work through lunch and conclude at 2:00. Michael & Adrian will continue to develop this event and propose an agenda.

Productivity of Collaborative Software – Michael introduced a possible research project around the deployment in enterprises of collaborative software suites, like Google Apps. Michael reported that he sent an inquiry to the Academic Advisors the previous week, but had not received many responses to date. Phil & Karan were supportive of the idea and Michael will continue to pursue support within AA community.

4.0Research Review

  1. Reviews of Ahituv/Storh Proposal – Michael reported that the DEPICT team continues to load article content into their own database, while the TAU team is experimenting with the automated analysis of the articles. Niv Ahituv reported that they remain on schedule with the project.
  1. Innovation Confidence Index –Michael reported that the final version of the report has been received and Michael is seeking someone to edit the final version. The release of it continues to be paced with the revision of the website.

5.0Website Update

Michael reported that work continues to import existing content into the new structure and it’s proving more of a challenge than anticipated. The challenge has to do with matching the features of this rich tool with the needs of the Institute.

6.0Adjourn & Next Board Meeting

The conference call meeting was adjourned at approximately 11:20 a.m. Pacific. Michael confirmed the next scheduled call to be Monday, June 21, 2010 at 9:30 Pacific Time.

Respectfully submitted,

Michael LoBue

Acting Secretary

IIIP Board Members’ Minutes – December 4, 2009Page 1 of 1