Downtown Elkin, Inc. Minutes
Call to Order: A regular meeting of the Downtown Elkin, Inc members was held in Elkin, NC at the Yadkin Valley Chamber of Commerce on July 9, 2015. The meeting convened at 8:30 A.M., Larry Irwin called the meeting to order. Officers attending were Cicely McCulloch, Vice-President, Connie Song, Treasurer and Vicki Roberts, Secretary. Members in attendance were Robert Phillips, John Parsons and Don Hudson. Also attending was Laura Gaylord with the Town of Elkin.
Approval of Minutes: Motion was made by John Parsons and seconded by Cicely McCulloch to approve the minutes of the June 11th, 2015 meeting. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Reports:
Currently 33 members
Board and committee reports:
Yadkin Valley Chamber of Commerce Update – Misty Matthews came into the meeting to give a Chamber update. The Yadkin Valley Pumpkin Festival will be staged the same as years past. On East and West Main Streets. It will not be on Standard Street but Highway 21 will be closed. The committee is still working on the location of the pumpkin weigh off but anticipated to be in the Liberty parking lot. They are also using the parking lot at the Main Street Learning Center for port a john, kettle corn and funnel cakes. Music stage will be set up in front of the Reeves with various performances and Time Sawyer at 3:00. They will do various kids activities and try to incorporate more of the theme of the festival. She asked for DTE, Inc to again sponsor with $300. She said we could provide a banner and they will hang it. Pumpkin Festival meetings are open to the public and are held on the second Tuesday at 12:00 at the Chamber.
Cruise Update –Posters are available for the event. Please see Vicki. June Cruise was not well attended due to storms. I set up tent until about 3:30 when storms came through. July Cruise will have DirtRoad Entertainment DJ’ing and the Good Time Charlie ride ending up at 4 at the Public House. The September Cruise will be at Crater Park 9am-9pm.
Main Street Advisory Update –Laura reported Mountain Peddler has closed. 21 and Main is for lease. Heaven Scent is only catering, not open for dine in anymore. West Main Antiques is for sale by owner. 105 W Main is still for lease. Former BB&T is under contract. Antiques on Main has changed owners will be called trails N antiques. New ice cream parlor in the Vap shop on Market Street. MST emblems installed to recognize the NC Mountain to See trail markers.
Rock Façade – Rock the Façade event had about 100 people attend and generated about $2,500 toward the cause.
July 10 – Live music at 222 Public House – Reevestock Preview with a few bands that will be playing at Reevestock Aug 1.
July 11/18/25 - Farmers Market 9am to noon – rain or shine. Live music most weekends.
July 11 - Kid's Fest - Foothills Art Council - 11 am to 3 pm - for more information contact the Foothills Arts Council at (336) 835-2025 or go to Free, fun, live music, crafts for kids, food vendors too. Stop by and enjoy some fun quality time with the kids. FAC is on corner of Market and Church St.
July 24-26 – Take A Break from the Interstate Road Market- takes place along Hwy 21 (Bridge St) from Harmony NC to Wytheville VA. Hwy 21 was the old Lakes to Florida Hwy before I-77 was built and was heavily traveled by those driving from the Great Lakes region to Florida on vacation. This event is to bring visitors back to this route for a road market, and shows them the beauty of our region so they’ll return again for future visits. Downtown shops are encouraged to place items in front of your stores, but make sure you bring them in at night. Also, keep your displays tidy and attractive (not junky!). It is required that you leave approx 5 feet of space for foot traffic and ADA requirements (wheelchair access). Learn more about the event at and I have yellow HWY 21 signs if needed.
July 25 - Cruise Downtown Elkin 4pm – 9pm. Keep your fingers crossed for good weather that day!
July 24-26 – CHICAGO (a community theater musical) will be held at Dixon Auditorium (EHS) - $10 at door. (Fri 24/Sat 25 begins at 7:30pm; Sun July 26 at 2:30pm).
July 31 – Downtown Get Down / Reevestock (Aug 1) starts the night before in downtown with live music at 222 Public House. Reevestock is on Sat, Aug 1, at Elkin’s Hidden Amphitheater all afternoon into the evening hours.
Every Fri/Sat Night – Live music at Brushy Mountain Winery from 6pm – 8pm.
Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at 9:30 am.
Respectfully Submitted by: Vicki Roberts, Secretary