County Cork Beekeepers Association
Web-Site: Hon Secretary:Hon. Treasurer:
Bob McCutcheonJames Curtin,
Co. Cork. P72 AT28P14 WC79
Membership Remittance Advice to CCBKA – for Year Commencing January 2017
Name: ……………………………………………………….Landline: …………………….
Address: ……………………………………………………….Mobile: …………………….
………………………………………EirCode: ………………………...
e-mail: ………………………………………………………Member of CCBKA since ………
Beginners Charge 2016 : €65 Y/NAdditional Family Beginner: €35
Full Membership Renewal : €35 Y/N
Additional Family Member:€20 Y/N ......
Associate Member : €5I am Affiliated with: …………………………………………..Assoc
CCBKA Associate : €5I no longer have bees, and have been a paid up member of CCBKA
for more than 5 years – I understand that for Insurance purposes I will need full membership, if I have bees again in future.
Data Protection Acts:CCBKA is a member Association of FIBKA, your Membership is of CCBKA
For 2017FIBKA will charge CCBKA a Combined Affiliation Fee of €30 for each Full Member, which includes Affiliation and Insurance Contribution: For the sole purpose of accumulating CCBKA numbers to be covered for Insurance purposes the National Treasurer will record your name and address, without disclosure.
I agree: Yes ☐ No ☐
An Beachaire: the Irish Beekeepers Journal is the other part of the Combined Affiliation Fee charged by FIBKA and included in any Full Membership or Beginners Charge payable to CCBKA, additional Family Members do not get “An Beachaire” For the sole purpose of circulating this magazine, your name and address will be submitted to the Manager of “An Beachaire” I agree: Yes ☐ No ☐
Additional Family Members: FIBKA has made provision for this category of member to be Insured and Affiliated, without the requirement to subscribe to “An Beachaire”
Beginners Charge: This includes the Autumn Course + 2017 Full Membership of CCBKA including the Combined Affiliation Fee of FIBKA for one year. Beginners who join us before 30th June, will be affiliated immediately, while for those who join after 1st July 2017 their Combined Affiliation Fee will run from 1st January 2018.This will be reviewed in Autumn 2017 and subject to FIBKA combined Affiliation Fee rate; First year Additional Family Beginners will be charged €35: next Renewal €20
CCBKA Communication is so far as possible by e-mail and we undertake that your e-mail address and telephone number will not be divulged to any third party, and further your name and address, will only be given to FIBKA for the two sole purposes set out above. NeitherCCBKA or FIBKA will divulge your personal details to any third party or agency of the State, and if required to do so under any new laws enacted, we will seek your specific permission.
This year we are seeking EirCode details against a time when they will become a required part of address.
You can check your Eircode at:
Lapsed Members on e-mail will continue to be updated with our circulars, unless they say “no thanks”
Please indicate your membership category on this form when sending it to our Treasurer:
I enclose a Total of € ...... to cover my renewal for 2017 – Cheques payable to CCBKA
Signed: ……………………………………Date: / /