Islington Mental Health and Resilience in Schools (IMHARS) timeline for ______

·  The timeline is very flexible and you are encouraged to consult staff, pupils, governors and parents to tailor the timeline to your school’s individual requirements

·  It is recommended that a member of the SLT is involved at all stages of the process, and that there is a core group of two-four staff members dedicated to promoting and conducting the audit across the school. These members of staff will act as champions to promote and celebrate the school’s work across the school community

The purpose of the IMHARS audit is to:

·  Map what schools currently have in place in relation to the framework

·  Develop work, measuring its impact and sharing practice

·  Identify strengths, challenges and ideas for next steps around the IMHARS framework

Date and week number / Component / Find out what’s happening in your school by: / Resources required/ Staff needed /
Week one
·  Copy of framework to be displayed in the staff room and across school
·  Notify parents, governors and staff of the audit through the newsletter and staff briefing / / ·  Analysing a previous staff survey to explore morale and wellbeing, or design online staff survey
·  Staff attendance sickness and turnover levels
·  Interview with a member of SLT, to explore support provided to staff around professional development, wellbeing and training
·  Running a staff focus group to gather perspectives on support, wellbeing and training (This should not involve members of SLT, and there should be a broad variety of staff)
·  Looking at which members of staff have accessed training and how the quality of training is monitored / ·  Access to the staff survey
·  Access to attendance sickness and turnover levels
·  A member of SLT to discuss support for staff wellbeing
·  Focus group with 4-6 members of staff (teaching and non-teaching) – 50 minutes
·  Access to log and monitoring of CPD for staff
Week two
·  Plan the date for parent coffee morning and advertise
·  Parent graffiti wall will be displayed
·  Consider conducting an assembly on resilience and IMHARS / / ·  Looking at Ofsted reports
·  Interview with SLT or phase / year leads
·  Looking at three marking and feedback books from three different year groups
·  Speaking to a mixture of support staff and teachers (4-6) to explore how their teaching methods support pupils to make mistakes, take risks and encourage team work
·  Speaking to pupils (4-6 from diff years) to explore how they approach difficult tasks, learn from mistakes, use feedback and problem-solve. / ·  Interview with SLT or phase / year leads
·  Three marking and feedback books
·  2 x support staff and 2 x teaching staff to interview individually or as a group – 50 minutes in total
·  4-6 pupils to interview as a focus group
·  Lesson observations
Week three / / ·  Interview with the PSHE lead to outline PSHE provision, teaching of positive qualities and critical thinking skills, and enrichment opportunities
·  Look at PSHE assessment
·  School council observation
·  Speaking to pupils to explore how they use PSHE learning in everyday life, how qualities such as optimism and forgiveness are promoted, opportunities for reflection and enrichment, and how the school prepares them for adult life.
·  Secondary school: Interview year 10/11s regarding how the school prepares them for the future including how the school develops their social and emotional skills and decision making / ·  PSHE lead- 1 hour
·  PSHE assessment sheets
·  Access to a school council session
·  Focus group of 4-6 pupils
·  Secondary school: 4-6 year 10/11s to interview individually or as a group – 50 minutes total
Week four / / ·  Interview with the EP and the CAMHS clinician to understand how the school works with these agencies
·  Interview with the SENCO
·  Looking at support plans and accessibility
·  Exploring the journey of a child/group of children with mental health needs (looking at paperwork referrals, interviewing involvement with external agencies, and interviewing members of staff linked to the pupil) / ·  Health Improvement Advisor will contact the EP and CAMHS clinician
·  Interview SENCO for 1 hour
·  Access to support plans, pupils passports etc.
·  Selecting an appropriate pupil with mental health needs with CAMHS, SLT and SENCO
·  Organising interviews with staff who work with vulnerable pupils
Week five / / ·  Analysing bullying data and incident logs
·  Observing behaviour during unstructured time and transitions
·  Speaking to an appropriate member of staff about peer support, and activities that develop social relationships
·  Focus group with pupils on how pupils support each other and develop friendships, and asking for help
·  Speaking to teaching staff about the teaching of social, listening and empathy skills / ·  Access to bullying data
·  Access to the staff member that leads on the peer support scheme
·  A focus group with random pupils (6-8) from a range of year groups- 50 minutes
·  A focus group with staff
Week six / / ·  Run a focus group with parents to gather their views
·  Analysing a parent survey previously conducted by the school
·  Interview with the member of staff that leads on parent work
·  Graffiti wall to understand staff involvement with parents- How do you work with parents?
·  Interview with a parent governor (explore decision making practices and school development plan) / ·  Run a parent focus group
·  Access to previous parent surveys
·  Member of staff that leads on parent work – one hour
·  School to create graffiti wall
·  Access to parent governor- 50 minute informal chat
Week seven / / ·  Assembly observation x 2-3
·  Focus group with pupils on the school’s values, looking at what they enjoy (asking for help, feeling safe, trusting relationships)
·  Learning walk to observe interactions between individuals
·  Playground observation at the start and end of the school day
·  Access to enrichment activities that encourage pupils to engage in learning outside of the planned timetable
·  Reviewing leadership and development plans and school policies that support health and wellbeing / ·  Access to two- three assemblies and whole school events e.g. community events
·  Focus group with 6-8 pupils- 50 minutes Arrange a date for the learning walk
·  Arrange access to observe enrichment activities and look at how they are planned
·  Access to leadership and development plans and school policies that support health and wellbeing
Week eight / Complete any outstanding parts of the audit / ·  Findings to be written up and shared with school
·  Next steps agreed and support provided for implementation / ·  Disseminate information to parents, governors, pupils and staff
·  Consider forming a working party to take responsibility for next steps
·  Celebrate findings!