SET-Plan Information System (SETIS)

SET-Plan Implementation

The Steering Group of the SET-Plan in its last meeting on October 28th, 2010 agreed to speed-up the execution of activities of the Implementation Plans(IPs) of the European Industrial Initiatives (EIIs).It was decided to collectively identify the possibilities for launching joint actions between MemberStates and/or MemberStates and the European Commission.

The mapping exercise carried out through this questionnaire builds upon this decision of the Steering Group. It aims to identify topics for leveraging best ongoing efforts with complementary joint actions, as prioritized by the Implementation Plans. In this phase the mapping will focus on projects and activities with a total budget higher than 1 M€.

We trust that you also consider the success of this exerciseimportant for the immediate implementation of the SET-Plan.



To which EII(s) is your project, activity, resource or investment relevant?(multiple choicesare possible)

wind / solar / grids / ccs / nuclear / bioenergy


Name of project: / Development and Demonstration of a Novel Integrated Condition Monitoring System for Wind Turbines
Give project acronym, if applicable / NIMO
Applicable only for demo/pilot project; enter specific location(s) andMemberState(s) / UK,Greece, Spain, Portugal, Cyprus, Belgium
Project partners:
List project partners; name coordinator first. For European & international projectsmention the country affiliation of each partner / TWI (UK), UoB(UK), TSC(UK), ISQ(PT), ASM(PT), EDP(PT), ACCIONA(ES), TQCC (Greece), Envirocoustics (Greece), CRES (Greece), Feldman (Cyprus), Lambdatest(UK), UCLM(ES), APT(Belgium), TERNA Energy(Greece)
Project website: /
Contact details:
Name, affiliation and contact details ofthe project coordinator / Heidi Dyson
Section Manager - Collaborative and Group Sponsored Projects (Commercial)
GrantaPark, Great Abington
Cambridge CB21 6 AL
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 1223 899 000
Start date:
mm-yyyy / October 2009
in months / 36
Provide a short abstract of max. 100 words
NIMO seeks to largely eliminate catastrophic failures and minimise the need for corrective maintenance by developing and successfully implementing an integrated condition monitoring system for the continuous evaluation of wind turbines. NIMO advances existing state-of-the-art condition monitoring technology used in wind turbines by delivering an advanced system which will be able to reliably evaluate the condition of critical structural components, rotating parts and braking mechanisms.
Indicate main qualitative goals / To demonstrate an advanced and highly integrated condition monitoring system for wind turbines which will combine reliability with cost-effectiveness.
Indicate quantitative objectives (similar to KPIs of the IPs of the EIIs). Also indicate intermediate milestones where applicable. / Integrate key condition monitoring technologies to cover critical components of wind turbines.
Reduce the need of manual inspection by 40%.
Decrease numbers of failures by 75%.
Decrease unexpected downtime by up to 80%.
Increase number of specialised jobs in the wind energy sector by 1-2% at European level.
Contribute to the reliability of wind energy overall.
Increase wind energy penetration in the European energy mix.
Maintain Europe’s leadership in wind energy for the forthcoming decades.
Assumed state-of-the-art:
Describe quantitatively the state-of-the-art that the project objectives are based upon / Several condition monitoring systems mainly based on vibration technology and oil temperature sensors have been employed by the wind industry in the past. However, such systems have failed to contribute to the improvement of the reliability of wind turbines by a significant margin due to their shortcomings. NIMO by following an integrated approach addresses existing deficiencies of such systems providing a far more reliable overview of the actual condition of key wind turbine components.
Achievements so far:
If intermediate results are available, please indicate the current achievements (qualitative and/or quantitative) / All prototypes have been developed and work on the integration of the systems has begun.
Difficulties and potential risks:
Indicate briefly problems encountered or to be encountered in the short term (e. g. overall legislative context, public acceptance, permitting, etc.) / There are no specific risks or problems so far regarding the implementation of the project. The biggest problem at the moment is to penetrate the manufacturers market so the NIMO systems can be installed on turbines during manufacturing rather than after they have been installed from the operators.
Funding programme:
Give the name of funding programme / ENERGY-TREN-1
Funding public entity:
Indicate which public entity is in charge of /manages the programme / EU - DG Energy
Total (public & private) project budget (€): / 5,831,567.25
Public funding (€): / 3,401,900.00
Total effort (person-months) / 767.09
Publications, presentations in conferences and workshops, and other dissemination means:
Give highlights only
Dissemination through project’s website, exhibitions (BINDT, CM in UK)
Also special NIMO session organised in CM 2011 held in CardiffUK. A total of 9 papers submitted.
Indicate (new) products and/or services expected from the project. Are new business models required for commercialisation of the project results?
Highlight expected commercialisation benefits, e.g. patents, spin-offs, new products, business partnerships
Several products are being put forward for commercialisation several of which will or are already covered by patents.
E.g. integrated AE-Vibration system for rotating component monitoring.
AE for structural monitoring.
HF Vibration for structural monitoring.
Current and pressure sensing system for operational monitoring.
ACSM for structural monitoring
Also LRU developments currently being researched but not demonstrated as part of the NIMO integrated system as a whole to date.
Finally the integrated NIMO system which will require a business partnership between the system developers. The form of this business partnership is currently under discussion.
Contribution to/Relevance with the IPs: To your opinion, to which activities of the IPs of the EIIs is this project related to? Indicate contributions/ complements.
Please note that reference here is made to the activities of the IPs as published in
NIMO is related directly or indirectly to most of the activities of the IPs of the EII for wind energy including:
  1. New turbines and components: sub-programme 1: R&D programme focused on new turbine designs, materials and components, sub-programme 2: A network of 5-10 European test facilities (CRES facility), Sub-programme 3: An EU cross industrial cooperation and demonstration programme drawing up the know-how from other industrial sectors for mass production of wind systems.
  2. Offshore technology
  3. Grid Integration
  4. Resource assessment, spatial planning and social acceptance.
The results of the NIMO project are going to be extremely useful to the wind energy industry as a whole. Furthermore due to the project’s nature most of the key objectives set within the implementation plan are largely of relevance.
Potential synergies with other projects and activities: Can you identify any other project(s) in your country, another MS or at European level that could be synergetic with this project?
The Co-ordinator(TWI) has the following other projects:
For Machineries - NIMO, Bearinspect (UK funded), CMS WIND (Under negotiation with the REA - Research for the Benefit of SME Associations)
For Tower and Blade - WINTUR (EU/REA funded - Research for the Benefit of SMEs) and Insight (UK funded project)
Networking: Would you be willing to share results with the projects identified above?
Indicate willingness to networking and also potential conditions
Yes the consortium is willing to exchange information with the aforementioned project and also organise a joint workshop.
Knowledge sharing: Would the abovementioned Networking necessitate a formal knowledge sharing agreement? To your view would this be the preferred route?
Depending on the level of knowledge sharing project networking would not normally need a formal sharing agreement from the NIMO consortium. However, if more confidential aspects are to be discussed then it would probably require a much more formal approach.
Future steps: Are there any follow-up activities considered after the completion of your project? Is there a need to scale up activities in this topic at European level?
The objective of the NIMO project is to demonstrate and commercialise the new condition monitoring concept developed within the product both in integrated as well as individual systems form. However, it is also envisaged that further developments to increase the reliability and level of integration of key aspects of the system could take place in the form of a follow-up project at European level. Unfortunately this cannot be achieved through individual national programmes since the knowledge resides with a number of partners spread in several EU member states Europe.


Describe in short any RD&D infrastructures that your project relies on. Are these available or do they need to be developed?
NIMO relies on the industrial facilities provided by EDP, ACCIONA and TERNA as well as the demonstration wind farm available at CRES.
If these are to be developed, what is the corresponding investment required? What is the allocated budget (€) for this investment in your project?
The demonstration wind farm at CRES is already a valuable facility where extensive trials and demonstrations can be carried out. Nonetheless, further improvements could be achieved in the integration of electronics developed within NIMO so they are embedded on the wind turbine in a similar manner as if the installation had been carried out during the manufacturing of the turbine. The estimated budget already allocated from the project for this is around 75,000€-80,000€ if the various contributions of the partners are taken into account. Further useful developments concerning the level of adaptability of the wind farm facility at CRES would be possible at a moderate investment estimated at around 180,000€.
when the questionnaire was completed / 03/05/2011
Information provider:
Give the name and affiliation of the contact person for the questionnaire. If you are the project coordinator, check the box
project coordinator / Mayorkinos Papaelias, UoB

Please send the completed form to preferably by MAY 15.

Thank you for your cooperation!

Rev. 1 – January 2011 Page 1 of 6

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