Unit 4: Creation of A Nation Performance Task

Imagine you are in the US in 1788 and the Articles of Confederation is failing as a government and the state delegates at the Constitutional Convention were unable to devise a new plan for the country despite their best efforts. The US now faces an uncertain future. Your task is to predict the future of the United States in the 1790s without the rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution in place. Your secondary goal is to predict what the US might look like today (2015) if the Constitution was never written and determine the overall value of the US Constitution.

You must complete the following tasks in order to receive full credit:

Task #1: A Land Without A Government Graphic Organizer (Domestic Problems)(20 pts)

-Use your textbook, class notes and activities and the internet to collect information identifying problems the US is having in the 1790s with finances ($), Native Americans, and interstate relations (problems between states).

Task #2: A Land Without A Government Graphic Organizer (Foreign Problems)(20 pts)

-Use your textbook, class notes/activities and the internet to collect information identifying problems the US is having in the 1790s with Great Britain, France and Spain.

Task #3: Write a Web Article (Specific rubric will be distributed)

-Write a web article predicting the development of the US in the late 1700s (1780s – early 1800s)

-Complete the Claim/Data/Warrant Chart as part of your article rough draft

-Be sure to include information from your 1790s graphic organizers highlighting specific issues the US was having at home (domestic) and abroad (foreign). Depending on the focus of your article you should tell how these issues either contributed to the success or failure of your prediction for the country.

-Use the Tips and Tricks for Writing a Good Web Article Handout to help organize and draft your article.

Task #4: Write a Web Article (Specific rubric will be distributed)

-Write a web article predicting what the US might look like today if the Constitution was never written and your opinion on the value of the US Constitution to American citizens.

-Complete the Claim/Data/Warrant Chart as part of your article rough draft

-You may include information about real world problems today that the US, both domestic and foreign, that the US would not be able to handle without the Constitution.

-Your conclusion must include your opinion on the overall value of the US Constitution – do you think the Constitution is still an effective government for the US for 2014 and beyond?

Graphic Organizer Due Date: ______

Web Article Rough Draft due in Social Studies: ______

Web Article Final Copy Due Date:______ (printed copy)

Tips and Tricks for Writing Web Articles

Today’s web readers are looking for clear concise articles to keep them informed about what’s happening in our global community. Readers are spending their valuable time skimming and scanning interesting, attention grabbing articles that catch their eye and get right to the point. Good web articles are structured to draw the readers’ scanning eyes to key points quickly. For example,

The Hook: start with a great hook. The best title expresses exactly what the reader will take away from the article.

Cut to the Chase. Introductions should be concise and focused. Write something bold or controversial. Identifying the topic in an interesting way or including famous or entertaining quotes is a quick way to draw readers.

Know Your A,B,C’s and 1,2,3’s. Organization and reliability are key elements to good articles. Chunk your information into short, direct paragraphs and avoid rambling. After 4 lines or so start a new paragraph. Using bold heading, subheadings or numbered or bulleted lists can help guide readers’ eyes and help them grasp concepts quickly.

Don’t Be Vanilla if You’re Really Rocky Road. Be yourself, don’t write like you talk but use language that expresses your thoughts clearly. Include key vocabulary words but don’t try to dazzle anyone writing with a thesaurus by your side.

Once Upon a Time…… Articles with examples and stories that get your point across more effectively allow readers to put a topic in context and identify takeaways – what you want them to know after reading without saying…”this is what you will learn from this article.”

Avoid Insults! Don’t sell yourself as an expert on your topic, let readers decide for themselves. Don’t insult your readers by telling them what they should know or learn from reading your article.

Proofread, Proofread, Proofread! If you want readers to stick with you and focus on your article make sure there aren’t any major spelling or grammar errors. Too many mistakes in your writing will chase lead readers away from your work.

Following some a few simple guidelines and keeping a focus on your target audience will help you write a more effective article that people will want to read. Happy writing!

Unit 4: Creation of A Nation

Web Articles: Claim/Data/Warrant Charts

Web Article #1 Claim/Data/Warrant Chart (1787)

CLAIM: (What are you trying to prove?)
How do you think the US would have developed as a country without the US Constitution?
DATA: (supporting facts, statistics and expert opinions that back up the claim)
What problems was the US having at home (domestically) that could have caused problems under the Articles of Confederation government?
What problems was the US having with foreign countries that may have affected our development as a country, including the addition of new territories and states?
WARRANT: (conclusion- explaining with logical arguments how the data supports the claim.)
Justify your claim. Why do you think the US will develop in the way you claimed?

Unit 4: Creation of A Nation

Web Articles: Claim/Data/Warrant Charts

Web Article #2 Claim/Data/Warrant Chart (2015)

CLAIM: (What are you trying to prove?)
What do you think the US would be like today without the Constitution?
What do you think is the overall value of the Constitution to the US?
DATA: (supporting facts, statistics and expert opinions that back up the claim)
What problems is the US having at home (domestically) that would be difficult or impossible to handle without the US Constitution as our government?
What problems is the US having with foreign countries that would be difficult or impossible to handle without the US Constitution as our government?
WARRANT: (conclusion- explaining with logical arguments how the data supports the claim.)
Justify your claim. Do you think the Constitution is still an effective government? Explain.