Minute of the meeting held on Monday 15th April 2013 in the Conference Room, Summerfield House, Aberdeen.


Drs Denise McFarlane (Chair), Neil MacRitchie (Secretary), Peter Kiehlmann, Sandra Grant, Thomas Philip, Robert Donald, Caroline Howarth, Stuart Reary, John Reid, Craig Beattie

IN ATTENDANCE Audrey Ritchie (Clerk)


Apologies were accepted from Drs Caroline Fraser, Russell McInnes, Ewan Paterson


Accepted as correct.


a)  Levy Shortfall

Chair updated the group following today`s negotiating meeting.

Alan Sharp (Assistant Director of Finance) cannot find out why the levy payments were reduced from 17 -15p per patient.

Happy for it to change back to 17p or whatever other amount is decided after AGM.

The 2C practices who have not contributed at all should have been doing so – LMC will get paid for this by the Board and payment will be backdated.

NMacR has contacted the two other practices. Still awaiting reply from one.

b)  PLT cover

GMed understaffed at the moment so cannot cover PLT out of their salaried GMed staff. Aberdeen City seems ok but no cover in Shire and Moray which is causing problems. CHPs are going to try and persuade these GPs to work out a rota reminding them that locum GP cover will get paid out of GMed money.

Dr David Taylor to be invited to negotiating meting so we can look at the finer details. Letter presented today by Alan Sharp from George McLean was confusing. Information in this letter did not add up.

It was agreed that this email would be circulated to committee members.

Agreement to work with GMed in this interim period. Important that LMC voice is heard through the negotiating meeting with NHSG. Need to ensure that PLT does not lapse as then there is the risk that it will not be reinstated.

A national issue is that there are no PLT dates beyond May & June because there is no cover from NHS24.

NHSG responsibility but needs cooperation if PLT is to survive.

NHS24 contracted to cover but this year there has been a blip due to the fact that they are getting new computer systems introduced over the summer months.

c)  Constitution and Elections

No further forward. Meeting next Wednesday.

d)  LMC Conference

2 of the Grampian motions from Clydebank have been put forward to UK conference. These were the motions re fairer funding and the joy & privilege to be a GP.

No confirmation as to whether submitted motions have been accepted.

Attendees` accommodation has been booked. NMacR to be reimbursed.

Travel to be arranged.

e)  AGM

Invitation has been circulated. No replies as yet.

f)  Office/Banking

NMacR informed the committee that following decision to terminate the lease with Regus alternative storage, back scanning option and postal addresses had been looked in to. Committee agreed to support the decision of the executive.

Companies House will still need a postal address should a P.O. Box address is used for the LMC.

g)  Cremation Forms

Torry undertaker basically asking for commission for passing on cremation fees. No reply to letters written. Have taken advice from SGPC who say this should not be done. Feeling that it would be inappropriate to advise practices not to work with the undertaker. Undertaker involved is not registered with an undertaking organization so there is no higher authority to approach.

It was suggested that GP invoice should just ask for 110% and include mileage costs although this would mean that the undertaker would still take a 10% cut.

Await written reply.


Annual return has been submitted online.

To simplify admin and banking business it was suggested and agreed that all directors currently named (except office bearers) should resign and become members of the Limited Company. Agreed.


Paper came from BMA in London. It was agreed this should not be circulated to avoid confusion. Copy to be kept in office for reference and copy to be sent to Paul Green for online information for trainees.

6.  GPDF rebate

Rebate. Will be credited to our account.

7.  MEDIA TRAINING dates decided for June.


Suggestion has been made to re-establish links. No representative on LMC since Peter Terry retired. Also need an LMC representative at Consultants meeting. NMacR to send invitation.


Nothing formalised but NMacR has expressed an interest in a meeting.

10. FEEDBACK from

SGPC - no meeting

GPC – English contract changes dominated the meeting as first since Health and Social Care act came into force.

ESG- meeting cancelled this month

Premises Group-

LMC/NHSG meeting – PLT and GMED (as above)

Levy issues (as above)

Discussion re Unscheduled care and decision support mechanisms. Work going on to develop these within NHSG, we highlighted areas where the current facilities fall down.

Refusal of referrals, still no answer from NHSG. AF has asked for one more month before we write to the cabinet secretary.

Enhanced services, awaiting the review of ES being conducted by public health.

QP Pathways Group. NM met with MM and AF, unfortunately no secondary care attendance. Discussed where current pathways were falling down and limiting patient’s access to the system. Further meeting to be arranged.

Workforce 2020. Next meeting apparently to be focused on GP and unscheduled care.

11. AOB

12. DATE OF NEXT MEETING – 20th May 2013