

Please submit your prayer requests via e-mail to .



For the sick: Ginny Weick, Bill Hinton, Barbara Aasheim, Lenore Hansen, Karla Smith, Bonny, Tom, Columbia, Richard, Milton Dove, Bill, Amy, Kate, Fred, Bill Wesp, Karin, Irene, Jim, Joyce, Art, Roger Giacomini, Jean Giacomini, Sue, Bruce, Daniel, Debra, Carlton Weildman, Luke Denson, Marie Cagna, Giovanni Danza, Mark Bellissimo, RJ Sumner, Angelo Menna, Elizabeth Brennen, Erika, Columbia, Tom, Richard, Linda Pizzolato, Pat Schultze, Anne Wesp, Paul Schrader, Roelie Cronje, Kylie McGrail Rocks, Rich Spicer, Phillip Wulfken, Brian, Moira, Joe Vaccaro.

We pray for all our men and women serving in the armed services and all first responders. May God keep them safe and return them home to their loved ones.

We pray for all those who currently unemployed and seeking a job.

The Altar Flowers are given this week In Loving Memory of Edith Miller Travis, the gift of Nancy Travis Feustel.

To have someone entered onto our Prayer List for, please e-mail the church office with the person’s name as well as the requester’s name. The e-mail address is: .

Last Sunday’s attendance: 181

Sunday Service 10am

July 3 July 10

MC Earl Matchett MC Al Szigethy

LEM Noelle DeLorenzo LEM Rob Wheeler

Acolytes Jennifer Low Acolytes Pete Minichello

Anna Wickey James Conolly

Stephanie Wickey Jacob Goldbaum

Lector 1 MaryKate Brennan Lector 1 Janice Burnett

Lector 2 Jennifer Low Lector 2 Rob Wheeler


The weekly Sunday Bulletin of St. John’s Episcopal Church

July 3, 2016

I continue my discussion of improving our Physical and Emotional Health, our Spirituality, our Finances, and our Vocation with some ideas on how to get started (from the Church Pension Group). A 1% change in our lives will bring us much closer to the abundant life that we want and where we need to be to serve God fully.

Identify Your Wellness Vision: Before you begin any journey, you need to know where you are going. How do you envision your future? Would you like to be healthier so you can participate more fully in life now and in the days ahead? Clarifying a vision of a healthier you, gives you the destination to target. Our shared vision at St. John’s is children’s ministries, growth, hospitality, spirituality, and outreach. What is your wellness vision for your own life? Start by developing a plan with achievable goals and objectives, then step into your vision by practicing the wellness steps you planned. Utilize available services and nurture strong relationships with family, friends, and colleagues who support your wellness vision.

Set Attainable Goals: You can do it. Making lasting lifestyle changes is easier than you think. Set realistic goals and approach change one step at a time – you’ll find that your journey will be smoother and you’ll reach your destination faster. Learn how to create effective goals and leverage your chances for success.

Keep Your Life in Balance: Our bodies tell us when life is out of balance. Yes, a calendar or day planner documents that you are spending the majority of your time at work, and cutting corners with family activities, nutrition, exercise, and sleep. But your body is the best indicator that things are out of balance - moodiness, feeling stress and anxiety, gastro-intestinal disturbances, and insomnia.

Create New Habits: We are creatures of habit for many reasons, including chemical. Our brains are wired to crave anything that gives us pleasure, even if it’s not good for us. That chemical reward is one of the primary reasons breaking bad habits is so difficult. Even so, with time, effort, and intention, we can eliminate habits that are detrimental to health and form new habits that support well-being. The following suggestions can make the going a little easier. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention offers suggestions for improving eating habits that apply to any habit you would like to address. The key is to Reflect, Replace, and Reinforce. Reflect on all of your specific habits, both bad and good, and your common triggers. Replace your unhealthy habits with healthier ones. Reinforce your new, healthier habits.

Stay Motivated: Motivation springs from both internal and external sources. Internal, or intrinsic, motivation comes from deep inside us. We are motivated to achieve a goal or take an action because it aligns with our concept of who we are or who we want to be. External, or extrinsic, motivation is the result of goals or tasks imposed on us by others; usually someone with authority, such as a parent, employer, doctor, or concerned spouse. Intrinsic motivation, which stems from your vision and goals, is thought to be more effective. And, it’s important to note that motivations that begin as external can become internalized as we realize the benefits and understand how they help us reach our personal goals. When you consistently revisit and reconnect with life vision and goals – including your wellness vision – you are reinforcing your motivation to make that vision a reality.

In Christ, Fr. Duncan


We welcome you to St. John’s Episcopal Church. Established in 1745, this historic church opens its doors to all who seek to deepen their faith and provides warm hospitality to all. We are blessed by your presence and invite you to fill out a Visitor’s Card on the back table of church. Visit the Greeters’ Kiosk in the rear of church, where Greeters are available to answer questions and provide you with a packet of additional information about church services and activities.


Please be sure to pick up your Second Quarter statement now available in the back of church. Help us keep our postage costs down. Thank you!



St. John’s Spirituality Group will host a Movie Night on Wednesday, July 20th at 7:00 pm. Everyone is invited to come watch and share in the movie fellowship. Keep checking in on Facebook for movie title announcement!



This week the ECW will be raffling off a basket that is Thai themed. All proceeds go toward

St. John’s Capital Fund for much needed repairs. Last week’s winner was Fr. Duncan. Please see an ECW lady in the Great Hall after services to purchase your tickets!



The T-Shirt drive for the Navajo children in Utah, was held during the month of May. This was a perfect example of how our team effort and spirit, resulted in such a successful mission.

Many, many, thanks to everyone, for the kind and generous response to The Invitation. We received OVER 325 gently used/new T-shirts and in addition, OVER $160.00 in monetary donations. Just imagine the beautiful smiles on the faces of the children (ages 1 – 16), when they receive them.

A very special recognition to the members of the Allstate Helping Hands Committee. They not only donated 45 new T-shirts, but will absorb most of the cost to transport them to the children in Utah.

The Volunteers from the Thrift Shop wish you, your extended families and friends, a safe and fun summer! The Thrift Shop will remain open during the summer…please stop in and visit…we’d love to see you (Sat. 10am-3pm and Tues. 12pm -3pm).



Have you purchased your tickets yet? For the event to take place we need to sell at least 35 tickets. So please purchase them as soon as possible.

The ECW’s Paint Nite is scheduled for Friday, July 29th at 7 pm in the Great Hall!

The painting theme will be a Summer Beach scene. There will be snacks, drinks, two beach themed raffle baskets and lots of summer painting fun. Come enjoy two hours of painting, laughing and flexing your creative muscles. No paint experience necessary. Painting supplies will be provided, all we need is YOU and be sure to bring a friend for this exciting night of creativity.

The ticket price of $45 include two drink tickets, snacks and painting supplies. You can either register online at: http://paintnite.com/pages/events/view/longisland/1091753 or please see Nicole DeVallee-Cooley on Sundays in the Great Hall to register, along with a check or cash for your ticket

All proceeds will be donated to the Capital Fund.

Nicole is also seeking volunteers to help out with this special night! Please see her if you can lend a hand! Flyers for this event can be found on our website, and in the back of church.



Save the date! Sunday, July 10th at 4 pm St. John’s presents Divalious! From Broadway to the Met. An afternoon of songs, duets and trios from Musical Theatre, Operetta and Opera…featuring the artistic talents of Leslie Valentine, Gina Haver, Ruthann Turekian and Daniel Ragone.

Tickets are $20. For information and reservations please call: 631-423-7404.



If you are on Facebook, have you “LIKED” St. John’s? We post up to the minute news and upcoming events on our Facebook page and would love to have you LIKE your parish home. You can invite your friends and family to like us as well.

Also, why not “check in” every Sunday when you are here attending services? You can also leave a review, your testimony, as to why St. John’s is your spiritual home. Let’s cast that net in the world of social media so we can “Know Christ, and make Him known.” Look us up: St. Johns Huntington.



The Canterbury Shop will be closed during the summer months of July and August;

however, you can shop by appointment during this time by contacting Patti Aliperti.

Have a great summer everyone.
