Port Credit Secondary School

Council Minutes

Wednesday, April 25th, 2012 - 7:00 pm

Principal: Wendy Lautamus (absent)

Vice-Principal Sue Laidlaw

Teaching Representative(s): Art Senkowski

Student Representatives: Devashree Desai, Troy Aharonian

Community Representative: Peter Toller

Support Staff Member: Jo-Anne Osterbauer, Tanya Abolins

Chair: Gaye Gould

Vice-Chairs: Beaula Prashanth, Saran Singh (absent)

Secretary: Leeja Anderson

Treasurer: Pam DeGroot

Parent Voting Members: Alexandra Petersen, Anne Short, Brukt Abraham, Claudia Vandenhazel, Ed Short, Erika David, Jay Atawala, Jill Locke, Kim Jeffs, Leslie Griesinger, Luciana Galli, Parisa Sabzehei

Parent Regrets Angie Rehal

Special Guest(s) Ms. Sue Laidlaw – Vice-Principal @ Port Credit S.S.

1. Call To Order

The meeting was called to order at 7:05pm by Gaye Gould.

2. Approval of Previous Minutes

Tanya Abolins moved and Ed Short seconded the motion to have the February 28th, 2012 meeting minutes approved. Motion carried.

3. Student Activity Council Report – Troy Aharonian and Devashree Desai

There was a Basketball buyout today and it was the Teachers vs. the Sr. Boys & Girls team. The teachers won by 6 points. We raised $400 which means 200 students attended the game. There was a “free-throw” and one person won a Drumstick and another person won a basketball.

There is a “Playday” coming up on May 24th, 2012 and that means that the lunch hour will be extended by 1 hour. There will be a BBQ, Bouncy Castle(s). Sci-tech will be involved in this event.

“The Day of Pink” happened recently and a lot of students wore pink.

The Student Council elections will hopefully be happening sometime soon to elect new SAC members for the next school year.

On June 18th, 2012 there will be a Grad Breakfast happening and the Grads will receive a small gift.

PROM will be happening on June 25th, 2012 and the tickets will be on sale for one week at the cost of $65 per ticket after which the cost will go up to $80 per ticket.

PCSS wristbands will be on sale soon.

The Culture Unity Festival will be happening on May 4th and it will be celebrating different types of food and cultures of 9 – 10 different countries.

The Yearbook is finally finished and it looks great!

4. Special Guest Speaker: Ms. Sue Laidlaw – Vice-Principal @ P.C.S.S.

Ms. Sue Laidlaw took us on a tour to areas within the school building that have been updated / renovated. We saw the Gymnasium Hallway with new lockers, the Gymnasiums with the new floors and a new paint job. We also visited Room 125, the Strings Room and saw the new floor, paint and cabinets for the equipment and we visited Room 126, the Band Room with the new floors, paint and cabinets.

5. Business Arising from Previous Minutes

5.1 Literacy Conference Report – Leeja Anderson

The Literacy Conference was very well attended this year with approximately 1,200 people at the conference. Below are some of the highlights from this conference.

Skills for High School and Post Secondary Academic Success

We assume that when our child is in Grade 11 and 12 that they know what they are doing. Not necessarily – parents should always be a part of the process no matter what grade their child(ren) are in.

Academic Strategies:

·  Use a chart, calendar, etc. to keep track of assignments and tasks

·  Prioritize what needs to be done from most important to least important

·  Create a time line for your task(s) at hand

·  What resources will you need to access to get the work done

Activity – “Time Waster, Time Saver”

-  Make a list of what you waste your time on and how you can save time

o  Daily and weekly

Nine Rules to Avoid Wasting Time

1.  Get started as soon as possible

2.  Get into a routine

3.  Do not say yes to too many things

4.  Do not commit yourself to unimportant activities, no matter how far ahead they are

5.  Divide large tasks into smaller manageable ones

6.  Do not put unneeded effort into a project

7.  Deal with it once (task)

8.  Set start and stop times

9.  Plan your activities

Environmental Education and Student Success – “I Make a Difference”

Get students involved in the Environmental Club at school. Encourage them to walk or ride their bikes to school. Play outside more often. Practice energy conservation and waste minimization at home

-  Reduce

-  Reuse

-  Recycle

-  Compost

Try to pack litterless lunches everyday!

We should be looking at teaching students to be real-world problem solvers and environmentally responsible citizens.

We should also encourage teaching students to be self-directed learners – learn to take the initiative – don’t wait to be asked.

Get involved in community service opportunities.

A powerful quote for all to learn and live by:

“Increasing children’s environmental literacy and providing them with skills and knowledge helps them develop into good stewards of the natural communities where they play and live.”

Keynote Speaker – Creative Consequences

Be creative with your consequences and have the consequences fit the negative behaviour.

Teach them that:

Negative Actions = Negative Reactions


Positive Actions = Positive Reactions

Create a consequence where your child is the one responsible for choosing a consequence for their behaviour.

Post rules where everyone can see them!

If you are angry, it is harder to find a solution to the problem but when you are calm, you can find a way out of most situations.

We should do what we have to do followed by what you want to do.

Our kids know that we love them and that we will always be there for them, no matter what!

5.2 Teacher Attendance at School Council Meetings – Gaye Gould

The By-laws now state that a teacher is to be present at the School Council meetings with a report on current activities.

5.3 Annuals Fundraiser – Gaye Gould

The Annuals Fundraiser is the only fundraiser that Port Credit School Council does. The money raised from this endeavor goes towards the Bronze Bar project.

Susan Duquette is in charge of this project. There is a delivery service available for those who wish it. So far there are 9 orders to date and we are hoping for more to come in before the week is over. Cheques should be made payable to “Port Credit S.S. Council”. All forms should be dropped off at the office for processing.

6. Teacher’s Report – Mr. A. Senkowski

The subject of Sci-Tech is spoken about every day at Port Credit S.S. and how we can work on improving things at the school. There is also daily contact with the Sci-Tech students.

We are developing partnerships with Mohawk College and Centennial College. Centennial College has donated a bus that can transport 30 of our Grade 10-12 students to the College to allow our students to see what they have to offer. Lunch is also provided for the students.

There are partnerships with colleges and universities. Not necessary for a student to go straight to University once they finish High School. They can attend a college if they are not ready for University.

Skills Canada has come to the school for a visit with the students.

7. Treasurer’s Report – Pam DeGroot

We have $312.76 in the account at this time.

The position of Treasurer will be open for the next School Council year (2012 – 2013).

8. Principal’s Report – Ms. Sue Laidlaw for Wendy Lautamus

Heartfelt sympathies go out in regards to the recent tragedy that occurred at Port Credit S.S.

The Parent Network will be meeting on Wednesday, May 2nd, 2012 to learn about “Digital Learning.”

There will be an Alumni night at the Legion on Friday, May 4th, 2012.

There is a Professional Learning day coming up on Friday, May 11th, 2012.

Commencement Activities are as follows:

-  June 19th, 2012 – Grad Breakfast (a PCSS tradition)

-  June 25th, 2012 – PROM @ 7:00pm @ Atlantis at Ontario Place

-  June 27th, 2012 – Commencement – 4:00pm at “The Meeting House”

There will be a Grade 8 Student Transition to Grade 9 happening. On May 9th, 2012, next year’s Grade 9 students will be coming to the school for information about the transition to Secondary School and to participate in student tours lead by our senior mentor students.

There is a Health and Wellness Campaign at Port Credit S.S. Parents are encouraged to sign in. Please go to www.myhealthmagazine.net/register to complete the registration form. The access code is WP342F.

The Fraser Institute Report had Port Credit S.S. in the 17th position which is lower than it has been in the past. Ms. Sue Laidlaw will look into this.

9. New Business

9.1 Support for PRO Grant Application – Gaye Gould

PRO stands for Parents Reaching Out Grant and supports school based initiatives and we encourage parents to be involved.

The School Council applies for this grant each year and has typically received $1,000. The monies has been given to the Parent Network which uses the funds for speaker fees and literature for the Parent Network Library.

9.2 Meeting Date Change – Gaye Gould

The next School Council meeting was to be held on Wednesday, May 30th, 2012 but will now be held on Wednesday, May 23rd, 2012 at 7:00pm.

9.4 Applewood Heights Event – Kim Jeffs

Applewood Heights will be hosting an event called “The Inside Ride” run by the Coast to Coast Against Cancer Foundation. They bring in stationary bicycles for the students to use. We could maybe look at having this event in the fall.

We will need a group to come forward to run this event. Hopefully the Student Activity Council (SAC) or the Athletic Council could do it. If the School Council were to take this on, it would have to be voted on and we would need to clear this event with Ms. Wendy Lautamus.

Toronto Star – April 25th, 2012

There is an article in the April 25th Toronto Star about an alumni who was a former student at Port Credit S.S. who graduated from Port Credit S.S.

The current Port Credit S.S. is the 3rd location for the school – it was previously at 2 other sites before settling at the current location.

10. Closing

Thanks to all those who attended.

Pam DeGroot moved the meeting to be terminated at 8:15pm.

Anne Short seconded. Motion carried.

If you are not able to attend the meeting, it would be greatly appreciated if you could send your regrets to Leeja Anderson @ in order for your name to be noted in the minutes.