University of Wolverhampton Disabled Staff Network


·  To promote improved working conditions for disabled staff at the University.

·  To share good practice in recruiting and supporting disabled staff.

·  To act as an engagement and consultation forum.

The group is intended to operate in a strategic manner and is not intended to:

·  Duplicate what other groups or other staff are currently doing e.g. Disability Equality Network or the disability remit of Cindy Williams-Findlay.

·  Be a self help support group – support of this nature can be developed through the informal Disabled Staff Support Group or individual schools or services. However the group will probably be supportive as a by product

·  Be a social group

·  Be the route for disabled staff to come and complain. The recognised channels for dealing with complaints should be used.

Who can take part?

·  If you are a member of University of Wolverhampton staff you are welcome to get involved in this group if you identify with any of the following;

§  you consider yourself to be disabled or D/deaf;

§  you have an unseen medical condition such as epilepsy, HIV or multiple sclerosis;

§  you have a physical or sensory impairment / medical condition;

§  you have specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia or dyspraxia;

§  you have mental health difficulties such as depression;

§  you have a temporary injury;

§  you have or had an illness that may reoccur such as cancer;

§  you have a cognitive impairment such as autistic spectrum disorders;

§  you have more than one medical condition and/or a condition that fluctuates.

It does not matter how many hours you work for the University, how long you have worked here or what your grade is.

Please get permission from your line manager if required before attending meetings.

If you have any specific support needs such as information in alternative formats or a British Sign Language Interpreter please contact Cindy Williams-Findlay (see below) so that we can make appropriate arrangements for you.

If you know of any colleagues who may be interested in this group but do not have access to a PC please pass on details to them.

We respectfully ask that you don’t attend this group if you do not have personal experience of any of the circumstances above. However, you are welcome to attend meetings of the Disability Equality Network (DEN); a university-wide group that includes colleagues with a specific remit for or interest in disability issues.

Where will the group report?

The group is a sub-group of the Disability Equality Network (DEN). More information is available to all staff via the Disability Equality Network public folder in Microsoft Outlook.

A representative of the group is invited to attend all DEN meetings but may choose to attend only those meetings where employment issues are to be considered.

DEN is currently a sub-group of the University Equality and Diversity Committee, which is advisory to the Board of Governors.

The group may choose to submit reports to a variety of responsible groups or staff such as Personnel Services.

DEN will receive update reports from the group and provide appropriate support. Appropriate papers may also be submitted to the Equality and Diversity Committee.

Schedule of Meetings

This section will be updated when dates for 2009-2010 have been finalised.

Colleagues who are included on our confidential e-mail list will receive meeting invitations via e-mail.

We can send out postal meeting invitations to colleagues without access to a PC.

For further information

To find out more, or to be added to our confidential e-mail circulation list (where your name will not be visible to other recipients) please contact:

Cindy Williams-Findlay

Equality and Diversity Advisor


Telephone (01902) 32 1182