DCYAA Meeting Minutes

January 16, 2011

2:00 – 3:55

Meeting called by DCYAA Board

The Pavilion @ Buckner Park

Board Members Present: Tim Heath – President, Phillip Newberry – Softball Vice President, Denise Baskin – Secretary, Carrie Simpson – Director, Emily Ward – Director, Steve Haley – Director, Mike Wine- Director

Tim Heath - Welcome and Presidents Report

·  January 30th is the Baseball District Meeting @ 3:00 p.m.

·  Dates for the District

July 1st 5,6,7 and 8 yr olds

July 8th 9-10 yr. Olds

July 15th Ozone 11- 12 yr olds

State Tournament will be held on July 15, 16 and 17th

Items voted on:

Rate Increase: Motion made by Carrie Simpson to raise registration fee 2nd by Phillip Newberry rate increase as follows:

(1) $75.00 (2) $65.00 (3) $175.00 (City)

(1) $90.00 (2) $80.00 (3) $220.00 after the 3rd child the city fees still needs to be collected for each child after the 3rd child. $15.00

Vote Passed: Unanimous

Next Item to be voted on was the raise for the concession manager from $300.00 to 450.00 a week.

Motion made by Phillip Newberry 2nd by Carrie Simpson to deny the raise for Paul Crowder Sr.

Vote Passed: Unanimous

Motion made by Carrie Simpson 2nd by Steve Haley to appoint a new concession manager which will be Denise Baskin at 300.00 a week to manage the concession stand Spring 2011.

Vote Passed: all voted except for Tim Heath and Denise Baskin

Photographer chosen for Spring 2011

Marsha Sensing

Motion made by Mike Wine 2nd Emily Ward

Vote Passed: Denise Baskin, Phillip Newberry, Mike Wine and Emily Ward, Steve Haley Abstained

Dates for Registration:

February 5th 10 – 2p.m.

February 12th 10 – 2 p.m.

Tryouts will be held on the following dates:

February 17th, 18th and 19th

Location : TBA

The Draft will be held on February 20th at the Pavilion

Time: TBA

Next Meeting will be at 2:00 p.m. January 23, 2011

Meeting Adjourned at 3:55

Items to be discussed at next meeting:

§  Advertisement of Sign-ups

§  Sponsorship / Letters

§  Responsibilty and Committee List

§  Equipment

§  Forms for Coaches