Health Care Fundamentals WVEIS 0711
Instructional content will focus on stages of human growth and development, nutrition, and therapeutic diets. Knowledge of basic medical terminology will focus on defining and using medical roots, prefixes, and suffixes. Students will examine the healthcare delivery system, be introducedto health careers, explain how healthcare workers fit into the overall health environment, and identify how key systems affect quality of care. Students will determine common methods of payment for healthcare and their impact on its delivery. Additional focus will be placed on the recognition of microorganisms, and their role in disease transmission and prevention. Standard Precautions will be examined as the means to prevent the spread of infection. First Aid and CPR certification is made available to all students. Instruction will incorporate project/problem-based healthcare practices and procedures. Students will utilize problem-solving techniques and participate in hands-on activities to develop an understanding of course concepts. Teachers will provide each student with real world learning opportunities and instruction related to the study of health occupations. The West Virginia Standards for 21st Century Learning include the following components: 21st Century Content Standards and 21st Century Learning Skills and Technology Tools. All West Virginia teachers are responsible for classroom instruction that integrates learning skills, technology tools, and content standards and objectives. Opportunity is provided for participation in Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA), the Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO) for health science technology education students.*
*Admission to Clinical Concepts and Diversified Clinical Applications (the advanced courses within the Health Occupations Science Technology concentration) requires a minimum course completion score of 80% in both Health Care Fundamentals and Concepts of Health Care.
Grade10-12 /Health Science Technology Education: Healthcare Fundamentals
Standard: 1 / Academic FoundationHSTE.S.HCF.1 / Students will:
- demonstrate knowledge of the academic subject matter required for proficiency in Health Science Technology Education.
- utilize academic knowledge to perform skills required in the role of the healthcare profession for which they are being trained.
Objectives / Students will
Human Growth and Development
HSTE.O.HCF.1.1 / examine the basic stages of human growth and development from birth to death.
HSTE.O.HCF.1.2 / recognize the four main areas of growth and development in each life stage.
HSTE.O.HCF.1.3 / differentiate Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.
HSTE.O.HCF.1.4 / examine issues surrounding end-of-life care.
HSTE.O.HCF.1.5 / assess the five stages of grieving.
HSTE.O.HCF.1.6 / examine the basic food groups and the rationale behind the design of the Food Guide Pyramid.
HSTE.O.HCF.1.7 / choose the six essential nutrients, including their function and sources.
HSTE.O.HCF.1.8 / compare therapeutic diets.
Performance Descriptors (HSTE.PD.HCF.1)
Above Mastery / Mastery / Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional and exemplary performance with distinctive and sophisticated application of knowledge and skills that exceed the standard in academic foundation. The student can assess the stages of human growth and development and the four main areas of growth and development for each stage. The student can evaluate levels within Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and the five stages of grieving. The student can articulate the issues surrounding end-of-life care. The student can categorize foods in the basic food groups and design a Food Guide Pyramid for a specific patient, assess the six essential nutrients, analyze their function and sources, and compare and contrast therapeutic diets. The student can independently solve problems and is self-directed. / The student demonstrates competent and proficient performance and shows a thorough and effective application of knowledge and skills that meet the standard in academic foundation. The student can examine the stages of human growth and development and recognize the four areas of growth and development for each stage. The student can differentiate levels within Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, assess the five stages of grieving, and examine issues surrounding end-of-life care. The student can examine the basic food groups and the rationale behind the design of the Food Guide Pyramid; choose the six essential nutrients, examining their function and sources; and compare therapeutic diets. Application of knowledge and skills is thorough and effective, and the student can work independently. / The student demonstrates basic but inconsistent performance of fundamental knowledge and skills characterized by errors and/or omissions in academic foundation. The student can list the life stages and the four areas of growth and development for each. The student can identify each level within Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, recognize the five stages of grieving, and discuss issues surrounding end-of-life care. The student can identify the basic food groups and the design of the Food Guide Pyramid; identify the six essential nutrients, their function, and some sources; and compare therapeutic diets. Performance needs further development and supervision.
Standard: 2 / Communications
HSTE.S.HCF.2 / Students will:
- demonstrate knowledge of various methods of giving and obtaining information.
- communicate effectively, both orally and in writing.
Objectives / Students will
Medical Terminology
HSTE.O.HCF.2.1 / define and use medical roots, prefixes, and suffixes.
HSTE.O.HCF.2.2 / pronounce and spell medical roots, prefixes, and suffixes.
Performance Descriptors (HSTE.PD.HCF.2)
Above Mastery / Mastery / Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional and exemplary performance with distinctive and sophisticated application of knowledge and skills that exceed the standard in communications. The student can define, pronounce, and spell medical roots, prefixes, and suffixes. The student can interpret medical terms and basic medical records. The student can independently solve problems and is self-directed. / The student demonstrates competent and proficient performance and shows a thorough and effective application of knowledge and skills that meet the standard in communications. The student can define, use, pronounce, and spell medical roots, prefixes, and suffixes. Application of knowledge and skills is thorough and effective, and the student can work independently. / The student demonstrates basic but inconsistent performance of fundamental knowledge and skills characterized by errors and/or omissions in communications. The student can identify, define, pronounce, and spell many medical roots, prefixes, and suffixes. Performance needs further development and supervision.
Standard: 3 / Systems
HSTE.S.HCF.3 / Students will:
- understand their role in the general purposes, organization, and the overall healthcare environment of various types of healthcare systems.
- identify how key systems affect services they perform and quality of care.
Objectives / Students will
Healthcare Delivery Systems
HSTE.O.HCF.3.1 / examine the healthcare delivery system (i.e. public, private, government, and non-profit).
HSTE.O.HCF.3.2 / assess factors influencing various healthcare delivery systems.
HSTE.O.HCF.3.3 / determine the interdependence of healthcare professions within a given healthcare delivery system.
HSTE.O.HCF.3.4 / compare types of healthcare facilities.
HSTE.O.HCF.3.5 / differentiate acute, chronic, and long term care.
HSTE.O.HCF.3.6 / determine lines of authority/chain of command in a typical healthcare facility.
HSTE.O.HCF.3.7 / determine common methods of payment for healthcare including terms and abbreviations.
HSTE.O.HCF.3.8 / examine current trends in healthcare (i.e. cost containment, home health and geriatric care,
telemedicine, wellness, holistic healthcare, and alternative and complementary therapies).
Performance Descriptors (HSTE.PD.HCF.3)
Above Mastery / Mastery / Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional and exemplary performance with distinctive and sophisticated application of knowledge and skills that exceed the standard in systems. The student can analyze systems theory, its components, the interdependence of healthcare professions within a given system, and current trends in healthcare. The student can evaluate types of healthcare facilities and corresponding types of care. The student can diagram lines of authority and articulate proper implementation given sample workplace scenarios. The student can interpret common terms and abbreviations associated with insurance plans and critique current trends in healthcare. The student can independently solve problems and is self-directed. / The student demonstrates competent and proficient performance and shows a thorough and effective application of knowledge and skills that meet the standard in systems. The student can examine the healthcare delivery system and assess factors influencing it, determinethe interdependence of healthcare professions within a given system, and examine current trends in healthcare. The student can compare types ofhealthcare facilities, differentiate types of care and agencies, and determine lines of authority. The student can determinecommon methods of payment for healthcare, including terms and abbreviations as well as examine current trends in healthcare. Application of knowledge and skills is thorough and effective, and the student can work independently. / The student demonstrates basic but inconsistent performance of fundamental knowledge and skills characterized by errors and/or omissions in systems. The student can summarize systems theory and its components and recognize the interdependence of healthcare professions within a given system and current trends in healthcare. The student can identify various types of healthcare facilities, care, and agencies. The student can understand lines of authority within the work setting and recognize common terms and abbreviations associated with insurance plans and identify current trends in healthcare. Performance needs further development and supervision.
Standard: 4 / Employability Skills
HSTE.S.HCF.4 / Students will:
- understand how employability skills enhance employment opportunities and job satisfaction.
- demonstrate key employability skills.
- understand the need to maintain and upgrade skills as necessary.
Objectives / Students will
Career Decision-making
HSTE.O.HCF.4.1 / compare careers within the health science career pathways (i.e. diagnostic services,
therapeutic services, health informatics, support services, biotechnology research and
HSTE.O.HCF.4.2 / recognize levels of education, credentialing requirements, employment opportunities, workplace
environments, and career growthpotential within Health Science Technology Education.
HSTE.O.HCF.4.3 / determine abbreviations used to identify healthcare workers.
HSTE.O.HCF.4.4 / select student/professional organizations as related to specific healthcare careers.
Performance Descriptors (HSTE.PD.HCF.4)
Above Mastery / Mastery / Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional and exemplary performance with distinctive and sophisticated application of knowledge and skills that exceed the standard in employability skills. The student can compare and contrast career pathways and healthcareers; interpret abbreviations used to identify workers; compare and contrast credentialing requirements; and analyze levels of education required, employment opportunities, workplace environments, and career growth potential for various healthcareers. The studentdifferentiates student and professional organizations related to specific healthcare careers. The student can articulate findings to others. The student can independently solve problems and is self-directed. / The student demonstrates competent and proficient performance and shows a thorough and effective application of knowledge and skills that meet the standard in employability skills. The student can compare career pathways and various careers including abbreviations used to identify healthcare workers,credentialing requirements,levels of education required, employment opportunities, workplace environments, and career growth potential for them. The studentcan select student and professional organizations related to specific healthcare careers. Application of knowledge and skills is thorough and effective, and the student can work independently. / The student demonstrates basic but inconsistent performance of fundamental knowledge and skills characterized by errors and/or omissions in employability skills. The student can identify career pathways and various healthcareers, including abbreviations used to identify workers, credentialing requirements, levels of education required, employment opportunities, workplace environments, and career growth potential. The student identifies student and professional organizations related to specific healthcare careers. Performance needs further development and supervision.
Standard: 7 / Safety Practices
HSTE.S.HCF.7 / Students will:
- demonstrate an understanding of existing and potential hazards to clients, co-workers, and self.
- prevent injury or illness through safe work practices.
- follow health and safety policies and procedures.
Objectives / Students will
Infection Control
HSTE.O.HCF.7.1 / determine the five main classes of microorganisms.
HSTE.O.HCF.7.2 / examine conditions necessary for microorganisms to grow.
HSTE.O.HCF.7.3 / compare classifications of infections and diseases (endogenous, exogenous, nosocomial, and
HSTE.O.HCF.7.4 / articulate the Chain of Infection, depicting the cycle of microorganism transmission and prevention.
HSTE.O.HCF.7.5 / compare the methods of controlling growth of microorganisms.
HSTE.O.HCF.7.6 / implement Standard Precautions (i.e. proper hand washing technique, don and remove non-sterile
Performance Descriptors (HSTE.PD.HCF.7)
Above Mastery / Mastery / Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional and exemplary performance with distinctive and sophisticated application of knowledge and skills that exceed the standard in safety practices. The student can differentiate the five classes of microorganisms and compare and contrast the classifications of infections and diseases, assess the conditions necessary for microorganism growth, analyze the cycle of microorganism transmission and prevention, select the appropriate levels of aseptic control, apply knowledge of Standard Precautions to clinical scenarios, perform proper hand washing technique, and don and remove non-sterile gloves. The student can independently solve problems and is self-directed. / The student demonstrates competent and proficient performance and shows a thorough and effective application of knowledge and skills that meet the standard in safety practices. The student can determine the five classes of microorganisms, examine the conditions necessary for microorganism growth, compare classifications of infections and diseases, articulate the cycle of microorganism transmission and prevention, compare the levels of aseptic control, implement Standard Precautions including performing proper hand washing technique and donning and removing non-sterile gloves. Application of knowledge and skills is thorough and effective, and the student can work independently. / The student demonstrates basic but inconsistent performance of fundamental knowledge and skills characterized by errors and/or omissions in safety practices. The student can identify the five classes of microorganisms and the conditions necessary for microorganism growth, identify classifications of infections and diseases, recognize the cycle of microorganism transmission and prevention, identify levels of aseptic control, summarize Standard Precautions, perform proper hand washing technique, and don and remove non-sterile gloves. Performance needs further development and supervision.
Standard: 10 / Technical Skills
HSTE.S.HCF.10 / Students will:
- apply technical skills required for all career specialties.
- demonstrate skills and knowledge as appropriate.
Objectives / Students will
CPR and First Aid for Obstructed Airway
HSTE.O.HCF.10.1 / assess risk factors for cardiovascular disease.
HSTE.O.HCF.10.2 / recognize signs, symptoms, and treatment of a heart attack.
HSTE.O.HCF.10.3 / perform CPR for infant, child, and one-rescuer adult.
HSTE.O.HCF.10.4 / demonstrate correct use of an Automated External Defibrillator (AED).
HSTE.O.HCF.10.5 / recognize signs and symptoms of Foreign Body Airway Obstruction (FBAO).
HSTE.O.HCF.10.6 / recognize and demonstrate universal distress signal for Foreign Body Airway Obstruction (FBAO).
HSTE.O.HCF.10.7 / perform procedures to relieve Foreign Body Airway Obstruction (FBAO) for infants, children, and adults.
HSTE.O.HCF.10.8 / obtain certification for adult, child, and infant CPR and Foreign Body Airway Obstruction (FBAO).
Emergency Medical Care
HSTE.O.HCF.10.9 / articulate the general principles of First Aid.
HSTE.O.HCF.10.10 / articulate signs, symptoms, andtreatment for shock.
HSTE.O.HCF.10.11 / assess types of wounds and describe treatment for each.
HSTE.O.HCF.10.12 / prioritize methods used for the control of bleeding.
HSTE.O.HCF.10.13 / distinguish signs, symptoms, and treatment for sudden illness and injury, including fainting, stroke,
seizures,insulin shock and diabetic coma.
HSTE.O.HCF.10.14 / distinguish signs, symptoms, and treatment for bone and joint injuries including, fractures, dislocation,
sprain, and strain.
HSTE.O.HCF.10.15 / demonstrate dressing, bandaging, and splinting techniques.
HSTE.O.HCF.10.16 / distinguish signs, symptoms, and treatment for injuries involving the eyes, head, nose, ears, chest,
abdomen, and genital organs.
HSTE.O.HCF.10.17 / distinguish signs, symptoms, and treatment for temperature related injuries, including heat and cold
exposure and burns.
HSTE.O.HCF.10.18 / distinguish signs, symptoms, and treatment for poisoning, stings, bites, and allergic reactions.
HSTE.O.HCF.10.19 / obtain certification in First Aid.
Performance Descriptors (HSTE.PD.HCF.10)
Above Mastery / Mastery / Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional and exemplary performance with distinctive and sophisticated application of knowledge and skills that exceed the standard in technical skills. The student can evaluate the risk factors for cardiovascular disease; recognize the signs and symptoms of a heart attack and an obstructed airway; perform CPR and procedures to relieve an obstructed airway for an infant, a child, and an adult; demonstrate the correct use of an AED; and distinguish signs/ symptoms and implement emergency medical care for common emergencies. The student obtains certification in CPR and First Aid. The student can independently solve problems and is self-directed. / The student demonstrates competent and proficient performance and shows a thorough and effective application of knowledge and skills that meet the standard in technical skills. The student can assess the risk factors for cardiovascular disease; recognize the signs and symptoms of a heart attack and an obstructed airway; perform CPR and procedures to relieve an obstructed airway for an infant, a child, and an adult; demonstrate the correct use of an AED; and distinguish signs/symptoms and demonstrate emergency medical care for common emergencies. The student successfully completes all requirements for certification in CPR and First Aid. Application of knowledge and skills is thorough and effective, and the student can work independently. / The student demonstrates basic but inconsistent performance of fundamental knowledge and skills characterized by errors and/or omissions in technical skills. The student can identify the risk factors for cardiovascular disease; identify the signs and symptoms of a heart attack and an obstructed airway; perform CPR and procedures to relieve an obstructed airway for an infant, a child, and an adult; attempt to demonstrate the correct use of an AED; and identify and demonstrate emergency medical care for common emergencies. The student may or may not obtain certification in CPR and First Aid. Performance needs further development and supervision.