You are invited to attend the 2017 Auckland Mathematical Association

Term One Saturday Morning Workshop

Registration is online at:

WHEN: Saturday 8th of April 2017

WHERE: Selwyn College

203-245 Kohimarama Rd,


TIME: 9.00 am – noon

COST: $5 Koha

8:30 – 9:00 am Tea and Coffee – come and catch up with friends or make new ones!

9:00 – 9:30 am Plenary Speaker

Chaos and a Pancake

Professor Hinke Osinga

University of Auckland

Abstract: Dynamical Systems Theory is a field of mathematics that describes the effect of force, stimulation or change within a system or process. This theory allows one to understand observed behaviour and predict what happens next. So why then is the weather forecast often wrong? In this presentation we use a crocheted pancake to explain what goes wrong when the dynamics is chaotic.

9:30 – 10:30 am Workshop 1

1A AS91585/AS91586 Apply probability concepts or probability distributions to solve problems

Anne Ferguson University of Auckland

After a review of the “new” types of questions used for AS91585/AS91586, this workshop will focus on the use of data and simulation to teach probability modelling. We’ll also discuss teaching both theory-driven probability modelling and data-driven probability modelling.

1B Student-Centred Learning: How and Why Auckland Uni is Changing Stage One Physics(And How You Can Do Something Similar)

Dr Kathleen Foote Professional Teaching Fellow (Physics)

The first half of the workshop will be an interactive session on student-centred learning, run in a studio style. After some discussion and activities,I will briefly present some specifics about what we've done to theAuckland University Physics courses. Weintegratethe lab, lecture and tutorial sections of the introductory course into a reformed classroom to maximize the use of cooperative learning. ​We'll talk about howwe structure assignments, group workand incorporateopen-ended labs.

1C Getting students moving and talking
Sarah Sharples Takapuna Grammar School

Why it is so important to get our students, especially our juniors, moving and talking and the type of student these activities most suit. Then a range of activities that either get students moving and/or talking with tips and hints of how to make the most of them in your courses. This will be a hands-on sessions where teachers can see why students like these activities.

1D Taking a spin in an Aircraft

Professor Bernd Krauskopf University of Auckland

Commercial aircraft are designed to fly but also need to operate efficiently and safely as vehicles on the ground. How fast can one go around the corner in an aircraft on the ground? And what happens when the aircraft goes too fast? The presentation will discuss how mathematical models can be used to answer such questions.

10:30 – 11:00 am Morning tea

11:00 am – noon Workshop 2

2A Junior Maths: Student Driven e-learning
Priscilla Allan Pakuranga College

This year I am teaching 4 Junior classes. If you are interested e-learning, e-teaching, differentiation, harnessing emotions & motivation then come along and have a play. I will explain the theory behind my pedagogical actions, share a few student websites and talk you through my website.

More details here:

2B Teacher Desmos Chapter 2

Subash Chandar K Ormiston Senior College

This is a follow up session from Teacher Desmos 1 from 2016. What isTeacherDesmos? It is an online resource whereDesmosin conjunction withteachershave created engaging tasks for students. In this session I will be sharing some of my experiences with using andcreating custom tasks in TeacherDesmos. I shall start with the basics ofhow to create your own custom tasks in TeacherDesmosand aim to have a completed custom task created by you by the end of session.

Please bring a laptop or any tablet withan internet browser.

Note: DESMOS App is different to Teacher Desmos.

2C AS91584 Evaluate statistically-based reports

Anna Fergusson University of Auckland

After a review of the types of questions currently used for AS91584, this workshop will focus on the development of learning and formative assessment tasks. We’ll also discuss teaching statistical insight and how to support students to integrate contextual and statistical knowledge when evaluating statistically-based reports.

Registration is online at:

Please register by 3:00pm Friday 7th of April.

Queries Contact: Ranee Prasad

Alan Santos

Darryn Rae