


Training Overview

Venues & Times

Training Checklist

Pre-Season Training

Expectations – Importance of Attendance

Attitude, Culture & Development

Pre-Season Layout & Transition into In-Season

In-Season Training


Training Groups

Theory Resources & Online Quizzes



Coaching Staff

Mentor Program



Finals Appointments

Who will I be umpiring? Are the rules the same as the AFL?

Game Day

Game Day Checklists


Recruitment & Retention

Fundraising & Social Events

AFL Experience & External Carnivals

Administration (Becoming A SDJFUA Umpire)

Membership Fee

Membership Payment Deadline:

SDJFUA Website & Membership

Sporting Pulse


Match Official System (MOS)



In 2018 fines can be issue by any member against another member.

Umpire Pay Structure

Important Dates

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


Hello! Welcome to season 2018.

Enclosed in the following pages lies the Umpiring Manual for all SDJFUA umpires for the 2018 season. Or as we have come to know it, “The Handbook”. This manual has been designed to be an invaluable resource for umpires with all the information they may need to know at certain stages of the season stored in these pages! We hope, that by creating this document it will allow you (as umpires) an avenue to find answers without having to rely on word of mouth or asking a committee member. We hope that this will alleviate many of the double, treble, quadruple and even fifty up questions that we get across the season. If we can save some time and effort, this will make the season run much, much smoother!

So please, use this resource as your first port of call for any and all questions you may have.


The Committee!


The committee is outlined as follows;

Committee Roles

Jeff - Manager

  • Manage SDJFUA
  • Umpire List Management
  • Communicate to Members
  • Appointments
  • Milestones
  • Conference Liaison
  • Club Liaison
  • JCC Liaison
  • Carnivals
  • AFL Little League

Jack - Head Coach

  • Deliver Umpiring Programme
  • Match Official System (MOS)
  • Mentor Program
  • Match Day Coach & Mentor
  • Club Parent Umpiring Programme
  • President Night
  • Selection
  • Future Leaders
  • Trophies

Lachlan - Assistant Coach

  • Accreditation
  • Selection
  • Match Day Coach & Mentor
  • Fines Master

Rhys - Secretary

  • Distribute meeting calendar
  • Record and distribute minutes
  • Run meetings
  • Website Upkeep
  • Photo Records
  • Social Media Promotion
  • IT - Email / Website
  • Website Functionality and member services integration
  • Honour boards

Antoinette - Treasurer

  • Money in / Money Out / Invoicing
  • Membership Payments
  • Insurance
  • Liquor License
  • Off-field Uniform
  • Audits
  • Constitution & compliance with associations act
  • Fines collection

Glenn & Ryan - Recruitment

  • Handle new umpire enquiries
  • Proactively recruit new umpires
  • Integrate new umpires to umpiring group
  • Develop New Umpire Information Leaflet
  • Monitor progress of umpire from first training to first appointment
  • Registration on Website
  • Sporting Pulse
  • Schedula
  • Uniform Order
  • Bag presentation at first appointment

Cassidy & Alexa - Fundraising Membership

  • Communicate with existing sponsors
  • Pursue new sponsor opportunities
  • Season fundraising activities
  • Develop fundraising support team
  • Apply for Club Grants

If you have any questions that cannot be answered through this manual, please consult with the relevant committee member.

Training Overview

Umpires (like all sports) conduct weekly training sessions to enhance physical fitness and skills. Training at this level is designed to be fun, while also instilling the necessary skills required to perform at a high level come game day. At SDJFUA we pride ourselves on the training content (from beginner to advance), structure and welcoming environment we provide.

Venues & Times


Pre-season training will commence on the 5th of February on a Monday & 7th of February on the Wednesday.

Time: 6-7pm sharp. An hour is a short pre-season session; hence training will begin at 6pm sharp.


In-Season training will commence on the 21st of March. At this point there will no longer be a Monday session. The actual season (where games occur) does not begin until weekend 27th to 29th April, However, we have decided to bring the group together earlier to build cohesion and deliver the same message to all individuals.


Altone Park Oval

332 Benara Rd, Beechboro WA 6063

Training Checklist

The following items need to be brought to training. Please remember that match day umpiring gear is not permitted to be worn at training.

Training Check List
1 x SDJFUA Training Shirt
1x SDJFUA Grey Tracksuit Jacket
2x Whistle
1x Flags (Goalies)
1x Red and Yellow Cards
1x Watch
1x Notebook
1x SDJFUA Grey Umpiring Track Pants (Optional)
1x Towel (Optional)
1x Shoes
1x Spare Underwear (Optional)
1x Umpiring Folder including;
1x Note Book
3x Pens
1x Competition By-Laws (Digital Copy)
1x Competition Flow Charts (Hard Copy)
1x Any Hand Outs Given At Training (Hard Copy)
1x 2018 AFL Rule Book (Hard Copy)

Pre-Season Training

The umpiring pre-season starts in early February. Pre-season is meant to be highly enjoyable as well as challenging you physically and mentally. Ultimately the aim is to have fun and prepare you for the rigours of the season.

There will be some significant changes to the 2018 pre-season, these will be outlined later.

Expectations – Importance of Attendance

Pre-Season is vitally important for preparing for the season and developing an understanding of rules and fellow umpires. As such, it is expected that umpires attend 1 session (either the Monday or Wednesday) during the pre-season period. There is an understanding that umpires may be unable to attend on certain nights due to other sport, school or family commitments, hence why we offer two days.

While we do understand that sometimes you just “cannot make it” it is highly encouraged that you make a genuine effort to attend. Ultimately, content at training cannot be replicated at home. If you cannot make training this is okay, during the pre-season period you are not expected to let anyone know, however if you feel the need to you can let the head coach know.

Attitude, Culture & Development

At SDJFUA we pride ourselves on our strong culture of development and positive attitude. Justin Langer the Western Warriors and Perth Scorchers Coach has a “No A** Holes” policy at the WACA, and we believe we follow in this mantra as well.

Umpires are required to give 100% effort and try all tasks. At SDJFUA we are a development organisation, and this starts with pre-season.

Pre-Season Layout & Transition into In-Season

Pre-season training will commence with a warm up, this will be followed, followed by strength and conditioning and then skills (and theory) before wrapping up with a cool down. A general structure is shown below;

Training Session Template:

6-6.10pm Warm Up

6.10-6.30 Strength & Conditioning

6.30-6.50 Skills/Theory

6.50-7.00 Cool Down & Wrap Up

After the 2017 season a post-season survey was completed in regard to pre-season. The consensus was positive however there were multiple comments that it had not been as hard (running wise) as previous seasons. Because of this during conditioning activities varying groups will be used to select how difficult the activity will be. The fitness coach (Jack Fahey-Gilmour) will designate what group you should be in; however, it is your choice from this point what you would like to do.

Last pre-season we introduced a partner system for new/less experienced umpires and established umpires. This will continue in 2018 to encourage expedited learning as well as getting to know all umpires. This practice will benefit senior umpires as well given that teaching someone a skill also develops and solidifies your own understanding of it.

The major change to pre-season will come in the structure. Monday & Wednesday sessions will run up until the 14th of March. From this point onwards only, the Wednesday session (beginning the 21st) will be run and will take on an in-season training structure and timing as well. There are many reasons for this, including;

●Education of umpires is paramount in the lead up to the season, this format will allow for a consistent message across the whole group

●Cohesiveness will be increased with the group training as one

●Understanding and getting to know fellow umpires will be easier facilitated

●Division of resources (coaching & administration) will be reduced

In the lead in to the season from the 21st of March onwards structured theory sessions will also be completed. These will be run in accordance with the Umpires Coaches handbook. Basic rules, interpretations will be covered as well as execution. This is suited for both new and experienced umpires and will ensure that all umpires are receiving the same message.

Pre-Season Central Conference Umpire Season Launch

As was the case in 2017, all Open field umpires will be required to attend the seminar to be held at Lathlain Park. The provisional date is the 11th of April. The session will run from 6-8.30pm and is compulsory. Food and drinks provided.

In-Season Training


In-season training will run similar to prior years; however theory will be conducted first before progressing through to skills. You will notice a change in training with the removal of the administration tables as our Wednesday focus will be all about training and being on the track. Other administrative tasks need to be sorted outside of training with the appropriate committee member.

In-Season training will be run as follows

6-6.30pm Theory

6.30-6.40pm Warm Up & Conditioning

6.40-7.20pm Skills

7.20-7.30pm Wrap Up & Communications

Training Groups

There will be three main groups that will be designated during the year. There will be a Modified group, Open field group and a Goals/Boundary group. Each group is described below;

Modified Field Group: Umpires who are currently umpiring or wishing to umpire in the modified age group. All new umpires will generally find their way into this group to begin with.

Open Field Group: This is for umpires who are currently umpiring in the open field age groups Year 7-12. Umpires who are being considered for open field selection will also train in this group.

Goals/Boundary Group: This is for umpires who only want to (or predominantly) want to do boundary/goals. They will often train with the Open field group or Modified group depending on the activity planned. Numbers in this group may fluctuate heavily.

Umpires will be allocated to a group based on umpire and coaching staff input. It is possible to belong to both a field group and the goals/boundary group.

Theory Resources & Online Quizzes

All theory slides and video resources will be posted to the website for use by umpires. This will allow umpires to download and review by themselves. Further it will allow umpires who missed training a chance to catch up on the content that was completed in that week.

Theory resources can be found here: - under training content and useful resources.

In addition to the theory covered at training, there will be the opportunity to complete online quizzes that will be sent out each week through MOS. More information will be provided closer to the date.


Training attendance during the in-season period is compulsory unless otherwise specified by the umpire manager and/or head coach. When it rains? Yes. If it hails? Yes. If it is 40 degrees? Yes.

It is imperative that umpires attend training during the season as topics need to be addressed from week to week. While we would like to avoid this, at a junior level it is unavoidable. Lack of training attendance leads to inconsistencies in messages or not even receiving them. In the 2018 season, lack of un-notified training attendance will result in umpiring appointments withheld or demoted on a stricter basis.

Umpires will be asked to record their attendance on a sheet of paper that will be made available on each given night. As training attendance forms a critical component to ensuring a smooth season, it also is a deciding factor in finals game appointments.


Coaching Staff

As at all sporting clubs, coaching is a critical component to establishing a strong culture, developing people and creating sustainable success. As per the SDJFUA ethos: , our coaches aim to enforce this. SDJFUA have a number of coaches who will be your first port of call at training and come game day.

Jack Fahey-Gilmour: Head Coach

Jack will oversee the entire training program and coaching panel. This includes;

  • Being the 1st point of call for game day / game related incidents (yellow & red cards, and other incidents)
  • Selection of umpires for appointments & finals
  • Match day coaching and managing Match Official System (MOS)
  • Conducting umpire reviews and feedback
  • Design and implementation of training (S&C, Theory, Skills)
  • Answer any questions relating to AFL Laws of the Game, Year3-Year12 specific laws and junior bylaws.
  • Predominantly working and being responsible for the open field umpiring group
  • Implementing mentor program
  • Anything else on-field or training related

Lachlan Fahey-Gilmour: Assistant Coach

Lachlan is a current WAFL Panel umpire and will be assisting once again in 2018. He will be responsible for;

  • Working predominantly with the modified group and goal/boundary umpire group
  • Assisting in the design and implementation of training regimes
  • Running the 1st year umpire accreditation program
  • Match day coaching and mentoring
  • MOS feedback

Jack and Lachlan will be ably assisted by a number of senior umpires and mentors during the season. Umpires should still primarily direct their questions to Jack and Lachlan.

Mentor Program

At SDJFUA we have a comprehensive Mentoring program, which in 2018 will go to the next level. Mentors are experienced umpires who assist our Modified/junior umpires on game day and are critical to providing a safe learning environment.

Mentors are responsible for providing positive and constructive feedback on match day and through Match Official System or MOS. Mentors are remunerated $20 per game completed. Payment will be withheld if a review it is not completed.

The Mentor program is overseen by the Head Coach.

In 2018, umpires who are willing to mentor our modified/junior umpires (and satisfy the requirements) will be required to attend a monthly meeting post-training as designated by the Head Coach. These meetings will run for ~30mins on the LAST Wednesday of each month, commencing on the 28th of March. Meeting invites will be sent out by Jack Fahey-Gilmour a week in advance, however are also listed under ‘Important Dates’. The aim of these meetings will be to discuss individual umpires, trends across the modified age groups, mentor development, strategies to deal with parents/coaches and anything else that is cause for concern/applause.

To be considered for a mentor position, you must for fill the following criteria;

  1. Have umpired 50 or more open field (year 7-12) games
  2. Be able to communicate simply and efficiently with young/inexperienced umpires
  3. Strong communication and conflict resolution skills (e.g. be able to deal with angry coaches/managers/parents)
  4. In-depth knowledge of the AFL laws as well as modified rules
  5. Be willing to complete a MOS on each umpire observed in a timely manner (<48hours)
  6. Strive towards the SDJFUA ethos at all times
  7. Be available to mentor Friday and/or Sunday before and/or straight after games

Umpires who believe they satisfy this criteria need to email and express their interest.

People who are in the mentor program will be added to the email distribution group.


In 2018 feedback to umpires will be provided in several ways;

  • For Field umpires, predominantly through MOS
  • Completed by MDC in MOS 24-48 hours post game
  • At training from coaching staff and experienced umpires
  • From officially appointed Match Day Coaches (MDC)
  • Self-reflection – MOS
  • Mid-Season Reviews – conducted by the head coach
  • Mid-Season reviews will be held on a pre-allocated day (TBC).
  • Jack Fahey-Gilmour will post a time sheet of available times in which umpires will be able to book in for a 10minute time slot to review their performances thus far in the season and set goals moving forward.
  • It is up to the umpire’s discretion as to whether or not they would like to have a mid-season review.
  • More information regarding mid-season reviews will be made available closer to the date.

As umpires it is critical to remember that if you go unnoticed then you have done a good job, often limited feedback is a great sign!

Feedback will always be given in the form of a complement sandwich (ie. Positive, Constructive, Positive comments respectively). It is critical that umpires know exactly how they are going from coaching staff. Coaches will always be transparent and clear in their messages – “challenging but supportive”. If umpires are confused or strongly disagree with any comments made from mentors/MDC they are to inform the head coach and discussions will be taken further to erase any confusion or angst.


Appointments will be selected by the head coach (& assistant coach) each week in consultation with the umpire manager. Appointments are allocated through Schedula according to umpire availability as well as the following criteria.

Umpires will be appointed games based on their ability as well as the following categories;

  1. Participation at training: do you attend training and perform well? Do you participate and engage well with fellow umpires? Do you understand the laws and can execute the skills?
  2. Measured through coaching staff interactions and observations
  3. Game day performance: how well do you umpire? Can you manage the game?
  4. Measured through MOS & MDC
  5. Intangibles: can you cope under pressure? Do you give 100% effort to your actions? Do you conduct yourself in a professional manner? Do you represent a SDJFUA umpire?
  6. Measured through coaching staff interactions and observations

As can be seen, not always does the ‘best’ umpire get rewarded. This criteria maintained for finals selection as well.