Due: June 2nd, Friday - 100 points.

Program Assignment

You are to access a file vip.txt on my web page, as previously

done for other assignments, which has the following record format:

Input Record Format:

First Initial rec positions: 1 Alphanumeric

Middle Initial 2 "

Last Name 3-17 Alphanumeric

Grades 18-32 Numeric integers

Rank 33-35 Alphanumeric

Salary 36-41 Numeric

The acceptable values in field Position are encoded as EVP, SVP, VP,

DIR, PL, and A&P, which stand for Executive Vice President, Senior Vice

President, Vice President, Director, Project Leader, and

Analyst/Programmer. Your program is to process the entire file and

produce a "summary type" report; that is, no "detail records" are to be



The SoftSouth Payroll Report (your report header) is to contain

the following information:

For each rank, you are to present 1) the total compensation paid to

each rank, the average compensation (the arithmetic mean), the variance,

and the standard deviation. After printing these outputs in accordance

with the formats shown below, you are to skip to the next page and print

the overall compensation package for all employees, the total average

compensation, the variance, and the standard deviation.

Output Format:

Your report header is to be bold type, with one space in between each

character that constitutes a word; there are to be four blank characters

in between each word.

The single-spaced output should appear as follows: (for each rank)

Executive Vice President

Total of Salaries: $Z,ZZZ,ZZZ

Average Salary: ZZZ,ZZZ

Variance: ZZZZ,ZZZ

Standard Deviation: Z,ZZZ

<Then, insert two blank lines >

Senior Vice President

Total of Salaries: $Z,ZZZ,ZZZ

Average Salary: ZZZ,ZZZ

Variance: ZZZZ,ZZZ

Standard Deviation: Z,ZZZ

<Then, insert two blank lines >


On page 2, following the report header line:

<skip three lines>

All Employees

Total of Salaries: $Z,ZZZ,ZZZ

Average Salary: ZZZ,ZZZ

Variance: ZZZ,ZZZ

Standard Deviation: Z,ZZZ

<Then, insert two blank lines >

Both report header and trailer are to be centered on the output page

Page numbers are to be zero suppressed, as usual. The date is to be

included in the report header and justified right.

After the overall totals are printed on page 2, skip four lines,

print a line of 10 asterisks left justified; follow this with a centered

title: "Statistical Summary" (centered on the asterisks above it),

followed by a row of 10 asterisks left justified (again). After this, skip

one line and print on consecutive single spaced lines your statistical

summary records that you feel are appropriate and helpful.

Lastly, after all the processing (and statistical summary) is

completed and the printing is done, you are to print "End of Report" on

the same line as the page number as your final trailer. Ensure that the

End of Report line is centered and one inch above the physical bottom of

the page. You must use line counters and page counters. Also ensure

that your report statistics are not split across page boundaries.

The formula you should use for your standard deviation should be taken from your statistics book. The standard formula, not the computational one, is certainly not the most efficient from a computationalpoint of view, but good for you to exercise your arithmetic instructions.

1. System Flowchart 5 points

2. Structure Chart 10 points

3. Pseudo-code 15 points

4. Program Listing 30 points

5. Output Report 30 points

6. Ancillary Items 10 points

Printer layout chart

Copy of this assignment

Copy of input file data…

TOTAL: 100 points