Tender Ref. No. icddr,b/SCM/OTM/SP/2017/26 Date : September 14, 2017
Sealed Tenders are invited by the icddr,b for Hiring of Transport Services for a Period of 60 Months from reputed firms/companies, having 5 years experience in the relevant field. Details terms and conditions of the tender are available in the RFT document:
· Part A - Scheduled Bus Service in Dhaka
· Part B - General Transport Service for Dhaka
· Part C - General Transport Service for Matlab
· Part D - Dhaka to Matlab Shuttle Service / · Part E - Dhaka Ambulance Service
· Part F - Matlab Ambulance Service
· Part G - Provision of Professional Driver Pool
Tender document will be available for sale at Finance Office, Level-4 of Main Building, icddr,b, Mohakhali, Dhaka from September 14, 2017 to October 04, 2017 from 10:00am to 3:00pm @ BDT 2,000/- per set (non-refundable). Pre-tender meeting will be held on September 21, 2017 at 11:00 am at Supply Chain Conference Room, Ground Floor, IPH Building, icddr,b, Dhaka. Tender will be closed on October 05, 2017 at 2:45 pm and will be opened at 3:00 pm on the same day in presence of tenders, if any. In case, tender cannot receive and open on the scheduled date for any unavoidable circumstances, the same will be received and opened on the following working day at same time and same place.
icddr,b reserves the right to accept or reject all/part tenders without assigning any reason whatsoever. This tender notice will also form a part of the contract and will be binding upon the tenderer.
Senior Manager, Procurement
Tel: 9827001-10, Ext.# 4400/4401/4404

** Published in the daily newspaper “Daily Star” on 14/09/2017

ÒPzw³wfwËK cwienY †mevÓ cÖ`v‡bi `icÎ weÁwß
Tender Ref. No. icddr,b/SCM/OTM/SP/2017/26 Date : September 14, 2017
icddr,b, gnvLvjx, XvKv-1212 KZ…©K AÎ Awd‡m e¨env‡ii Rb¨ ÓPzw³wfwËK cwienb †mevÓ cª`v‡bi wbwg‡Ë 60 gv‡mi Rb¨ Db¥y³ `icÎ (mxjK…Z) AvnŸvb Kiv hv‡”Q| `icÎ`vZv‡K mswkøó †ÿ‡Î 5(cuvP) eQ‡ii AwfÁZv _vwK‡Z nB‡e| we¯ÍvwiZ kZ©vejx ‡UÛvi wmwWD‡j ewY©Z Av‡Q|
· Part A - Scheduled Bus Service in Dhaka
· Part B - General Transport Service for Dhaka
· Part C - General Transport Service for Matlab
· Part D - Dhaka to Matlab Shuttle Service / · Part E - Dhaka Ambulance Service
· Part F - Matlab Ambulance Service
· Part G - Provision of Professional Driver Pool
AvMÖnx †µZvMb icddr,b †gBb wewìs, gnvLvjx, XvKv Gi 4_© Zjvq Aew¯’Z K¨vk KvD›Uvi, dvBb¨vÝ Awdm nB‡Z AvMvgx 14B †m‡Þ¤^i, 2017 nB‡Z 4Vv A‡±vei, 2017Bs ch©šÍ mKj Kg©w`e‡m mKvj 10:00 NwUKv nB‡Z weKvj 3:00 NwUKv ch©šÍ bM` 2,000/- (`yB nvRvi) UvKv gvÎ (A‡diZ‡hvM¨) cÖ`vb c~e©K `icÎ msMÖn Kwi‡Z cvwi‡eb| Dc‡iv³ wel‡q cÖvK-`icÎ mfv AvMvgx 21‡k †m‡Þ¤^i, 2017Bs mKvj 11:00 NwUKvq mvcøvB †PBb Kbdv‡iÝ iæg, AvBwcGBP wewìs‡qi bxP Zjvq AbywôZ nB‡e| `icÎ icddr,b-Gi mvcøvB †PBb g¨v‡bR‡g›U Awd‡m iw¶Z †UÛvi ev‡Kª AvMvgx 5B A‡±vei, 2017Bs †ejv 2:45 NwUKv ch©šÍ Rgv †`Iqv hvB‡e Ges H w`bB †ejv 3:00 NwUKvq `icÎ Dcw¯’Z `i`vZv‡`i m¤§y‡L (hw` †Kn Dcw¯’Z _v‡Kb) †Lvjv nB‡e| Awbevh© KvibekZ: hw` wba©vwiZ w`‡b I mg‡q `icÎ †Lvjv m¤¢e bv nq, Zvnv nB‡j cieZ©x Kvh©w`e‡m GKB mg‡q †Lvjv nB‡e|
icddr,b ‡Kvb cÖKvi KviY `k©v‡bv e¨wZ‡i‡K AvswkK A_ev m¤ú~Y© `icÎ MÖnY A_ev evwZj Kivi ¶gZv msi¶b K‡ib| AÎ †UÛvi weÁwcÍwU `ic‡Îi GKwU Awe‡”Q`¨ Ask wnmv‡e we‡ewPZ nB‡e|
Senior Manager, Procurement
Tel: 9827001-10, Ext.# 4400/4401/4404

** Published in the daily newspaper “Prothom AlO” on 14/09/2017