
Briefing paper on Person-centred planning programme


  • PCP is a person’s own description of how they want to live now and in the future.
  • It was developed originally in the 1980’s in America, to help people with learning disabilities to move from residential care to living in the community.
  • In the UK, PCP is used in learning disabilities services, endorsed by the 2001 White Paper, “Valuing People”, which set out requirements for the planning and delivery of services.
  • It is planning with people, not doing to them! It encourages people to take charge of their own lives by putting them in control, and at the centre of their planning.
  • It is giving people full lives, rooted in the community. PCP is based on the belief that everyone has the right to live in and take part in society.
  • It involves the circle of people around the individual. Each person has their own “community” – friends, relatives and others who work together to help a person plan and achieve their goals.
  • It involves learning through shared action, and may involve significant change. The responsibility for implementing the plan is shared between people in the group.
  • For PCP to work successfully, group members and facilitators need to be open-minded, honest, and feel able to give up control.
  • There are many different tools and models that can be used. Carr-Gomm has chosen to focus on four formal tools (PATH, MAP, ELP and PFP) that can be used in different situations, but we have also developed two simple planning tools staff can start to use after a single day of training.


  • We believe that PCP can be effective with many other client groups as well as people with learning disabilities. Our initial pilot programme has shown very favourable early indications that this is the case.
  • It is a natural way forward for our work with clients, following on from our successful empowerment work. We have found that it unlocks clients’ dreams, hopes and wishes for now and in the future.
  • Social Services will favour and understand the approach, as they have already become familiar with it in their work with clients with learning disabilities.
  • PCP is based on clear, measurable outcomes, based on clients’ own wishes, which are unique and personal to each individual.
  • It offers more satisfaction and fulfilment for clients, who are enabled to focus on their dreams and personal goals as they never have before.
  • Training for staff is focussed on Carr-Gomm’s approach to support, and they all get the opportunity to try out aspects of PCP for themselves. This gives staff a broader understanding and utilisation of the ethos and philosophy of excellent support, which benefits clients, staff and the organisation as a whole.


  • Carr-Gomm started to introduce the concept of Person Centred Planning at the beginning of 2002. Carr-Gomm’s Executive team is strongly committed to the programme, and have set aside funds each year to support the programme.
  • Key milestones in the PCP programme have included:
  • Spring 2002 – A Steering Group was set up to kick start the initiative, and agree the way forward for the organisation. External consultants were appointed to assist with initial training.
  • Autumn 2002 – presentation made at the clients’ conference, explaining what PCP was, and that it was coming! It was received with enthusiasm.
  • Winter 2002/03 – Training commenced for first group of facilitators, and tools put into practice with varied client groups - learning disabilities, mental ill health, Somali women, floating support clients and day centre clients.
  • Spring 2003 – Grant funding received for 3-year period to cover training for staff, production of a folder for staff, and a dissemination conference and associated paperwork for the wider sharing of good practice and experience to the mental health sector in general.
  • Autumn 2003 – Carr-Gomm wrote and produced the first sections of our internal folder introducing PCP to our staff. It was written in a new, fresh style intended to excite and stimulate staff into positive approaches to PCP. The folder was written by the project leaders with input from the facilitators.
  • Spring 2004 - the trained facilitators met to review the success of the pilot programme and agree on a process for disseminating the PCP work to other staff.
  • Autumn 2004 - one-day introductory workshop for staff rolled out across the country. The workshop gives staff a chance to learn more about PCP, experience some of the exercises, and have enough knowledge to go and start working within the ethos of PCP with their clients. At the same time, training commenced for a second group of expert facilitators, to keep the knowledge flow fresh and enthusiastic.
  • Spring 2005 – Workshops continue with staff and will become part of induction training for all new staff to Carr-Gomm.


Dissemination Seminars – Autumn 2005.
  • A range of workshops will be run across the UK and invitations will be sent to providers and local authorities who may be interested in the PCP approach. These workshops will enable us to share good practice and first hand experience of the PCP process.
Launch of external training programme - Winter 2005.
  • In conjunction with Consult Carr-Gomm, we shall be offering a range of practical and effective ½ day and 1 day workshops for providers who wish to begin to use PCP tools and processes.
Evaluation of the effectiveness of PCP – 2005 to 2006 inclusive
  • A research project designed to formally evaluate the effectiveness of PCP with a wide range of client groups will take place over a 12 month period.


If you would like to find out more about Carr-Gomm’s PCP programme or the services that Consult Carr-Gomm is planning to offer then please contact:
Sally Parsons
PCP Project Leader - Carr-Gomm
Telephone: 07967 362571
Audrey Mitchell
Senior Consultant – Consult Carr-Gomm
Telephone: 0207 740 9471
Duke House
6-12 Tabard Street
London SE1 4JU
Telephone: 020 7397 5323
Fax: 020 7397 5301