August 2014

Dear Stony Point Parent,

We would like to welcome you and your child to the Stony Point High School Dance Department! We will be doing many fun activities this year and hope that your student will both enjoy and learn from them. It is our goal to provide all with a dance-enriched experience.

In this class we will study many styles of dance such as jazz, modern, ballet, lyrical, hip-hop, tap, folk, ballroom, partner, and other styles from countries around the world. We will also learn about famous dancers and choreographers, costuming and makeup, how to critique and analyze dance performances, and your child will also get to be a choreographer. We will also explore health and nutrition as well. There will be two mandatory performances, “Intersection” in October and our annual Spring Show in March, in which your student will participate.

For your information, we are providing a simple form of the “Class Rules,” “Expectations,” and “Grading Policy.” Please familiarize yourself with the packet provided to know all that is expected of your student in this class. Also note that both you and your student will need to sign the attached form to indicate understanding of the provided information.

Class Rules

Be Present

Be Prompt

Be Prepared

Be Productive

Be Polite


Dress Out

Stay on Task

Always Try

Ask for Help

When YouNeed It

Grading Policy

30% Major grades

30% Written Work

40% Daily Grade

We will provide every effort to help your child achieve an outstanding grade, but the student must understand the importance of their role in obtaining that grade. Please see the Student Handbook for the school’s policy regarding all make-up work when an absence occurs. We will do our best to stay in contact with you throughout the year, but if questions arise, please do not hesitate to contact us using the information below.

Looking forward to a great year,

Michelle (512)428-7174

Abby (512)428-7133
Brittnie (512)428-7132
Jose (512)775-5423

Course: Dance I, Advanced I, II, III, IV and Ballet Folklorico I-IV

Instructors:Abby Goertz, Michelle Powers, Brittnie Plattor and Jose Limon

Credit:Physical Education, Fine Arts

What are the objectives in this class?

  • To learn self-discipline, self-confidence, and dedication through dance using the body as an expressive instrument.

To explore different dance styles and techniques through various exercises in movement and knowledge of factors that influence dance.

  • To develop a dance vocabulary.
  • To develop choreographic skills.
  • To develop kinesthetic awareness.

What are the rules in this class?

  • Be Present
  • Be Prompt
  • Be Prepared
  • Be Productive
  • Be Polite

What are the expectations in the class?

  • Students are expected to dress out for class each day (top, bottom, and shoes).
  • Students are expected to stay on task.
  • Students are expected to always try in class.
  • Students are expected to ask for help when they need it.

What is the grading policy in this class?

  • 30% Dance Exams

This grade is based on movement combinations and dances learned.

  • 30% Written Work

This grade is based on essays, projects, and handouts assigned.

  • 40% Daily Grade

This grade is based on personal engagement and weekly technique. A Daily Grade is recordedevery time a student attends class. According to our grading procedures, astudent will not pass the class unless they follow the criteria above each day. Points will be deducted for behavior that the teacher defines as disrupting the learning environment.

What are the classroom procedures?

  • Each class will receive individual procedures based on its facility.

What do I wear to class?

  • Students must wear any SPHS t-shirt with a dark colored athletic bottom of any style; your student may purchasea SPHS Dance T-shirt ($10) from their teacher.(Putting dance pants over your school jeans does not qualify as dressing out).
  • Students may also wear black jazz shoes, ballet shoes, lyrical shoes, foot thongs.
  • Students must have their hair pulled back out of face during class.
  • Students must wear a cover up when walking around the school.
  • Students may not wear jewelry that dangles.

Where can I buy dancewear?

  • Students can buy dancewear in many different ways:

At any dancewear store such as:

Dorothy’s Dance Shop (Located by RR Luby's10% discount) or Dancer’s Closet (Off of A.W. Grimes)

Online dancewear stores such as:

(look for affordable brand Dance Now)

Other stores that sell black dance pants (yoga pants): Target, Forever 21, Academy, Wal-mart and Old Navy

What happens if my dance clothes get lost or stolen?

Stony Point High Schooland/or RRISD cannot be responsible for anything that is lost or stolen. Keep an eye at all times on your belongings. Also, make sure your dance clothes get labeled with a black permanent marker.

What happens if I am not able to dance during class?

If a student is not able to dance in class due to illness or injury, the student must nevertheless dress out for class as well as present a parent note in order to get full credit for the day. Students who are unable to dance must also take detailed dance notes on the class and turn those notes into their dance teacher for complete credit of class.

If I miss a class, how do I catch up on what I missed?

Students who miss class must either catch up during reviews or learn movement from other students.

Can I chew gum in dance class?

No, absolutely not. Chewing gum while dancing is a choking hazard.

Can I bring food, drinks or cell phones to class?

No. Students may not have cell phones and mobile devices visible during instruction. Food and drinks are not allowed in the dance areas. Teachers have individual policies on this issue.

What requirements do I need to pass and move on to a higher level of dance at SPHS?

Along with rules, expectations and grading policy, students must perform in at least one of the shows (see below) to pass and move to the next level. In addition, each student will complete a Goal Sheet in the Spring. The Goal Sheet is a list of dance elements that must be executed with proper technique in front of their dance teacher. Without passing the Goal Sheet with at least a 90, performing once a year, and following rules, expectations, and passing the class with an overall GPA of a 70 you will not advance to the next level of dance.

What are the special performances and events for dance department students?

District Dance Show – Intersection Information

  • Every RRISD Dance student will perform in the annual “Intersection” show held at the RRISD Performing Arts Center. You do not have to be eligible to participate.The SPHS Dance Classes (Dance I, Advanced I, II, III, IV and Ballet Folklorico I-IV) will tech onWednesday October 22nd OR Thursday October 23rd,time frames for your class will be announced at a later date. The Intersection showswill be held on SATURDAY,OCTOBER 25TH. You will find out at a later date whether your class is in the 10:00 a.m. or 2:00 p.m.Clear your schedules now and invite family and friends. It is sure to be a grand event! Please note that this is A REQUIREDco-curricular activity and all students will receive individual grades based on their participation in this event. Dancers must arrange for all transportation to and from the PAC for both tech night and show for this event. We will need parent volunteers to assist with this production. If you are interested, please email . There will also be optional sales for an Intersection t-shirt and Intersection DVD for this event to raise money for our dance dept (details are attached below). There is no cost to get into the show however, a $2+ donation is encouraged at the door.

Tiger Dancer Spring Show

  • Every eligible Stony Point dance student will perform in the Spring Show. “Eligible” for the show means each dancer must pass all their classes for the 4th six weeks to participate in the Show. The week of April 7thwill be a busy one. Technical Rehearsals for all dance classeswill be held Wednesday, April 9th (times for classes will vary) and Dress Rehearsal will be Thursday, April 8TH (5:00-8:30 p.m.) with the shows on April 10th and 11that the PAC. The start time for the show is 7 p.m. However, dancers must roll check at 6 p.m. inside the auditorium. Again, clear your calendars now for this event and invite everyone you know! This is also a mandatory performance for those who are academically eligible and students will receive individual grades based on their participation and/or knowledge of the performance material.Those students not eligible must learn the dance and do an additional written assignment. Dancers must arrange for all transportation to and from the PAC for both tech night and show for this event. Tickets must be purchased for the shows for spectators. They are $5 in advance and $7 at the door. Along with ticket sales, there will be an optional Spring Show T-shirt ($10) and DVD ($20) of the performance sold.
  • All District Dance Performance- Field Trip

Every Eligible student will be permitted to attend the All District Dance Performance on November 12th at the PAC. Each student must be passing the 1st 6 weeks report card in order to attend this field trip. All students that attend must fill out and turn in all paper work on time, be in proper dress code, and display proper audience etiquette.

Agreement for Class Rules

I understand the Objectives, Goals, Expectations, Procedures, Grading Policy, Dressing Out/Participation expectations, as well as the Special Performance information. I will do my best to follow/help my child follow these guidelines in Dance class.

Dance Class LevelI Adv. I II III IV

(Circle One)



Student Name______

Student Signature______

Parent/Guardian Name______

Parent/Guardian Signature______

Intersection Parent Volunteer

  • Yes, I would like to help out with volunteering for Intersection. I have checked my schedule for Saturday, November 2nd. Please email more information.

Person Emailing______

Email Address______

Cell Phone ______

  • No, I am unable to volunteer for Intersection this year.

Intersection T-Shirt Order Form

Your Full Name______

Dance Teacher’s Name______

Class Period_____

Size / # Short Sleeved
($10.00) / # Long Sleeved
($15.00) / Total
Youth Medium / $
Youth Large / $
Adult Small / $
Adult Medium / $
Adult Large / $
Adult X Large / $
Adult 2X Large / $
Grand Total / $


MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO RRISD and please include your Driver’s License # and phone number.

Intersection T-Shirt Order Form

Your Full Name______

Dance Teacher’s Name______

Class Period_____

Size / # Short Sleeved
($10.00) / # Long Sleeved
($15.00) / Total
Youth Medium / $
Youth Large / $
Adult Small / $
Adult Medium / $
Adult Large / $
Adult X Large / $
Adult 2X Large / $
Grand Total / $


MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO RRISD and please include your Driver’s License # and phone number.

Intersection Video Order Form

Your Full Name______

Dance Teacher’s Name______

Class Period______

____ # of DVD X $15.00 = $______Total

$______Grand Total


MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO RRISD and please include your Driver’s License # and Phone Number.

Intersection Video Order Form

Your Full Name______

Dance Teacher’s Name______

Class Period______

____ # of DVD X $15.00 = $______Total

$______Grand Total


MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO RRISD and please include your Driver’s License # and Phone Number.