Additional material: Python code of the coupling prototype

The coupling code needs to have CMF and LandscapeDNDC installed as python libraries in order to run the coupled model.

# -*- coding=utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import division

import cmf as cmf

import numpy as np

import sys

from time import time

import os

class Cell(object):

'''A "bridge" object between a cmf cell and a LandscapeDNDC instance (grid)

This class combines a cmf cell with a LandscapeDNDC cell from LandscapeDNDC

The layers of the cmf cell will be created using the data of the LandscapeDNDC cell'''

def __init__(self,cmf_cell,mobile):


cmf_cell : A cell of cmf (with area and location)

mobile : LandscapeDNDC instance for the same location


# ensure cmf cell has no layers

if len(cmf_cell.layers):

raise RuntimeError('''Creating a combined / cmf cell requires cells without layers.

The layers will be created using the data from LandscapeDNDC''')

self.cmf = cmf_cell = mobile

# just a shortcut to site

site =

# Gets a Brooks-Corey b (curve shape parameter) from clay content. Function was derived by fitting

# a boltzman distribution function into the Brooks-Corey Parameter estimation routine of cmf

# using Bodenkundliche Kartieranleitung 4

b = 12.958/(1+np.exp(-(np.asarray(site.clay_sl)-0.32)/0.1124)) + 1.99

depth=0.0# current soildepth of cmf cell

# For each thickness of a layer

for i,h in enumerate(

if h>0 : # If layer exists

# Increase soil depth

depth += h

# Get porosity

poro = site.poro_sl[i]

# Get field capacity

fc = site.wcMax_sl[i] * 1e-3# convert from l/m3 to m3/m3

# Get wilting point (not used)

wilt = site.wcMin_sl[i] * 1e-3# convert from l/m3 to m3/m3

# Get saturated conductivity

Ks = site.sks_sl[i] * 24 * 60 / 100# convert from cm/min to m/day

# Create a Brooks-Corey retention curve for the data

bc = cmf.BrooksCoreyRetentionCurve(Ks,poro,b[i],fc)

# Create the layer

self.cmf.add_layer(depth, bc)

# Set the layer's water content

self.cmf.layers[-1].theta =[i] * 1e-3# convert from l/m3 to m3/m3

print"%s: Added %i layers, soildepth is %g m" % (self.cmf,len(self.cmf.layers),self.cmf.soildepth)

self.nlayers = self.cmf.layer_count()

self.cumN2O = 0.0

def __repr__(self):

return"<LandscapeDNDC/cmf Cell %s,%s>" % (, self.cmf)

def update_cmf(self):

"""Gets data from LandscapeDNDC to update parameters of cmf

Parameters updated by LandscapeDNDC only (LandscapeDNDC->cmf):


Vegetation height

concentration of throughfall

Parameters updated by LandscapeDNDC, to be changed by cmf (LandscapeDNDC<->cmf)

Solute state of each layer and each solute


# Update vegetation (self.cmf.Vegetation.LAI = xxx, fails without notification, bug to be handled in cmf)


v.LAI = max(,1)

v.Height = max(



# Get soilchemistry

sc =

ph =

mc =

A = self.cmf.area # Area of the cell

# Convert kg m-2 to g (for states and fluxes)

sc_states = (sc.nh4_sl,sc.nh3_sl,sc.no3_sl,sc.urea_sl,sc.don_sl,sc.doc_sl)

A = self.cmf.area # Area of the cell

# Set solute storages and fluxes

for j,X in enumerate(self.cmf.project.solutes):

for i,l in enumerate(self.cmf.layers):

ifnot np.isfinite(sc_states[j][i+1]) and np.isfinite(l.Solute(X).state):

print > sys.stderr, "LandscapeDNDC created infinite value for %s in %s \n CMF is not updated and will overwrite the value in LandscapeDNDC" % (X,l)

print > sys.stderr, sc_states[j][i+1]


# Convert from kg/m2 -> g

l.Solute(X).state = sc_states[j][i+1] * A * 1e3

# Put throughfall into first layer if the ground is dry, else into surfacewater

throughfall_target = self.cmf.layers[0] #if self.cmf.surfacewater.is_empty() else self.surfacewater

# Convert kg m-2 to g (for states and fluxes) = 1e3 * A

sc_fluxes = 1e3 * A * np.array((ph.throu_nh4,0.0,ph.throu_no3))

# Set throughfall flux source in first layer or surface water

# TODO: Was passiert eigentlich mit den fluxes?

for j,X in enumerate(list(self.cmf.project.solutes)[:3]):

throughfall_target.Solute(X).source = sc_fluxes[j]

# Get current weather conditions from LandscapeDNDC

w=cmf.Weather(mc.temp_nd,mc.tMin_nd,mc.tMax_nd,cmf.rH_from_vpd(mc.temp_nd,mc.vpd_nd),mc.win_nd,0.5,mc.rad_nd * (24*60*60*1e-6))




# integrate fluxes

self.cumN2O +=


def biomass(self):

return ph.mFol_vt.sum() + ph.mFrt_vt.sum() + ph.mBud_vt.sum() + ph.mSap_vt.sum()

def update_mobile(self,t,coupled):

"""Gets data from cmf to update parameters of LandscapeDNDC

Parameters updated by cmf only (cmf->LandscapeDNDC):

Water content for each layer

Parameters updated by cmf, to be changed by LandscapeDNDC (LandscapeDNDC<->cmf)

Solute state of each layer and each solute


# Update water content in mobile.watercycle

wc = m.watercycle

#sc= m.soilchemistry

layers = self.cmf.layers[0:self.nlayers]

wc.wc_sl[1:self.nlayers+1] = layers.wetness * layers.porosity * 1e3 = self.cmf.saturated_depth

wc.transp = self.cmf.transpiration.waterbalance(t)

wc.evacep = self.cmf.canopy.flux_to(self.cmf.evaporation,t) if self.cmf.canopy else0.0

wc.evasoil = self.cmf.layers[0].flux_to(self.cmf.evaporation,t)

wc.evapot = cmf.PenmanMonteith(self.cmf.get_weather(t),self.cmf.vegetation,2.0)

if coupled :

# Get soilchemistry

sc_states = (sc.nh4_sl,sc.nh3_sl,sc.no3_sl,sc.urea_sl,sc.don_sl,sc.doc_sl)

A = self.cmf.area # Area of the cell

# Set solute storages

for j,X in enumerate(self.cmf.project.solutes):

for i,l in enumerate(self.cmf.layers):

if np.isfinite(sc_states[j][i+1]) andnot np.isfinite(l.Solute(X).state):

print > sys.stderr, "cmf created infinite value for %s in %s LandscapeDNDC is not updated and will overwrite the value in cmf" % (X,l)


sc_states[j][i+1] = l.Solute(X).state * 1e-3 / A

#endif coupled

def make_outlet(cell):

# Outlet on left hand side of lowest cell

opotential = 2.9

ocell = 13

outlet = p.NewOutlet("Outlet",Cells[ocell].cmf.x-10,Cells[ocell].cmf.y,Cells[ocell].cmf.z-opotential)

outlet.potential = Cells[ocell].cmf.z - opotential

# Connect the outlet with the left hand cell

return outlet

def make_solver(project):

# Create a solver for the water volume ODE's

w_solver = cmf.CVodeIntegrator(1e-6)

w_solver.preconditioner = 'R'

# Create a solver for solute transport ODE's

s_solver = cmf.ImplicitEuler(1e-6)

# Combine solvers

solver = cmf.SoluteWaterIntegrator(w_solver,s_solver,p)


return solver

def run(cmf_solver, M2d, Cells,profiling=False,coupled=True):

"""Should demonstrate how the coupled system will be solved for ONE timestep of length dt


# get timestep length from m2d

m2d_timestep = cmf.sec * ((24 * 3600) / M2d.time.tsMax())

tstart = time()


# set LandscapeDNDC init NO3 concentrations to zero

tM2d = time()

for C in Cells:



end = cmf_solver.t + m2d_timestep

while cmf_solver.t<end:


t_cmf = time()

for C in Cells:



if profiling:

print"%-24s (Total:%6.2fs, M2d:%5.2fs, cmf:%5.2fs)" % (cmf_solver.t,t_update_Mobile-tstart,tM2d-tstart,t_cmf-t_update_cmf)

if"plot"in sys.argv or"final"in sys.argv:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

class plotter(object):

"""A plotter for a cmf/LandscapeDNDC hillslope

Creates two subplots, one for water content and one for a solute (NO3 by default)


def __call__(self):


for c,bb,bn in zip(Cells,self.biomassbars,self.N2Obars):

bb.set_height(c.biomass * 3)

bn.set_height(c.cumN2O * 2e4)


def __init__(self,solute):


self.wet = cmf.draw.hill_plot(p,solver.t,

self.wet.scale = 20

plt.xlabel(" ")

plt.ylabel("height [m]")




self.solute = cmf.draw.hill_plot(p,solver.t,solute,

self.solute.scale = 1e100

self.solute.evalfunction = lambda l: (l.conc(solute) * 0.01) **0.25

plt.ylabel("height [m]")

plt.xlabel("distance [m]")

font = {'size' : '6.0'}

plt.rc('font', **font)

plt.rc('lines', linewidth=0.5, color='b')

left=np.array([c.cmf.x for c in Cells])

bottom=np.array([c.cmf.z for c in Cells])

self.biomassbars =,1e-2*np.ones(len(Cells)),

width=4.0,bottom=bottom,color='g',zorder=20, linewidth=0)

self.N2Obars =,1e-2*np.ones(len(Cells)),

width=4.0,bottom=bottom,color='r',zorder=20, linewidth=0)




def set_scale(self,new_scale):




if __name__=='__main__':

print cmf.VERSION

# Interesting code begins...

print"loading LandscapeDNDC"

import m2d

print"loading cmf"

import cmf

# Create a log file


# Create the LandscapeDNDC object using the input files

M2d = m2d.Mobile2D(m2d.OPT_NONE,"input2D/setup2D.xml")

print" -> LandscapeDNDC object generated."

print"Create a new CMF project with solutes: NH4 NH3 NO3 urea DON DOC "

p = cmf.project('NH4 NH3 NO3 urea DON DOC')

NH4, NH3, NO3, urea, DON, DOC = p.solutes

Cells = []

slope = 0.5

height = 0.1

offset = 0

area = 100.0

for i,m in enumerate(M2d):

# Create a hillslope with cmf cell with 100m2 area

if i ==0:

z = (12-i) * slope * 0.5 + height + 5 * slope * 0.5

y = 0.0

x = 10.0 * (i-offset)

c=p.NewCell(x, y, z, area)

elif i < 8 :

z = (12-i) * slope * 0.5 + height + 5 * slope * 0.5

y = 0.0

x = 10.0 * (i-offset)

c=p.NewCell(x, y, z, area)

elif (i < 13) and (i>=8) :

y = 0.0

z = (12-i) * slope + height

x = 10.0 * (i-offset)

c=p.NewCell(x, y, z, area)

elif i == 12 :

y = 0.0

z = height

x = 10 * (i-offset)

c=p.NewCell(x,y, z, area)

elif i == 13 :

z = 0

y = 0.0

x= 10 * (i-offset)

c=p.NewCell(x, y, z, area)

elif i == 14 :

z = height

x = 10 * (i-offset)

y = 0.0

c=p.NewCell(x,y , z, area)

elif (i >= 15) and (i < 19) :

x = 10.0 * (i-offset)

y = 0.0

z = height + slope * (i-14)

c=p.NewCell(x, y, z, area)

elif (i >=19) and (i<26) :

x = 10.0 * (i-offset)

y = 0.0

z = height + 0.5 * slope * (i-14) + 5 * slope * 0.5

c=p.NewCell(x, y, z, area)

else :

x = 10.0 * (i-offset)

y = 0.0

z = height + 0.5 * slope * (i-14) + 5 * slope * 0.5

c=p.NewCell(x, y, z, area )

# Mesh the hillslope (catena, 1d chain topology)

if i: c.topology.AddNeighbor(p[-2],10)

# Create a combination cell


# Use Richard's equation for percolation


# Use Penman-Monteith eq. ET


print" -> CMF created 2d hill slope. "

# cmf setup stuff, making lateral flow and an outlet at foot of hillslope


outlet = make_outlet(p[13])


# Get the start date from LandscapeDNDC

DOY, year = M2d.time.nd()-1, M2d.time.ny()

solver.t = cmf.Time(1,1,year) + DOY *

C=Cells[0] # Shortcut for tests

print"Let us start..."

# If "plot" is in the arguments, create a class for simple plotting

if"plot"in sys.argv:

if"show"in sys.argv:

plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(4, 4.5), dpi=300, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k')

hp = plotter(NO3)



plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(4, 4.5), dpi=300, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k')

hp = plotter(NO3)

plt.ylabel("height [m]")


# Create picture directory if it is not there

ifnot os.path.exists('pic'):



# get all layers

all_layers=cmf.node_list(np.ravel([c.layers for c in p]))


days = 10*365 + 1

coupled = True

if"uncoupled"in sys.argv:

coupled = False

if"run"in sys.argv:

for i in range(1,days):


if"plot"in sys.argv and i in range (1,days,1):



plt.savefig('pic/coupled_%04i.pdf' % i, dpi=300, format="pdf", transparent=True)

print"Max cum dN2O=%g kg/ha" % max(c.cumN2O for c in Cells)


# reset the yearly accumulation


for c in Cells :

c.cumN2O = 0


for c in Cells :

c.cumN2O = 0


for c in Cells :

c.cumN2O = 0


for c in Cells :

c.cumN2O = 0



if"final"in sys.argv :

hp = plotter(NO3)


