I Do (modeling)

Rational: The restrooms must be used by all the students and we want our restrooms clean and safe for all students. Every student is responsible to take care of the restrooms and to honor safety and privacy.

What does Respectful look like in the restroom?

  1. Honor Privacy
  2. Respect personal space. Close stall doors. Do not look in or under other stalls.
  3. Voice Level Red
  4. Respect Property
  5. Pulling or hanging on doors or sinks is not allowed.
  6. Treat the restroom the same way you would treat your bathroom at home.
  7. No writing on stalls, walls, or yourself.
  8. Trying to clog toilets or sinks is vandalism as is writing on things or breaking equipment in the restroom.
  9. Leave things in the classroom.
  10. No pencils, markers, or pens should be in the restroom.

What does Responsible look like in the restroom?

  1. Leave no trace.
  2. Clean up after yourself: keep water in the sink, put towels in the wastebasket, wipe up excess water that may splash over the sink.
  3. Be responsible for how much toilet paper you use. Do not be wasteful and do notput a lot of paper in the toilet or it will plug it up and cause the waterto overflow. The custodian will not be happy to have to unplug the toilet and clean up the water that overflows the toilet.
  4. Paper towels should only go into the wastebasket. They should not be put in the sink as that plugs the sink drain. They should not be left on the floor.
  5. Soap should not be wasted. Two squirts only.
  6. USE the 2-10-10-2 rule: Teach 2 squirts of soap – 10 seconds of rubbing the soap into your hands- 10 seconds of rinsing hands with water and no more than 2 paper towels to dry your hands.
  7. Return immediately
  8. Take care of business. Get in, get done, and get out.
  9. Promptly return to your classroom, to the teacher or the group.
  10. The restroom is not a playroom. Avoid conversations – your job is to use the toilet, wash and dry your hands and get back to your group.
  11. Remember others need time to use the restroom too, so stay focused on using therestroom efficiently and getting out as quickly as possible to allow others to have a turn.

What does Safe look like in the restroom?

1.Hands and feet to self.

2.Report problems immediately.

We Do (guided practice)

  1. Teachers ask the class: Why is it important to behave this way in the restroom?
  2. Make a chart of situations that need cleaning up in the bathroom. Discuss why things have a place (i.e. trash in the trash can, not in the toilet.)
  3. Discuss the custodian’s job. Examine how leaving or making a mess impacts his/her job. How might it affect other students who need to use the restroom?
  4. Discuss other situations in the bathroom that may need to be reported.

They Do (partner practice)


Practice behavior in the restroom area. Pair with another teacher and teach together one taking boys and one taking girls. Teach and practice at times that it is not restroom time.


Examples: Make suggestions of good examples and ask students to demonstrate some good examples of readiness (i.e. going into restroom and staying focused on business and leaving promptly after washing hands in the 2-10-10-2 manner.)

Non-Examples:Teacher role plays non-examples: (dawdling by the sink or playing in the water, whispering to peers, stalling or looking at self in mirror.)

Examples: Being quiet, not looking around or being nosey about others in the restroom. No put downs. Promptly washing and drying hands.

Non-Examples:Teacher role plays non-examples: (looking under the door or knocking on the doors, yelling at someone in next stall, giggling or pointing at someone.)

Examples: Remembering to flush the toilet, practice the 2-10-10-2 rule, wipe extra water off the sink, pick up paper towels that have fallen on the floor and place in trash can.

Non-Examples:Teacher role plays non-examples: (forgetting to flush the toilet, using too many towels, too much soap, not rubbing soap into hands or rinsing hands well.)

Practice: Identify procedure to ensure all students practice the behaviors in the location (i.e. at least twice to achieve fluency) Have them demonstrate the appropriate behaviors in pairs and have the other students give them a thumbs up or thumbs down for their example. Do some role plays and have students determine which ones are examples and which are non-examples.

Reinforcement: Have students clap for students who role played the scenarios for you and give Panther tickets to the students who volunteered to role play the good examples and compliment their willingness to demonstrate for the group. Reinforce intermittently the students as they practice positive behaviors with their partners.

Follow-Up Plan: Identify what adults will do to review expectations and behaviors for this setting and ensure 5:1 ratio of positive acknowledgements versus corrections occurring in this setting.

You Do (independent)

In teams, students create a poster representing respectful, responsible, and safe restroom behavior.