
Club For


Fredericksburg Chapter 545

Year ’06 – ‘07

Because No Patriot is too Small!


Club For



With the installation of the new officers and the appointment of all committees, Michele Parrotte assumes the Chair for the newly established Youth Committee and promises to give the children of Chapter 545 members the opportunity to begin new projects and to make the National Sojourners a more family-oriented organization. Considering the number of membershaving children, this new committee quickly agreed upon and was accepted as an opportunity for the parent members.


The Youth Committee had its first meeting and was designed to give the children the opportunity to participate in arts & crafts and other projects, allowing the parents to be active in meetings. Guided by Committee Chair Michele Parrotte and a few ladies, the children took this group into their own direction. Getting together, they decided on their own name and developed their own charity.

By the end of that meeting they announced to the members of Chapter No. 545 that they have chosen the name “SoJuniors” and they asked to be able to collect soda tabs to be delivered to the Shriners Hospital for Children in order to use them for the purchase of toys and medical equipment for the children that are patients within these hospitals thus, “Kids Helping Kids!” It was with great pride that the members and parents of this chapter looked upon these children who were willing to take it upon themselves to do good service for another and agreed to support their endeavors wherever it takes them. Thus was the birth of the SoJuniors club for children.


SoJunior joined Chapter 545 to celebrate Independence Day at Ted & Sallie Wallace’s house. In addition to the meeting, picnic, and celebrations, the children joined the “Sounds of Liberty Ceremony”, in which the participants all over the United States ring a replica of the Liberty Bell at 2:00 pm EST. Certificate for participation is awarded by the “Descendants of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence”.


Colonel Croak is elected the SoJunior’s mascot and was brought before all of Chapter 545. Lady Paula St. Onge took the time to put together Col. Croak’s uniform and should be recognized for her exceptional work. The kids were ecstatic about their new friend.


After Fredericksburg Mayor Tom Tomzak’s presentation, the SoJuniors continued with their T-shirt project. In an attempt to support the children’s good efforts, the Chapter handed out American Flag lapel pin with the Square and Compasses to the members of Fredericksburg Lodge during the Riverboat Cruise and received donations in order to raise more funds for SoJunior crafts & projects.


The SoJuniors began working on their own banner to be displayed in our meeting area.

Also, SoJunior member, Samantha St. Onge, presented +5000 soda tabs to the ShrinersHospital for Children in Philadelphia, PA on October 29th, 2006.


Happy Thanksgiving! A taco dinner was provided by the SoJuniors to raise funds for their on going projects. Afterwards, thekids joined the Chapter in introducing archaeologist and guest speaker, Mr. Chip Houston who spoke of the history around Jamestown and the real story behind Pocahontas. SoJunior Samantha also provided a large container to collect the soda tabs for the children’s on-going charity. Nice job girls, good work!


Seasons Greetings! The SoJuniors joined the Chapter in celebrating the Holiday Season and signed the Get Well Card for First VP Steve (who is in Dewitt Army Hospital) as well as to stand in for a picture to help bring him good cheer (See newPhoto Album link). During abrief meeting, the kids announced the adoption of a little 4- year old girl from the Letters from Santa Program and received member support. Finally, the SoJuniors also welcome 2-week old Sara Michelle Chandler as their newest member.


SoJuniors Samantha Jessica marched in the Religious Freedom Parade. The SoJuniors’ meeting took place on thefollowing Sunday after and with the ladies’ help,cards were made for those deployed in Iraq & Afghanistan and are being sent over to thank them before St. Valentine’s Day to let them know we still care. Despite the snow, rain, and ice, the kids got the job done and made the time to go outside and enjoy our first real show of winter. Well done kid!


The SoJuniors’ got together and made drinking cups, and planned for raising money for their projects. They also received a Frog lapel pin as a gift from the ladies of the Chapter. Finally, the Master and members of Fredericksburg Lodge No. 4, out of their own pockets, have decided to henceforth post on their Trestleboard quarterly updates on the kids group activities to include our SoJuniors as well as the Rainbows and Jobies. Our thanks to the Master and his Secretary,Dan Thompson for their support.


The SoJunior handled the dinner for the month of March. Special recognition went out to SoJunior Chloe for convincing her school to aid our kids in their charity of helping the children/patients of the ShrinersHospital by collecting soda tabs. Hartwood Elementary is responsible for handing to our kids over 25,000 soda tabs for the PhiladelphiaHospital and has reported that there is more to follow. Good work to our kids; their efforts bring pride to us all.


Although the children did not meet this month due to illness and with the nomination and election of officers, the members of the SoJuniors can report to the members of Chapter 545 the collection of over 30,000 Soda tabs for the Children of the Shriners’ Hospital over the year of 2006 – ’07 and a continuing effort on this project into the New Sojourner Year. In addition, this group has participated in two civic events, has sent cards to our military and had a few fund raisers to supply themselves for projects they wish to accomplish. Theyare now a fully established club of their own. Good job to the kids, Lady Michele and everyone who helped!

Because No Patriot is too Small!