DATE:Wednesday, August 19, 2015

CALLED BY:Glenn Roquemore/Cynthia Lenahan

LOCATION:Irvine Chamber of Commerce

2485 McCabe Way Ste. 150

Irvine, CA 92614

MEETING TIME:4:00pm to 5:00pm


Meeting called to order at p.m. by Co-Chair, Dr. Glenn Roquemore.


John Kurth, Dr. Roquemore, Cynthia Lenahan, Corine Doughty, Daniel Scott, Greg Ertel, LindaDiMario, Pepper Russell.


  • Education & Career Readiness Task Force
  • CareerDiscovery & Development: presented updates.
  • Financial Forum: Linda DiMario presented updates.

The next Financial Workshop is scheduled for October 21 from 7:30a.m. to 9:00 a.m. The

Workshop will beheld at San Joaquim Middle School and volunteers are requested for the


Glenn Wilkerson and Corine Doughty volunteered to attend the event.

Economic & Workforce Development Committee

Meeting Minutes

September 16, 2015

Page 2

  • Job Shadowing & Internships: Cynthia Lenahan presented updates.

The Task Force is continuing to work with students. A November date is being anticipated at

this time for the next event. The focus will be in the R&D Department, Quality Laboratories

and Catheter Laboratories. There will be 3-5 faculty involved in the half day session.

  • Skills Gap Solutions: John Kurthpresented updates.

Work on the workshop curriculum continues.

Development Phase: September – December

•Identify participating organizations – Vital Link, SBD offices, talent acquisition and training companies, local companies

•Develop basic subject matter curriculum and practical scenarios

•Beta test content and subject matter

•Identify presentation format: % of time tutoring, teaching and coaching

•Align online course material with specific professional expertise within Chamber ranks

•Develop validation methodology and criteria for certification

•Recruit volunteer tutors and mentors

•Conduct training classes for tutors and mentors

The proposed launch date is January, 2016. UCI has agreed to identify and direct local graduates to the Chamber website to register for the workshop. Marketing will use Irvine Chamber and Economic Development marketing channels. We will introduce an online/practical model to Irvine companies and collaborate with participating and interested workforce development organizations.

Dr. Roquemore asks if current employees are included. UCI reports that most of those taking the Coursera course are employed. Our practical application skills workshop will be inclusive of new-to-the-workplace, currently employed and transitional course “graduates.” This is also proposed to be marketed to companies who could benefit from helping their employees acquire more or better soft skills.

John Kurth comments that coursework will be beta tested over the next 90 days. It will address work behaviors and habits needed to maintain good standing in the work environment.

  • ATEP: Corine Doughty presented updates.

Irvine Valley College is currently working on an industrial component which should be completed in November.

Corine stated that she wants to initiate a conversation around legislative initiatives and create incentives for local businesses to recruit and hire our graduating students. Focus would include City, County and State initiatives. The benefit and outcome must be substantial enough to engage community businesses.

Economic & Workforce Development Committee

Meeting Minutes

August 19, 2015

Page 3

Linda DiMario, and others, stated that the City of Irvine and the Irvine Company do not offer incentives for businesses. However, she proposed a small, 30 day Task Force to research, collect and evaluate incentive models that may help build the ATEP project.

  • Strategic Plan: Mo Vaziri stated that he needs the Mission Statement for this Task Force. He asked Dr. Roquemore to meet with him to discuss what he wanted from this strategic Plan, the direction and goal of this Task Force. Report for the next meeting.

John Kurth volunteered to work with Mo on this Task Force. A list of the entire Committee will be forwarded to both Mo and the Committee Chairs to recruit additional personnel for this Task Force.



Business Engagement Project: Linda DiMario presented new project.

In response to Chair and member requests for more company engagement with this Committee, a list of the top 40 companies in the Irvine area with contacts to the top personnel involved in

either education or workforce development has been assembled and distributed to the EWD Chairs. Dr.Roquemore and Cynthia Lenahan are charged with calling companies on the list to share our Scope of Work, meet with the contacts and get them involved in some way.


  • Upcoming Webinars

August 20: Small Business Resources with the SBA 12:05 p.m.

August 27: Selling to the Japanese Consumer: The Enduring Grip of Americana 12:05 p.m.


  • 5:15p.m. Dr. Glenn Roquemore adjourned the meeting.

Minutes recorded by Pepper Russell

Next Meeting:

September 15, 2015

4:00pm – 5:00pm

Irvine Chamber of Commerce

2485 McCabe Way Ste 150 Irvine, CA 92614