College of Business & Technology

Faculty Search and Appointment Process

The College of Business and Technology (CBT) adheres to The Ethics of Faculty Recruitment and Appointment adopted the AAUP and The University of Texas at Tyler ( UTT ).

  1. New faculty lines must be approved by the VPAA—This typically occurs during the budget process.
  2. Department chair selects a search committee. Chair gives a copy of the UTT The Ethics of Recruitment and Faculty Appointment or equivalent to the committee.
  3. Duties of Search Chair:
  1. write vacancy announcement
  2. determine placement of announcement, contacts to be made, etc.

c. guide search and applicant review process and narrowing of the applicant pool

  1. arrange campus visits in consultation with the department chair and dean.
  1. Dean reviews announcement and its proposed placement. Committee chair places position announcement in appropriate outlets to reach broadest applicant pool. All searches should be aggressive in reaching minority and women applicants in the most effective way possible.
  2. Depending on the number of searches in the college, the dean’s office or the Provost/VPAA’s office may place one or more ads in the Chronicle of Higher Education and in professional publications that focus on ethnic minorities and women, e.g. Hispanic Outlook in Higher Education, Black Issues in Higher Education. The official position announcement should also be submitted electronically to the Office of Human Resources for posting on their website. Position announcements should be sent to relevant administrative and academic departments in traditionally Hispanic, African American and female institutions/organizations. Updated listings of those institutions are available from the Office of Human Resources.
  3. All ads should conform—in terms of description, obligations, limitations, etc. to The Statement of Ethics of Recruitment and Faculty Appointment They will prohibit any preference, limitation, specification or discrimination based on race, color, disability, religion, sex, national origin or age. The statement that “UT Tyler is an EEO Employer” shall be printed on all announcements of the position.
  4. Applications are kept in the departmental office as they are received.
  5. The Committee narrows the list of applicants to 3 or 4 candidates. Narrowing may be done in a variety of ways—telephone interviews, reference checks, interviews at national meetings, etc. An application of the functions and expectations of the position as stated in the vacancy announcement will be used in all screening decisions of the applicant pool. Uniform sets of questions will be used in all interviews and reference checks to ensure consistency of information in assessing applicant qualifications and suitability for the position as a means of nondiscriminatory analysis of the applicant’s match for the position.
  6. A final list of candidates is discussed with the department chair and dean. The dean approves the invitation to bring candidates to campus for interviews. Funds for recruiting visits most often are the responsibility of the CBT
  7. On-campus interviews are scheduled by the department. Interviews are conducted with strict adherence to the Statement of Ethics of Recruitment and Faculty Appointment. Interviews typically include teaching a class, making a scholarly presentation, meeting with the department chair, the department faculty, administrative personnel, the selection committee, students and the dean. Interviews with area business/technology leaders are encouraged where appropriate. Also a tour of campus, the library, the town and a brief meeting with Human Resources should be included.
  8. After the campus visits are concluded, the Committee submits reactions to each candidate to the department chair, and the chair in turn discusses committee reactions, other faculty reactions and her/his individual reactions with the dean. The department chair and dean agree if an offer of position should be made consistent with the CBT “Procedures for Recommendations in Faculty Salaries. They review the application of the initial, intermediate and final selection criteria to ensure EEO compliance has been implemented throughout the selection process. A statement confirming the review shall be included with the application files. If an offer of position is to be made, the department chair and dean discuss salary, rank and other details within the context of the guidelines established for the department and college. Negotiations with the candidate are carried out by the department chair.
  9. If the offer is verbally accepted, the dean drafts a letter of offer that is submitted to the Provost/VPAA for his signature along with the c.v. and EEO compliance form. The letter of offer is sent to the Provost/VPAA who mails the letter to the candidate.
  10. Complete application files are kept in the department office for the time period required by the records retention schedule.

