IMAGE NEWSLETTER-Back to School Edition

August 21, 2017

She’s baaaack!
Julie Ostrowski, our ISSRT Chairman of the Board just returned from her 1 month adventure in Peru and her two week journey through Uganda. While in Peru, Julie X-rayed Chachapoya mummies and skeletal remains, digitalized images and information and helped create a digital data base of all the remains and specimens. Her month-long adventure included many strenuous hikes and climbs to remote burial sites, ruins and mountain tops, and of course many mummies.
So why would Julie want to travel to places with extreme landscapes, strange weather, and altitudes ranging from 8,000 – 14,000 ft above sea level to examine, study and image mummies?
“Studying the past helps prepare us for the future; by studying mummies and other remains we find clues to ancient practices, treatments, and pathologies. This iswhere cures can start.”
Julie, was able to have some fun as well and visited the ancient Inca Ruins, Machu Picchu. This is a must-see tourist site that many people dream of visiting.
Once she returned from Peru, she was home 9 days before heading out to Uganda. This time, it wasn’t mummies she was hunting, but a chance help, treat and care for the Ugandan people. As the Team Leader, she led a team to Jinja, Uganda. They would carry hundreds of pounds of medical supplies and equipment with them on the plane.
“The Ugandans we went to help, have nothing; so what you plan to do, you must bring; everything from over the counter meds, vitamins, anti-biotics, triage equipment, triage forms, pens, to the trash bags we use on the islands. It is a lot to think about, you have to prepare for every scenario you can imagine. It is not a small feat.”
Her team would stay on an Islands of Lake Victoria and use one island as their base camp. This is where their sleeping tents and supplies would be. Each day they would load up into a small wooden boat and head 1 to 1 ½ hours to an island, set up a makeshift clinic with sheets as walls, and see and treat 205-215 people a day. It was primitive conditions with no running water or electricity on any of the islands. The team travelled to 5 different islands and treated 1,028 Ugandans.
There were some long, hot, trying days; the people just kept coming. Some waited outside in the dirt for 6 hours or more just to be seen by us. We could only work when it was daylight – once done we still had to travel back to base camp across the water (sometimes in the dark with no lights). Picture an extreme camping trip – or the show Survivor with medical stuff, and that is what it was like. I loved every minute of it and plan to return.”
With all her adventures over, she is settling back into her regular routine. Julie is preparing her lesson plans for the Fall semester at Southwestern Illinois College, where she is an instructor for the Radiology Program and Health Related Occupations. She plans to incorporate some of her information and trip images into the lessons to inspire her students to see beyond the normal routines of work and into the adventure it offers. Julie has also included her Peru trip and findings into her Mummies Unwrapped presentation that she gives to State Conferences across the nation. Wyoming, Tennessee, Iowa, and Illinois have already booked it. / Regulatory & Legislative News
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/ Scholarship Opportunities
Greetings to all,
Hope your summer was fantastic. With school about to start, it is a good time to remind all of you of the scholarships that the ISSRT has available to students and technologists.
The ISSRT will award three (3) student scholarships in the northern, central and southern regions yearly. And also the Elizabeth Bray Scholarship for technologists and new graduates. All of the information is available on the ISSRT website.
I would encourage all of you to check out the site and make plans to apply for one of the scholarships. The ISSRT is always providing its membership with ways to add value to our members.
Tim Cuff, R.T. (R)
Scholarship Chairman

2018 ISSRT Board Nominations

Nominations will be held on line for the first time EVER! We are very excited about what this means to our membership. It means that ALL members will be able to participate in the nominating and voting of Board members…..we used to do this at the Conference only, but now we will be conducting nominations and elections BEFORE conference, and on-line…this will ensure that we have a smooth board transition, as well as get more members involved.

We will be sending out reminder emails as we get closer. Look for information on the website soon, NOMINATIONS begin October 1st and will run through DECEMBER 15th 2017. Voting will begin January 1st and last until Feb 15th, 2018.

Join us for this exciting new opportunity to be involved and ignite our society forward into the future!

Recently our Web host provider made some big improvements. These changes connected us to one of fastest and most reliable cloud platform available,Amazon Web Services (AWS).

We look forward to coming up with new and innovative ways of keeping you in touch with the Radiology community.

Please visit our new home at


Programs will need to start the registration process EARLY; the hotel will require contracts in place for each program. Please contact Mark directly between October 2017 and January 1, 2018.(info will be on website)

Hawaiian Luau party

The Retro Party last year was a hit, so we are bringing the mixer back – Hawaiian Luau Style. Grab your grass skirts and your flowered leis, and get ready to party the night away. Wednesday
April 18th in the
Ballroom. Themed foods and snacks – prizes and games. /

ISSRT Conference News

APRIL 18-21, 2018



“Beyond the X-ray Room”

Many seminars with RTs going beyond their day to day work borders – Overseas, remote locations, mobile x-ray, and some returning favorites with a fun filled physics review, resume and interview tips for everyone and the popular Rapi1d Fire, professional panel – where you ask the questions. Plus throw in some other interesting topics and great speakers and we have a jammed pack conference for you.


Breakfast is included with your stay at the hotel for Thursday and Friday, with your registration ISSRT will be providing boxed type lunches both days (different items), as well as some Hawaiian themed snacks and foods at the party (some come hungry)


We love our student volunteers – start thinking if you would be willing to introduce a speaker, or help pass out registration packet – we will be asking your program coordinators to pick 1 or 2 of you to help out this year….You will get to sport a volunteer ribbon on your name tag – the fashion statement of the year for sure, and you get to work alongside your wonderful conference chair….Julie O!
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