Notes of the National Rural Crime Network Executive Board meeting – 13 October 2016
National Farmers Union HQ, Stoneleigh Park, CV8 2TZ
1)Present: Julia Mulligan (Chair – PCC North Yorkshire), Tim Passmore (PCC – Suffolk), Stuart Tweedale (Dep PCC Lincs), Steve de Burgh, Institute of Community Safety, Dr. Karen Mellodew (OPCC Devon & Cornwall), Sue Arnold (Dep PCC Staffs), Sarah Lee (Countryside Alliance), Sam Durham (NFU), Graham Biggs, (CEO Rural Services Network), Nick Payne (Rural Services Network)
2)In attendance: Dermot Murphy, RSPCA
3)Apologies: Peter McCall (PCC Cumbria), Dafydd Llywelyn (Dyfed-Powys PCC), AlisonHernandez, (PCC Devon and Cornwall) Gemma Wilson, (Crimestoppers), Kate Algate, (Our Watch), Simon Ford, (Institute of Community Safety).
4)Presentation – Dermot Murphy updated the Board on the progress of the reorganisation of the enforcement team at the RSPCA and other changes to the organisation following the Wooler Review. New procedures have been adopted, new uniforms issued to inspire a ‘softer’ image, new roster systems invoked and a new training schedule adopted leading to a national qualification. DM advised it had been a difficult summer for animal welfare workloads. A wildlife casualty volunteer scheme was being trialled and this will be rolled out in due course. A dedicated confidential telephone number for police officers to contact their RSPCA colleagues will be circulated by the NPCC Rural Crime Lead via POLKA. DM would like to have corresponding numbers for local rural crime teams/officers if possible. ACTION JM and all.
It was felt that this would also provide improved opportunities for data sharing, call outs, cross border liaison and intelligence.
After the presentation, a discussion ensued. The link between domestic abuse and animal abuse/cruelty was an increasing concern as was animal welfare issues arising in the homes of vulnerable people. Links to organised crime groups, puppy farming, food crime, forensic services and related issues with modern slavery were all discussed.
It was agreed that it may be useful for DM to meet ACC Amanda Oliver to discuss closer liaison and feedback via the NPCC lead Rural Crime role. ACTION: DM.
It was agreed that we should invite the RSPB to a future meeting to discuss closer collaboration with the NWCU. ACTION: NP
5)Notes of the Executive Board meeting 21 January 2016
Agreed with no amendments or matters arising.
CC Jones/ACC Oliver to be invited to attend a future meeting on their NPCC lead role for Rural and Wildlife Crime.ACTION: JM
The Actin Log was updated – see attached
6)Matters Requiring Urgent Attention – None
7)Communications Plan – SA presented her report to the Board. It was agreed that awareness of the NCRN had not permeated to the grass roots whilst awareness of our objectives and purpose was still limited. Various ideas were discussed in addition to the suggestions set out in the paper. JM felt that we needed to mindful of our constraints and that as such we need to be focussed on a small number of key communication activities, which would in turn lead to increased awareness . These should be the funding formula campaign, adding more case studies to the website, developing a database of Force rural crime contacts to improve engagement with practitioners, regular blog entries on our site and using local rural crime stories to highlight the funding formula concerns. JM and TP would encourage other PCCs to get behind the campaign and engage locally on the issues. ACTION: JM/TP
JM would also ask Will Naylor in her office to develop a dedicated comms plan for the fairer funding campaign in his new role as DPCC and to work with NP. ACTION: JM
8)Domestic Abuse in rural communities – unfortunately the promised data analysis from Dyfed-Powys Police had not been received in time for the meeting. The Board were keen to move this piece of work forward and develop a research brief for offering out for tender. JM would ask ACC Oliver to follow this up with D-P Police. NP was asked to contact the analyst and establish when the work would be completed. KM offered to assist with data analysis if this was the issue. ACTION: NP/JM
9)Relative costs of service delivery in rural areas - KM introduced her paper (item 9b on the agenda) which was welcomed by the Board as an excellent contribution to the funding concerns and campaign going forward. Recent conversations with Home Office officials about the new approach to reform of the formula along withrepresentation on the HO Senior Stakeholder and Technical Groups was also discussed. The Board was concerned to learn that the HO appear minded to tinker with the ongoing proposals rather than consider a proper fresh approach that dealt with the issues that were raised last year. Timing appears to be very critical if any proposed implementation for FY 18/19 is to be achieved. KMs paper helps to exemplify the challenges faced by rural forces and was a valuable contribution to the debate. KM was asked to further develop her suggestions in to a research data template. For greatest effect work based on the Devon and Cornwall pilot would need to be replicated by others to build a more comprehensive picture across rural Forces. Staffordshire, Suffolk, North Yorkshire, Cumbria and Lincolnshire would all undertake this. ACTION: All
JMs letter to the Countryside Alliance magazine would be re-circulated to other PCCs to replicate in their local media. ACTION: JM
Research Outline – KMs second paper (item 9a) setting out a proposal from Dr. Tom Kirchmaier of the London School of Economics was discussed. This was an interesting proposal but the estimated costs of the commission were unaffordable when set against other demands on our budget for this year. KM would discuss this further within her Force to see if there was another way of generating the information as D&CC had assisted Tom with the base data that would be used for the exercise proposed.
10)Finance Update–An updated copy of the Finance Report was tabled at the meeting. (attached). 30 Forces have paid their subscriptions and two were outstanding. These would be chased up for their payments.ACTION NP
NP was asked to develop a draft budget to take the NRCN forward 3 years to 2020. An indicative contribution of £2,000 per Force was thought to be reasonably acceptable to most PCCs. The costs of the Domestic Abuse project would be assessed and incorporated. ACTION: NP
11)AOB – none raised
12)Date of next meeting 2 February 2017 – venue agreed as London – Minister of State, Brandon Lewis MP to be invited. Meeting room booked at the NFU Offices, Smith Square, London SW1
ACTION LOGMinute Reference / Date / Description / Action by whom / Status / Comment
7 / 14/7/16 / Approach North Wales Chief Constable via CC Dave Jones / Julia Mulligan / Outstanding / Outstanding
10 / 14/7/16 / National Wildlife Crime Unit and RSPCA to be invited to a future meeting / Nick Payne / Outstanding / Completed – attendance in 2017 agreed
12 / 14/7/16 / Joint badging of the national Rural Crime Summit with CC Dave Jones / Julia Mulligan / Outstanding / Outstanding
4 / 13/10/16 / Confidential RSPCA number to be circulated to Forces / Julia Mulligan/CC Jones / Outstanding
4 / 13/10/16 / Invite RSPB to a future meeting / Nick Payne / Outstanding
5 / 13/10/16 / CC Jones/ACC Oliver invited to attend a future meeting on the NPCC lead role / Julia Mulligan / Outstanding
7 / 13/10/16 / Communications plan – engagement of other PCCs on local publicity / Julia Mulligan/Tim Passmore / Outstanding
7 / 13/10/16 / Communications plan for the fairer funding campaign – Will Naylor to assist / Julia Mulligan / Outstanding
8 / 13/10/16 / Domestic abuse data analysis – Chase up Dyfed-Powys Police / Nick Payne with analyst / Outstanding
9 / 13/10/16 / Relative costs in rural areas – follow up work / Karen Mellodew and 6 OPCCs – see notes / Outstanding
9 / 13/10/16 / JM’s CA magazine letter to be circulated to other PCCs / Julia Mulligan / Outstanding
10 / 13/10/16 / Chase non- payers for subs and Draft NRCN budget for 2017 – 2020 to be drawn up / Nick Payne / Outstanding