12 April 2017

Members of the public and press are entitled to be at the following meeting Public Bodies (Admission to Meeting) Act 1960 S.1 extended by the Local Government Act 1972 s.100, unless precluded by the Town Council by resolution during the whole or part of the proceedings. Such entitlement does not however include the right to speak on any matter except at the beginning of the meeting providing that prior notice has been given to the Town Clerk.

Members of the public are invited to ask a question or make an observation to the Chairman. Notice should be given to the Clerk at least six working days prior to the meeting if there is a particular issue. Twenty minutes has been set aside for questions at the start of the meeting. Residents are welcome to say and observe the rest of the meeting.

To Members of Kingsteignton Town Council Finance Committee

You are hereby summoned under the Local Government Act 1972 Sch 12s.10 to attend the Finance Committee of Kingsteignton Town Council at the Community Hall on Wednesday19 April, 2017at 7pmfor the purpose of transacting the following business.

Members of the public are invited to attend this meeting and may ask a question before the meeting with the Chairman’s approval.

C J Lakin

Town Clerk

Finance Committee:

Chairman: Councillor D Rollason (Deputy Mayor)

Councillors: B Austen, R Bovey, S Marshall, C Meathrel, M Stevenson, B Thorne, G Wickham

Ex Officio: Councillors: R Peart

Presentation from Miss Katie Stoddart re: application for funds from Travel Fund to assist with her visit to Indonesia for 8 weeks to undertake vital conservation research into how climate change is affecting our planets coral reefs, and using the data this provides to write my third year dissertation project (Min 06/17 refers) – 15 mins


F32/17To receive apologies for absence and consider if the reason for the absence should be formally approved by the council.

F33/17To receive any declarations of interest - a) in accordance with Section 31 of the Localism Act 2011, members to declare any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests in items on this Agenda; b) Clerk to report any written requests for dispensation in respect of items on this Agenda

F34/17To receive minutes of meeting held on Wednesday 8 March 2017

F35/17To receive Bills Paid and for Payment for March 2017 and accrued invoices due for payment up to 12 April, 2017

F36/17Statement of Assets as at 31.3.17 for signature by the Mayor and Chair of the Committee

F37/17KYDZ Drama School have requested their grant cheque to be made payable in the name of “N Smith” as they do not have account in the group’s name – to approve

F38/17Request from Giselle Leach for a grant from the Travel Fund towards her year long trip to Honduras as a structured volunteer placement with Project Trust, which is a registered education charity who send 17-19 year olds on volunteer placements throughout the world – to discuss (information attached)

F39/17To discuss and approve payment of £12,185 to Kingsteignton Youth Centre on receipt of Precept payment from Teignbridge District Council at the end of April 2017


  • Thank you letter from Kingsteignton Allotment & Leisure Gardeners Association for Grant
  • Thank you letter from KYDZ Drama School for grant

Next Meeting: Wednesday18 May 2017

F38/17Request from Giselle Leach for a grant from the Travel Fund towards her year long trip to Honduras as a structured volunteer placement with Project Trust, which is a registered education charity who send 17-19 year olds on volunteer placements throughout the world – to discuss (information attached)

My name is Giselle Leach and I am a 17 year-old student at Exeter College from Kingsteignton. In August of 2017 I will be embarking to Honduras for a whole year on a structured volunteer placement with Project Trust. Project Trust is a registered educational charity who send 17-19 year olds on volunteer placements throughout the world.

I will be volunteering as a teacher in a school where I will be teaching underprivileged Honduran children English, maths and science, significantly increasing their chances of future employment and career prospects. Additionally to this, I will set up extracurricular activities for these children, including sport, art and drama clubs to further their creative abilities. To fund my placement I have to raise a grand total of £6200. I am writing to the town council to ask for financial support towards my adventure.

I am passionate about teaching overseas as a volunteer because although every community has its own underprivileged, I am most taken aback by the level of poverty in the developing world, especially in Honduras and so I want to help people from these impoverished backgrounds get an education and have a better chance at life. Besides this, I am very interested in other cultures and learning about how different people live and I believe that by going on this 12-month volunteer placement I will be enabled to experience the culture at its fullest, by living life as a local. I want to pursue a medical-related career and I firmly feel that the skills I will gain throughout my year will be of great benefit to me in a caring environment.

While overseas on my project, I will develop a strong sense of leadership as I will be delivering lessons and having to control a whole class of children. Furthermore, I know that by living my whole year in the shoes of a local person I will become much more aware of the challenges people face, whilst also helping to improve these. My resilience will also certainly improve as I will come across many challenging situations which I will have to deal with and as a result become a stronger person.

In conjunction with asking for your financial help, I am holding a themed coffee morning as an introductory event where I will talk about what I am doing to raise awareness. Additionally, I am planning a quiz night and a game night where I will be holding a raffle, with the prizes being donated from various generous local businesses. Furthermore, I am presently attending many car boot sales and selling cakes.

I have attached a leaflet document for your referral, which further explains my year overseas.