4/81 / 124.7-124.72d
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124.7 - Sampling Techniques and Procedures
1. Visitor Permit. The Visitor Permit is the only form that the Chief has obtained OMB approval for use in designated areas where a permit is required for entry. It should be used for all Wildernesses, Wild and Scenic Rivers, and other areas where such a regulation is employed. Since Wilderness data collection will be the predominant use of the Visitor Permit form the term "Wilderness" is used throughout the text. The form's use extends to other areas as well.
Exhibit 1
Exhibit 2
(O.M.B. No. 40-R3857)
1.A separate permit is required for each trip to each Wilderness where a permit is required.
2.If more than one Wilderness will be visited on a single trip, issue a separate permit for each Wilderness to be visited.
3.Attach any supplemental Rules of Behavior to the green copy of the permit if these have been developed for a Wilderness that is to be visited on the trip.
4.Issuing officers must insure that consistent codes are used for the coding of wilderness (6-9), and entry/exit points (18-20), (21-23), and travel zones (32-71) when used.
Specific Instructions
1.Enter the name, street address, city, state and zip code of the person requesting the permit.
ADP Coding (1-5)
Enter the five digit ZIP Code number that identifies the address of the individual requesting the permit.
2.Enter the name of the Wilderness.
ADP Coding (6-9)
Enter Zeros (00) in blocks 6 and 7. In blocks 8 and 9 enter the two digits of the assigned RIM number to the Wilderness. (See RIM Handbook, Chapter 190, Page 192--7.) The Codes are:
Eage Cap-65 Mt. Jefferson-69 Three Sisters-73 Glacier Peak-75
Goat Rocks-76 Mt. Adams-77 Pasayten-89 Hells Canyon-92
3.Show the planned date of entry into the Wilderness.
ADP Coding (10-11)
Use digits to indicate the month--i.e., 6 for June, 10 for October, etc.
ADP Coding (12-12)
Use digits to indicate the day of the month on which entry is planned, e.g.
| 0 | 6 | 0 | 5 | = June 5
| 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 |
4.Show the planned date of exit from the Wilderness, primitive area or National Park proposed Wilderness.
ADP Coding (14-15)
Code the month of exit the same as discussed above for entry.
ADP Coding (16-17)
Code the day of exit the same as discussed above for entry.
5.Enter the local name for the entry point into the Wilderness to be visited. Some trailheads may serve more than one trail into a Wilderness. For this reason, it is preferable to use the trail name that will be used instead of the name of the trailhead unless the trailhead serves only one trail.
ADP Coding (18-20)
Prepare maps with identification numbers for entry/exit points, and enter the appropriate entry point identification number.
6.Enter the local number of the exit point for the Wilderness. For reasons discussed above, use the trail name in preference to the trailhead name if possible.
ADP Coding (21-23)
Complete as discussed for column (18-20), Section 5.
7.Indicate the primary method of travel by placing a check mark in the appropriate box for horse, boat, skiing, hiking or canoe.
ADP Coding (24-25)
Enter one of the following codes in columns (24-25):
Hiking = 01; Horse = 02; Boat, nonpower = 03; Boat power = 04*;
Canoe, nonpower = 05; Canoe, power = 06*; Ski = 07; Snowshoe = 08;
Scooter and motorcycle = 09*; Bike = 10; Snowmobile = 11; Other
(ex: Mt. Climbing) = 12
*Prohibited in all Region 6 Wildernesses.
8.Number of People in Group
ADP Coding (26-27)
Enter the total number of people that will be in the group regardless of age.
9. Pack and Saddle Stock
ADP Coding (28-29)
Enter the number of pack and/or saddle stock used (horses, mules, and burros). Include colts, yearlings or other animals on the trip which are not used for packing or riding. If none, enter 00.
10. Watercraft or Vehicles
ADP Coding (30-31)
Enter the number of watercraft or other craft used. If none, enter 00.
11. Travel Zones
ADP Coding (32-71)
Each Wilderness should have travel zones numbered so that each travel zone has a unique number. Entries should be made for all zones in which any significant amount of travel will occur. For example, if a trip starts in Zone 1, goes to Zone 2, then to Zone 3 and ends back in Zone 1; the entries in the first four zones would be Cols. 32-34 = 001; Cols. 36-38 = 002; Cols. 40-42 = 003; Cols. 44-46 = 001.
12. Nights
ADP Coding (35,39,43,47,51,55,59,63,67,71)
Enter the number of nights planned to be stayed in each zone. If unknown or the zone is only passed through, code Zero (0).
13. Times Area Visited in Past 10 Years (Optional)
ADP Coding (72) - Enter the Appropriate Code.
None = 1; Once = 2; Twice = 3; Three = 4; Four = 5; Five or more = 6
14. Reason for Visiting This Area (Optional)
ADP Coding (73) - Enter the Appropriate Code
1 - The primary purpose of your trip away from home.
2 - One of several important things you planned to do on your trip.
3 - Something you decided to do after arriving near the area.
15. Forest Code
ADP Code (77-78)
Enter the Forest number.
16. Office Code
ADP Code (79-80)
Enter the issuing office code number.
17. Have the visitor date and sign the permit.
The issuing officer signs and dates the permit.
Exhibit 3