Name: ______

Stunde: ______Datum: ______

So modisch! So schick!

Wir machen eine Modekritik! We are making a fashion-critique!

Du kannst…

ein Poster machen! / einen Zeitschriftenartikel schreiben! / eine Präsentation machen! / ein Video machen!
Draw or print out the outfits. Create a poster with the outfits and your critiques! / Use Googledocs or Microsoft Word to create a fashion magazine article. Find outfits online, scan pictures from a magazine, or take your own pictures* and upload them and type your critiques! Share with Frau Novak!
*You must ask before photographing or videotaping classmates. / Use Powerpoint or Googleslides to create a presentation about your outfits. Find outfits online, scan pictures from a magazine, or take your own pictures* and upload them and type your critiques! Share with Frau Novak!
*You must ask before photographing or videotaping classmates. / Use video-editing software to create a video blog of your fashion show! Film a friend* modeling the outfits and describe them. Upload the video to Googledrive and share with Frau Novak. ()
*You must ask before photographing or videotaping classmates.


1 – 5 different outfits/people

2 – Write or say everything that each person is wearing.

3 – Write or say if you like or dislike the outfit using gefallen.

4 – Write or say why you like or dislike the outfit using adjectives. – You must write about 2 clothing items for each outfit.

Die Rubrik ist auf der Rückseite.

Name: ______Stunde: _____ Datum: ______

Perfekt!! / Gut! / Nicht ok! / Furchtbar!!!
·  (see requirements on previous page) / All requirements have been met.
20 points / Not an option. It is not good to turn in an incomplete project. / I am missing 1 requirement.
15 points / I am missing more than 1 requirement.
10 points
·  All words are spelled correctly.
·  Nominative - Subject
(der, die, das, die) (ein, eine, ein, --) articles are used correctly.
·  Accusative – Direct Object
(den, die, das, die) (einen, eine, ein, --) articles are used correctly.
·  All nouns are capitalized. / Spelling is perfect!
1-2 errors.
10 points / I have 3-4 spelling errors.
8 points / I have 5 or more spelling errors.
6 points
·  Verbs are spelled correctly.
·  Verbs have correct endings. / Grammar is perfect!
1-2 errors
10 points / I have 3 grammar errors.
8 points / I have more than 3 grammar errors.
6 points
·  My project looks and is awesome.
·  I have used various clothing items and adjectives (each used no more than three times). / My project is perfect! Everything is colored, neat, and beautiful! I have used a variety of clothing and adjectives!
10 points / Maybe I forgot to color my project, because I couldn’t find my colored pencils, crayons, or markers, or my color printer wasn’t working, and I didn’t have a chance to color my printed pictures. I did not use a variety of clothes or adjectives.
8 points / My project is a mess.
5 points
·  My project is done and turned in on the due date!
·  My project is not done on the due date, but I e-mailed or spoke to Frau Novak to explain my dire circumstance (sudden bed-ridden illness, death of immediate family member or pet,… nope, no other reason would exclude you from the due date. / My project is done and in Frau Novak’s possession on the due date!
10 points / Not an option. It is not good to turn in your project late. / Not an option. It is not even just not ok to not turn in your project on time. / My project is late.
5 points


Name: ______Stunde: _____ Datum: ______

Perfekt!! / Gut! / Nicht ok! / Furchtbar!!!
·  5 different outfits.
·  Sentence for what each person is wearing.
·  Sentence stating whether you like the outfit using gefallen.
·  Two sentences for each outfit describing two clothing items. / All requirements have been met.
20 points / Not an option. It is not good to turn in an incomplete project. / I am missing 1 requirement.
15 points / I am missing more than 1 requirement.
10 points
·  All words are spelled correctly.
·  Nominative - Subject
(der, die, das, die) (ein, eine, ein, --) articles are used correctly.
·  Accusative – Direct Object
(den, die, das, die) (einen, eine, ein, --) articles are used correctly.
All nouns are capitalized. / Spelling is perfect!
1-2 errors.
10 points / I have 3-4 spelling errors.
8 points / I have 5 or more spelling errors.
6 points
·  Verbs are spelled correctly.
Verbs have correct endings. / Grammar is perfect!
1-2 errors
10 points / I have 3 grammar errors.
8 points / I have more than 3 grammar errors.
6 points
·  My project looks and is awesome.
·  I have used various clothing items and adjectives (each used no more than three times). / My project is perfect! Everything is colored, neat, and beautiful! I have used a variety of clothing and adjectives!
10 points / Maybe I forgot to color my project, because I couldn’t find my colored pencils, crayons, or markers, or my color printer wasn’t working, and I didn’t have a chance to color my printed pictures. I did not use a variety of clothes or adjectives.
8 points / My project is a mess.
5 points
·  My project is done and turned in on the due date!
·  My project is not done on the due date, but I e-mailed or spoke to Frau Novak to explain my dire circumstance (sudden bed-ridden illness, death of immediate family member or pet,… nope, no other reason would exclude you from the due date. / My project is done and in Frau Novak’s possession on the due date!
10 points / Not an option. It is not good to turn in your project late. / Not an option. It is not even just not ok to not turn in your project on time. / My project is late.
5 points

Gesamt: ______/60