Riley Cheer Guild, Inc. Board Meeting
Board Meeting Minutes: August 24, 2017
Board Members Present: / Ann Hannan, Dean Weseli, Sara Barnett, Stephen Schnelker, Mary Weitzel, Teresa Ray, Christie Luckett, Kat Chorba, Peter Ten Eyck, Terina Widener, Nancy Buening, Latiesha Cook, Heather Calvin, Heather Nobitt, Sara Wigman, Ann Hannan, Susan Schwarz, Ruth Williams, Wendy Budde (telephonically)Board Members Absent: / Adam Hill, Paul Haut, Cathy Cook
Others Present: / Theresa Harper
Call to Order and Welcome / Auxiliary Prayer / Reading of Mission
The President of the Cheer Guild, Dean Weseli, called to order a regular meeting of the Cheer Guild’s Board of Directors on Thursday, August 24, 2017, at 4:05 p.m. A quorum was present.
Board Website
Mr. Weseli welcomed the Board members, and at the start of the meeting, Ann led the Board through the new Board website and a group recitation of the auxiliary prayer and mission of the Cheer Guild.
President’s Report
Dean discussed his bi-monthly meetings with Ann and the upcoming Frankton days festival. Dean will be attending the IHAA lunch in the first week of September.
Vice-President’s Report
Christie discussed her work on recapturing lost members.
Director’s Report
Ann presented her report, a copy of which is on file with the Cheer Guild and incorporated herein. Ann has done a lot of preparation work for our upcoming fund raisers, including the Frankton Days Heritage Days Festival, and will send out sign-up invitations soon. We also received 10 pallets of toys donated from Walmart, which were moved and sorted with the help of a large group of volunteers. We are working on new toy donation processing procedures which we can then post on the website so all toys are processed safely. We had 20 volunteers come to the Buck Creek race, receiving $917 for our efforts. We have been asked to help again on October 7, from 1-4 and the Board committed to helping again on that date. Ann has also updated the job description of the gift shop manager and submitted it to the hospital to warrant a market review. We also looking to upgrade the assistant buyer position to a supervisory position. We are hoping to create an environment where we can retain staff long term in a position above cashier.
Gift Shop Report
Sara presented her report, a copy of which is on file with the Cheer Guild and incorporated herein. The Gift Shop Staff received a tier 1 on its survey of engagement and climate from the hospital. We have a full-time person in each shop, and do have some supplemental openings in each hospital. The North shop is scheduled to open September 18, and Sara and Macauley will be working hard the weekend before to get the shop ready, rather than working the Frankton Heritage Days Festival. We are hearing that the staff at IU North is very excited about us opening, and they are planning to include us in the cancer hospital they are getting ready to build.
Ex-Officio Report
Sara and Susan both commented on how much fun the Buck Creek event was to attend as a volunteer.
Secretary’s Report
Minutes were circulated for the previous meeting ahead of today’s meeting and were approved by the Board upon motion.
Treasurer’s Report
Stephen presented his report, a copy of which is on file with the Cheer Guild and incorporated herein. Stephen reported financials are on track for the year.
Toy Room Report
Teresa presented her report, a copy of which is on file with the Cheer Guild and incorporated herein. We are trying to accommodate the forthcoming changes and find areas where excess items can be shared with other organizations. We are also looking to schedule another gift day in the hospitals, which was very well received by the children. Dr. Haut is advocating for us to obtain additional space in the hospital for storage.
Tri Kappa Report
Kat presented her report, a copy of which is on file with the Cheer Guild and incorporated herein. In the fall of the odd-numbered years, Tri Kappa hosts 12 mini-conventions that reach all 252 chapters, running through Mid-November, soliciting new memberships and donated items that are easier to transport (Uno cards, composition notebooks, etc.). Tri Kappa were also sent update fact sheets and updated information on homemade items by Ann. Ronald McDonald House contacted Tri Kappa for blankets, who put them in touch with us, and we will try to provide some excess items to them as well.
Church Chapters Report
Heather submitted her report, a copy of which is on file with the Cheer Guild and incorporated herein.
Philanthropic Report
Nancy Buening noted that donations have come in from 5 groups this month.
Fundraising Report
Letisha Cook also reported that the Buck Creek even was a very fun volunteer opportunity.
At-Large Report
Wendy Budde provided her report.
New/Old Business
The women with National Association for Female Executives were not able to get anyone to sign up for their race, but its been rescheduled for April 21, 2018. We are the only charity for that event, which will be held at Ft. Ben. Dean discussed the Frankton Heritage Days Festival event. The biggest times we need are for balloon rides in the evening, from 6-10pm on 15th and 16th. Ann will be up there the whole weekend, and we’re hoping to have members take 2-4 hour shifts. There will also be booth set up for us. Dean also provided a follow-up to the discussion of the music event held at the retreat, and asked the board to consider volunteering for the music event committee, hopefully to be held next spring. The meeting was adjourned at approximately 5:09 p.m.