Torrance Little League

Code of Conduct Incident Investigation and Interview Process


It is the goal of Torrance Little League to provide a safe, fun and enjoyable environment for our children to play and learn the game of baseball.

All persons participating in Torrance Little League must abide by a Code of Conduct.

It is a requirement of all Managers, Coaches and those in positions of leadership at TLL to read, understand, and acknowledge in writing their commitment to abide by the Code of Conduct.

Nevertheless, it is everyone’s job to ensure the Code of Conduct is being followed. It is the goal of the League that everyone feel empowered to remind those not in adherence to the “Code” that they need to be, for the sake of the kids

This document will serve as a guide to ensure a fair, consistent and repeatable process for handling Code of Conduct Incident reports filed by any parent, coach, manager, umpire or board member.

Torrance Little League

Code of Conduct Incident Investigation and Interview Process


ð  COC incident reports must be filed via email to within 72 hours.

ð  TLL President, TLL VP, Treasurer, or Secretary shall review COC incident report to determine if the complaint meets the criteria for an alleged COC incident.

ð  After the COC incident has been vetted, the TLL President will appoint a COC Review Committee.

ð  The Review Committee will be comprised of no less than 5 BOD members with one of the five being selected as the Committee Head. There will be two Alternate COC members chosen. A COC Review Committee will require 5 voting members to complete the COC Resolution Submission sheet.

ð  The COC Committee will interview the complainant and any witnesses listed on the incident report.

ð  The COC Committee will interview the Alleged and any witnesses provided.

ð  Final review of TLL COC Incident Reporting Form and supporting documentation.

ð  Review and Complete TLL COC Resolution Submission Sheet and understand the “Strikes” and “Penalty” process.

ð  COC Committee to verify any COC Violations, “Strikes”, and/or “Penalty” imposed and submit findings to the TLL BOD through the Resolution Submission form.

ð  COC recommendations regarding any “Penalties” will be presented to the TLL BOD and voted on for approval through a 2/3 vote.

Taken Directly from Little League Code of Conduct section:

Every season starts off with good spirits and fun intentions, but situations may arise during the season when emotions take over and tempers flare, making for scenes where the roles of adults and children become reversed. To help curb instances of inappropriate behavior at Little League® games and activities, local leagues can use a Code of Conduct pact to hold parents, fans and volunteers accountable for their actions.

Little League offers each of its leagues access to a Code of Conduct forparents,coachesandvolunteers. By encouraging parents, coaches and managers to sign one, or all, of these documents, your league has set the precedent that behavior deemed detrimental to the league and its players will not be tolerated. It also gives your Board of Directors the grounds to respond to an incident that may occur during any game, event or activities hosted by your league.

The Code of Conduct policies available through Little League can be used “as-is” or may be modified to suit your local league. By way of discussion and vote by the Board, any addendums or additional stipulations may be included. It is strongly recommended that if your league chooses to use these respective policies that they be signed by all applicable parties prior to the start of the season, collected, kept on file by the League President, and enforced by the league.

Torrance Little League 2017 Code of Conduct

All persons participating in Torrance Little League (TLL) must abide by a Code of Conduct, which includes the provisions that follow.

No one shall use tobacco products, alcohol or drugs on the Torrance Little League facility, including not only the stands and the field but also all adjacent areas to the field such as the parking lot and restroom. When present at a practice session for a TLL team whether at a park school or batting facility, No one shall use such products around or near the team or anywhere in that locale where the use of such products might be seen by the team.

No one shall provoke a manager, coach, player, umpire or spectator.

No one shall use profane or abusive language.

No one shall show repetitive or violent disapproval of an umpire’s decision such as, but not limited to, whether a batted ball is fair or foul, whether a pitch is a strike or a ball, or whether a runner is safe or out.

All decisions of the umpires or other game officials shall be accepted as being fair and called to the best of their abilities.

Any violation of the above will be reviewed by the Torrance Little League Board of Directors for appropriate action.

Notwithstanding the preceding items, no participant whether manager, coach, player, fan, guest, visitor or bystander, shall physically contact any umpire, manager, coach, player or spectator. Violation of this rule will result in the manager, coach, player, fan, guest, visitor or bystander being immediately removed from the Torrance Little League facilities and being subject to possible disqualification by the Board from future participation and/or attendance at Torrance Little League.

Thank you for your cooperation

Torrance Little League